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It's finally happened. The numbers at playgroup have picked up enough that my committee has decided it's time to take on an assistant. :D The trouble is that I've only ever worked on my own - first as a childminder and then as the sole member of staff at playgroup. :o Does anyone else out there work in a setting with just two staff members who could give me a bit of advice? xD I don't want to scare them to death by expecting too much of them, but nor do I want them to think I'm not letting them do enough. I'm sure the committee will be asking me about a job remit at the next meeting so want to be ready. :)

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That's great going Carol! You are of course too modest to suggest that the numbers have picked up as a result of your first year's endeavours, so I'm going to do it for you. :D


As for the rest, I'll leave it to better people than me to offer advice!

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Great stuff, Carol!!

Not really got time at present, just sneaked in before I dash off for the bus, but should have a small slot this evening, quite a few ideas for you, I hope. Although you probably don't need any help at all!!

Still can't print from that site, but refuse to give up!!! Might end up asking you to send some! :o


Sue :D

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Congratulations...... well done :D:D:D


I would say do a job description with the usual daily things that you do and would expect of her (but without the managerial jobs you do day to day)..


can get you a copy of what i expect from staff members if you want one just includes things like setting up/tidying away,offer appropriate stimulation and support to children, cirriculum planning, observations, liase with parents, ensure safe enviroment for the children, attend in service training etc...... :D

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Hi Carol


Great news :D


As well as following Hali's suggestion of a daily plan outlining tasks why not just be up front about it and say you are used to working on your own and therefore doing everything. I'm sure by sharing the daily tasks whilst listening to the new persons ideas with regard weekly planning of activities things will be just fine.


Good luck :)



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I hope you have more sucess than we did when you advertise the post. WE put ads in Job centre and evening paper, had 30+ responses for application forms, and interviewed 1. She was suitable on paper but you know when something just doesnt feel right?? Anyway she turned the job down after committee said they couldnt think of a reason not to have her. (phew) but 2 days later a parent from the local playground walked in and asked if we had a staff vacancy! She's been with us since last term and I really think she is the team member made in heaven. No qual yet, but enthusiasm to burn. Good luck in your search. :D

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That's great news for you Carol. It's good to have somebody to share the day with.

Can I suggest when you draw up a job description for this person you add "Any other duties which may be required". This then covers a multitude of things that you would not necessarily put into a job description but which may occur at some time. It just makes life easier.


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Thanks Linda, that's a good idea. :) I never got a proper job remit when I took over last year. The contract was quite detailed and seemed to cover the main points but didn't go into specifics. This was the root of one of the problems with my last committee, with them refusing to accept that all the things I did were necessary and part of my job. I asked at the beginning of this year to have a job remit drawn up but this has been sidelined due to our impending inspection. However, it will make sense to do it for both positions at the same time.


I know what you mean Rea. Normally when the playgroup advertises positions we get no takers at all. xD It's just a part time job and we're in a very rural area so really it only suits parents in the vicinity, probably with young children themselves. However, this year has been one of those years where everything seems to be slotting into place without any effort. :D The chairperson came to talk to me last week, saying that she had discussed it with her husband and would quite like to apply for the job. She's keen to do the SVQ and of course is well aware fo what the job would entail (including all the setting up and clearing away :( ). And she's really nice and I get on with her well. One of the other mothers has already stepped forward to say that she's happy to take on the chairs post too. :o Just pinch me if I'm dreaming please!! :(

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