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A Problem Staff Help!

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Hello all


My deputy has be with me for the past 4 years, she is brillant with her paperwork, planning records etc. My problem however is that for the past 2 years or so i have been getting constant complains from parents regarding to her attidute and non flexiblity. parents have withdraw their children because they have no confident in her. l get constant call on my mobile about her with parents talking with me for hours, i don't get complain re the other staff only her, she also had problems with staff, where the particular staff had to resign.


l am always calling her in on an informal basis, explaining all this to her, this is getting me really down, l tried to raise morale, by putting her forward for a foundation degree course, but now a parent called me tonight complaining yet again about her, and have given their notice, no notice really immediate because they feel her attidute is terrible, they also informed me that she has been telling them she has lupus (another story)and l am not helping her in any form or way, and that she would leave the employment after she gets her qualification, and she is only with me because she needs the job to get her qualification.


This is not good for the business at all, losing children in this climate we are in, :o i gave her a disciplinary letter last week, because i am really fed up xD of calling her on an informal basis, last time i told her about parents complaints she said why have you not sack me then.


Regarding the lupus she visited the disability officer telling them that she has just being diagnosied, but she wants short breaks because she gets tired, and the employment condition is making her health worse. l told her that the short break will be monitored because of abuse, and complaints from staff, when she gets the 'dizzy spells' she goes out for a quick smoke.



Thanks everyone in advance



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Ooh goodness, sounds like you are in a very hard position at the moment. Do you have annual appraisals where you have been able to flag these issues up with her?

It's a great shame if she's good with the paperwork - could you suggest that she perhaps becomes part-time and works from home doing paperwork whilst she is ill? Don't think she'll go for it but could it be worth a try?

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Could you contact one of the employment help agencies, such as ACAS for their advice? I know they seem like a huge corporation but when i had a dispute many years ago with an employer who wouldn't let me leave, they were fantastic! Listened to me sobbing and actually made sense of what i was saying!

I'm sure someone will be along to help in a minute!

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I empathise, I had a similar experience with my deputy, not quite as extreem as yours but I did lose some parents from my setting due to her 'frosty' attitude.


The question I ask is What do you want to happen?


Do you want to work with her in developing the skills and attitude she requires for the position.....or Do you now think it's time for her to go?


Was she given clear actions of expected changes in her disciplinary letter, and a timescale to achieve them, and a clear consequence if she didn't?


Do you fully understand her needs with regards to the illness, maybe you need to ask her to get a medical report from her doctor that states she is fit to work with this condition and to ensure yur risk assessment includes any considerations you need to make with this new information about her health. I would be concerned if the condition causes 'dizzy spells' whilst she is responsible for children, how could a dizzy spell impact on the childrens safety?.


Agree, as she has been employed for quite a while you do need to get legal advise, are you a member of the PLA, they have legal advisors, if not as already suggested contact ACAS.




Good luck, let us know how things go.



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Thank you all for the lovely replies.


The lastest parents she offended called me on friday morning and requested for a meeting with her to put their case across, the meeting lasted about 2 and a half hours. She was visibly shaken over the experience and parents told her a few home truths about her attidute, and the fact that if she is like this to them they have no confidence in leaving their child in her care, they praised the nursery and other staff and want we do but stated that she must try and changed her attidute. I have to say i was a bit pleased that someone from the outside ( be it parents) can give her this talk, :o l really hope that she takes it on board


The hearing will take place on friday, and i will take peggy's advise on board too thanks, she will be given clear instructions and what is expected.


Can someone please help on another issue, i gave clear instruction that staff should not have morning breaks, because of past abuse, mostly from smokers, she however, l have been told takes morning breaks with another member of staff who are smokers. staff are now complaining that it affects the set up when they have to cover rooms for this breaks.

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I have a very similar situation with one of my Senior Nursery Nurses. Have had numerous complaints from parents about her attitude, lack of communication etc which I have spoken to her about, but then it has recently come to light that important paperwork has not been kept up to date, post it note obs from August not added to profiles, children given the wrong food etc. Some of this happened when she was not there, unfortunately as room senior she carries the can.

I have had to carry out investigatory interviews and pass all evidence to HR (we are part of a bigger group) to make a decision as to whether it will go to disciplinary or not.

She has been taken out of the room and I have had to put another Senior in there to sort it all out. It's been a very uncomfortable couple of weeks for all of us, but by keeping the fact that we are doing it for the safety and well-being of the children has helped us all to get through it.

Gone through 1 or 2 bottles of "fruit juice" over the last couple of weeks - if you get my meaning!! Should all be over soon though!!

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Can someone please help on another issue, i gave clear instruction that staff should not have morning breaks, because of past abuse, mostly from smokers, she however, l have been told takes morning breaks with another member of staff who are smokers. staff are now complaining that it affects the set up when they have to cover rooms for this breaks.


