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Hi all


I need some good advice as to what could be potentially a difficult situation.


We have a small group of children(4) who are in reception and go to our afterschool club. Although the teachers who hand over the children at 3.15 give the playworkers a quick verbal comment, nothing is written down. Should it be?


My thinking is that the reception teachers should make some brief comments, then the playworkers should make some comments (in a small notebook)

Parents can then take the book home and return it in the morning with the child to the reception teachers.


Do you think this is appropriate or overkill? What do others do in this situation?


My concern is that the teachers in reception may freak out at being asked to do whay they consider to be another chore.


Any advice, comments?




Hi, we have a similar situation although ours is from am/pm nursery in a school. We use to verbally pass on any messages or concerns if we had any about a particular child and obviously send first aid notes home for bumped heads. Then i decided it would be a good idea for all members of staff to add anything to the list of names we are given of any incidents that have happend so these can be passed on and do this throughout the am/pm as they happen this way we dont forget to pass the messages on. When the children are collected we give the list of names back along with any messages. This as seemed to work better as it is easy to forget to pass a message on especially when you have a busy morning. Hope this helps. 0258 x :o


I had a very similar situation when I ran an out of school club.


The first problem occurred when a child came through to us with an injury - I think it was a grazed knee or something - and there was no written note to say what had happened and what first aid had been administered. So when the parent came, my staff could not give them any information about the incident which obviously wasn't good practice at all. This prompted me to meet with the head of the school to resolve the situation and decide what should be done in future. Although not particularly happy about the extra paperwork( :o ), the staff saw tht what I was suggesting was necessary and we implemented a system of passing on wirtten information to the playworkers about accidents or any relevant incidents that had happened during the school day.


So, in short, I think what you are suggesting is a very good idea! xD


That sounds like a 'workable' idea Robinson0258, a message next to name on a list rather than lots of different message books.

The afterschool club could do the same and ensure parents see theirs.


My experience is of a parent of children who go to afterschool club, plus a nan of my grandson who also attends the afterschool club. As the afterschool club is not contactable durng the day, there have been times that my daughter has had to contact me to arrange for me to pick up my grandson, the afterschool club don't get to know this until I arrive. The school is informed but don't always remember to tell the afterschool club staff. The same applies for my two children if I need my daughter to pick them up for me from A.S.club. My son especially needs forwarning of change of 'routine' due to his special needs, so would benefit from being told if I'm not picking him up, who is, where he will be going instead of home etc.


Plus there are other messages like the school sweatshirt left at AS.club, my 2 only attend twice a week so it's useful if I need to remind them to pass the clothes to my daughter who goes o the AS club every day.




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