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Assistant Job Interview Questions..


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First visit and 2 posts! :o


We are holding interviews for the pre-School Assistant job and the chair has asked me to come up with about 6 questions. As the assistant they dont need to be qualified so dont want to ask too many difficult questions.


Any suggestions?....

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First visit and 2 posts! :o


We are holding interviews for the pre-School Assistant job and the chair has asked me to come up with about 6 questions. As the assistant they dont need to be qualified so dont want to ask too many difficult questions.


Any suggestions?....

This rather depends on what your 'hot topics' are, darlinbud!


Given the emphasis of outdoor experiences in the EYFS I'd definitely ask about how they feel about playing outside with children when its cold, wet and horrible!


How do they feel about messy play - and I mean getting their hands dirty and going home with paint smeared on their cheeks!


I'd also throw in a few 'scenarios' to test their reactions: one of my favourites is what they do when a parent stops them in Tesco and asks about how their child is doing, when they know there have been a few concerns about the child's behaviour lately... another about how they would deal with negative behaviour in the setting.


I use the interview questions to test their philosophy but also to identify any gaps in their knowledge, and identify where support might be needed. So if a candidate makes some comment about 'girls toys' then I would conclude that there's a bit of support needed on anti-bias practice.


Sorry - I'm rambling now. But does it help?



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Hi we do very similar to Maz -


A tell us about yourself /what could you bring to our team type question.



Describe something you have done in your setting recently which has given you great pleasure or has been a huge sucess?


A couple of scenario questions - usually one about CP eg - A child says something to you which suggests some sort of abuse - what would you do ?


What do they perceive their training needs to be ?


We always ask - Why do you think it is so impoortant for children to play ? ( I find that if thhey are really enthusiastic they light up when answering this one)


Hope that helps _ diz

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Hi, this is my first post but I have viewing for a while. I have been on recruitment training recently so hoped I may be able to help. Their main view on interview technique was to make sure it fit the job you were asking them to do and ask open question relating to job description, also to avoid hypothetical(sp) questions as they would give you hypothetical answers i.e what the candidate thinks you want to hear.


Suggested questions were, give an example of a time you have proteced a child from harm, following up their answer with more questions such as what was the outcome, what could you have done differently. Also asking them what qualities they could bring to the team asking for examples from real life experiences also asking about negative qualities and how they work to overcome this.


The training was safer recruitment it was 2 full days but fantasticaly useful


Hope this helps

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Welcome to the Forum, paintx!


Sounds like a useful course - might need to go on one myself! :o


You make really valid points about the types of questions to ask: I'd always ask for examples from a person's own practice where possible. However if the person has not worked in pre-school bfore then all you have to go on is their reactions to your questions and the responses they make to your hypothetical case studies.


I like your point about what qualities they bring to the team, too. One of our questions is about how they have dealt with conflict in their lives (road/trolley rage, etc) and the answers are often revealing!


What sort of setting do you work in, paintx?



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Hi Maz, thanks for welcome


The course was actually very good I had expected it to be a two day bore :o but was pleasantly suprised.


I work in a sessional pre-school running out of a children's centre, thankfully we are independant from them and still committee run which isn't ideal but better the devil you know!



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Hi Paintx, just wanted to welcome you to the forum and thanks for your very valid points, certainly made me think about what results one may get if we asked hyperthetical questions. Food for thought.



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Hi darlinbud,


I have posted some interview questions and in the resource library, they are pre EYFS so some wording will need changing.


you can find the questions HERE


Helen has also written a good article regarding Interviews, the applicants perspective to the experince. To find it select Articles on the left hand blue column of your screen.



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