I think there are two ways to address this:


1/ The staff who are taking unauthorised breaks are told clearly that any repeat of this will result in disciplinary procedures being followed ( are these clear to everyone-ie: included in induction?)


2/ Tell all the staff that if they can work together and have an agreed plan for short breaks for ALL staff during a session ( not just the smokers) without compromising ratio's then this is acceptable. We did this by all staff agreeing to shorten their lunch time by 10 minutes and having a 10 min break each during the session.


I worked the second option in my preschool, being a smoker myself and understanding how I felt when cravings occured. HOWEVER if we were short of staff or for any other reason whereby a short break affected the normal quality of the session it was clearly understood by all that the availability of a break was a 'privilage' and if necessery we would work through it.

I also made it clear that the smokers remained out of site of the entrance to the setting and discarded butts appropriately.



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Gone through 1 or 2 bottles of "fruit juice" over the last couple of weeks - if you get my meaning!! Should all be over soon though!!


Always helpful in moderation eh! :o


janny, I hope things sort themselves out soon for you, it seems you have the right attitude being that the children come first, keeping things in perspective and carrying out a proper investigation.


good luck, let us know what happens and how it was further handled, its always useful to hear how others have dealt with these issues.



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Just to update staff came in today and gave me her resignation letter, said she is fed up of parents complaining about her, mixed feelings really, one she has been with me right from when nursery was set up, but l think it is for the best because she was becoming a burden with loads of problem. Another question should i still go ahead with the discipilnary hearing on friday, even though she has resigned, i don't want her to now say she was constructively dismissed.




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Another question should i still go ahead with the discipilnary hearing on friday, even though she has resigned, i don't want her to now say she was constructively dismissed.

I'd say this is definitely an occasion where you should get proper advice - as you say there is always the risk that she will claim constructive dismissal.


How sad for your member of staff: I'm sure she'll be feeling very dejected and bewildered. It is incredibly difficult to deal with this kind of feedback when it seems to attack not only your practice but also your personality. I hope you get it resolved so that both sides can emerge with dignity and self-esteem intact!



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To give you an update - Senior was disciplined today and received 1st written warning which will remain on file for 9 months. She is back at work tomorrow; I wanted to move her out of the room completely but was over ruled by my line manager. I have, however, split up the little click that was in the room with immediate effect much to their horror and amazement!! The reason I have moved them straight away was because I couldn't risk the situation arising again with the 4 of them in 1 room It's been a horrible 3 weeks, especially today, but fortunately I do have lovely staff who have all rallied round and been very supportive (bottle of fruit juice for each of them tomorrow methinks!!!)

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I think the management are right to issue the warning and give her another chance to improve her practice. Employers have to tread very carefully nowadays and follow procedures to the letter. Presumably over the next few months she will be carefully supervised and supported to ensure that things are being done properly.


I think splitting up the little group is a wise idea too. Hopefully by mixing with others they will begin to understand the importance of carrying things out to the letter and more positive attitudes will 'rub off' on them. Good luck! :o

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I have, however, split up the little click that was in the room with immediate effect much to their horror and amazement!! The reason I have moved them straight away was because I couldn't risk the situation arising again with the 4 of them in 1 room

Well done you: there's nothing like the element of surprise! I'm sorry it has been so horrible for you, but hopefully things will begin to improve and you can get back on track. Things like this do make you appreciate your good and loyal staff all the more, don't they?


Keep your chin up!



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Thanks for your kind words Maz, even though I know I've done thre right thing especially for the safety and well being of the children, you still wonder if there was any other way to do things and I always come backto the same answer - NO. I know I did the right thing and the smiling faces of the children and the rest of the staff in that room proves it!!! Onwards and upwards!!!

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Hi Janny, I'm a bit confused but it is late and had a few 'juices' :o


Is the 'senior' who got a disciplinary today the same person that has resoigned and is due a meeting on Friday?


Not that it matters really, just wanted to say your attitude is inspiring, dealing with, taking on board pro-active measures rather than reactive, and appearing to keep things in perspective. Well done.


What I would also advise is to do an exit form, this is good for yours and staffs records, and is also a good way to 'finalise' everything in a professional manner.

I've attached one I used to use. (I would also refer to these if asked for references in the future. Feel free to use and adapt as you feel fit.


I would fill in my comments then pass it to te staff to complete the 'blue' sections.





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Hi Peggy thank you for your kind words and exit form. It is confusing as there are 2 threads running alongside each other here; mine (about a senior) and Nita's (about a deputy who has resigned)! We do do exit interviews as we are part of a larger organisation so we have to, but would always advocate them anyway - as you say good for references!


I do know the Senior is looking elsewhere for jobs, which will leave me a Senior down but her attitude yesterday (1st day back so obviously difficult for her) appeared to be one of "its not my fault", will let her find her feet again, get over the embarrassment and see if everything settles down again, if not fingers crossed she gets a job elsewhere (which I know looks like we are passig a problem elsewhere, but maybe a fresh start somewhere else is what she needs!

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