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Music And Sound

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Hello. Just had a mini planning meeting for next term. We decided that all of the children in Foundation and Year One would have the same topic....music and sound. Year One are going to adopt the same Obesrvation Assessment and Planning format as Foundation which will be great. We just brainstormed a few ideas but we need activities to be progressive for Y1 children. Some of the ideas are as follows but we would love to hear your ideas as well!


Music from around the world, invite Musicians in to perform live, sound games...lotto etc, phase one letters and sound activities, making instruments, junk band, indoor/outdoor sounds, karaoke performances, music from different eras, dance, emotions/feelings....


any other ideas?


Thanks in advance!!



...any other ideas?


Hi Vicki, I'm Paul a new member here.


There are a ton of things that you can do with music and sound that can extend the children in different ways. Most of these have no cost implication


Here are a few ideas.


Investigate surfaces and objects in the classroom or objects brought in by practitioners - each will have a different sound based on:-

whether it is struck hard or softly and depending on what it is struck with,

scratched with fingers or tools


Ask the children to create new (onomatapoeic) words for the sounds they hear. Can they draw the sound, is it spiky, round, wobbly, big, small


Investigate quiet sounds.

If everyone is quiet what is the farthest away sound that he children can hear

Can you walk silently on a floor (surprisingly difficult)


Put your fingers in your ears - you can hear 2 sounds

the rumble of blood moving through your body

The high pitched sound of your nervous system


Use a blunt stick-like tool to listen to the sounds within objects. Close over the flap covering the earhole, press the tool against that and press the other end against a table, door, radiator etc etc to hear the sounds being transmitted that. - this works really well on a metal fence when someone taps the fence - booooom


Get some hosepipe and attach two funnels for a funky talking tube perhaps to connect two rooms or outdoor areas


Drop items (waterdrops, sand, beads) onto other objects and hear how they differ.


Go for a 'sound walk' in silence and ask the children to say the sounds they hear, walk over different surfaces and through leaves/snow


The junk band idea is great, there are many resources online and available to purchase that go beyond yogurt pot shakers and rubber band guitars.


As Cait says, mixing sound and movement is great - look on the web for dalcroze & Eurhythmics. Walking a pulse clapped by the practitioner is great, walking in time with the children's own clapping is better.


Activities that use high and low (jumping up to be a firework or tree growing from a seed) should be linked with sound pitches that are high and low or move in a glissando from one to the other.


As I said at the start once you start to think of the ways that you can investigate sound and how it can be created / changed, the ideas start to come quite quickly.


I wrote these off the top of my head and in no particular order, I hope that they are a useful (and cheap)






Hi Jacqui


Thanks for your kind response, this kind of stuff is second nature for me so I'm glad if it can be useful to other members - I have a reputation for being a bit of a sound-maverick so don't hesitate to ask if I can offer any more help (or explanation!).


When browing through the site resources I came across this excellent article that looks at a lot of the same kinds of areas I mentioned but also brings in many of the benefits of the wider school of music therapy.


What a great resource FSF is! Excellent stuff.


Thanks again



What a great resource FSF is! Excellent stuff.

You'll find no disagreement on that score. :o


If there were a prize each year for the worst pun I'd win hands down! xD


Wow! Thanks for your ideas. They are all fantastic, I shall share them with my colleagues!

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