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New Job

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Well I thought I would update you about my new job as I have more new details


So I work Monday to Thursday mornings with Fridays at college. The maximum number of children they can have is 18 2-5 years old per session but at the moment there is only 7 to 9 children in the morning and 2 -5 children in the afternoon (when someome takes over from me sort of). There are more children to start after chrismas I think.


It turns out that I am the deputy preschool leader and the person I am covering for maternity leave would like a year off and I may have a job there as assistant if the numbers pick up when she is back.


Oh and it was fun this morning, we only had 7 children in morning which was nice as we could talk to each other (staff I mean) and then at lunch club another member of staff came and helped out. The nice thing is when I went they only had 3 children in preschool.


So does anyone have any free or cheapish ideas on how to get numbers up?





One of the most effective ways we have done in the past is to make flyers up then approach local schools and ask them if all the infant children can take one home in their book bags . We reckoned that a big majority of infant children have younger pre- school aged or coming up to pre-school age siblings.

How about advertising at mothers and toddlers groups as they are your customers - so to speak. Some one, one of the pre-school staff, could offer to go along and do a storytime at one of their sessions. Sounds like you are enthusiastic enough to pack the place out for them . Good luck


Oh I forgot to say - the one thing we found is that you have to really try to find out what would make you stand out from other Pre-Schools in the area - what do you offer that others dont type thing. That will give you a unique selling point over the other choices on offer. It may be a breakfast club, providing lunch ....... cant think !Hope this is helpful. The good news is that once you start filling up word of mouth is your biggest advert and the more children you have the more mouths there are out and about spreading the good news . Lizzy


Firstly well done on new job.. settled for a while now I hope..


we use an advert which we take to all local doctors, dentists library and other places parents may go with young children, have attached an example of our latest idea.. . It changes regularly and we keep going back to the places to put another up.. you can get parents to do this for you when visiting these places.. ours do.


Also as said parent and toddler places can be useful too..


we often start this term with low numbers which increase as term progresses.. we started with 9 on the books in September.. now we have 24, and 3 starting this week.. all word of mouth though.


Local schools can help , but some of ours ask for us to pay for advertising!


One does put a note on their newsletter for us at regular intervals.. you can only ask...




Well done on the new job beth, glad you like it :o


I've walked the streets (!) posting flyers through doors, put flyers in all the places Inge mentioned and even drove round with adverts in my car window.

My friend says the best advert is to say ' free child places available'. That often gets parents through the door.

We also had some free business cards printed which we'd leave in various places.


Thanks for the ideas guys.


I think they have done the leaflet drops and they normally have posters in certain shops (but haven't seen them recently :o ). Well I thought if I could come up with some new ideas for them maybe then more children may join, afternoons are very quiet at the moment.





We made a banner which we put out on our fence daily (just in case it gets nicked or vandalised). We used the Asda banner which they sent us to say we were collecting green vouchers. Now the scheme is finished we used the other side!! (Cheap? FREE!!!!)


I thought of a good one last night use netmums childcare board. Well I mentioned it to the leader who thought it was a good idea, so I will put the idea to the line manger (a commitee member) next week.


Oh and I worked all day i.e. 9am to 3.30pm, I am tired but I had lots of fun and the leader mentioned in passing that I wont leave as I will be a valuable to the preschool. The afternoon staff member was off again.


Anyway no rest for me, make tea in 45 mins, eat it and then off to help at brownies and distict meeting tonight! So no time for an online chat for me tonight. :o



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