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I've finally made up my mind. xD

After 4 years of teaching, i've decided to give it up. I qualified as a mature student and stress of working in the nursery has made me decide that i'm worht more than the job and my life needs more than just work. Also just heard that one of my old student's (he's 5 now!) father just dropped dead last week. no one knew that he had a dogdy heart till he died. Life shouyld mean more than planning, reviewing and assesment. so i'm giving it all up taking a break and thinking how best to fill each day.


I know that its not an option for many people who have to work to bring in the money but a tragedy like this makes you wake up and want to spend more time doing the 'things' that matter no matter what that may be.


Enough of this heavy stuff. I have found this forum to be very supportive through this year and I may have many books up for sale- just bough some on a Neil Griffith's course 2 days ago and not yet paid for them!!! Hope I get some good offers from other Forum readers :D:o

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Hi Leo

Sorry to hear that you are finishing. But sometimes you have to make a decision for yourself. And a tragedy like that puts life into perspective. The father of one of our children who has just started school had a mild heart attack a couple of weeks ago-you never know what is around the corner!!

Have you any idea what you will do now? Or will you give yourself some time before making a decision? Good luck with whatever you decide.


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Hi Leo, I'm sorry you've had to make this decision but I also understand how it came about. I sat for a long time during the summer break wondering if it was all worth it, the planning, observing, assessments, other paperwork, all for low pay and no thanks. I congratulate you on being brave enough to take that decision, loads and loads of luck in whatever you decide to do. :D

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I'm so sorry that you have had to make such a decision. It must have been very hard and I think that you are very brave. I can understand exactly where you are coming from as I often feel the same, but as I am three years from retirement I feel that need to struggle on. I have enjoyed your posts and often find that your opinions are very much the same as mine - so obviously you must be really brilliant!

I wish you the very best of luck.

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I think you are very brave, I think it is very sad though that people are leaving and thinking of leaving because of the pressures of work. The children are loosing talented and valuable people because of the amount of paperwork and pressure some practitioners are put under.

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HI Leo,

really sorry to hear that you have become so demoralised, I can understand and empathise with you as I too have recently made a very similar decision.

Your school will be a poorer place without you, but I wish you all the best in whatever you decide to do next and hope that you will not disappear completely from here. If you need to talk, you know where I am!!

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Good luck to you all.

After a pretty "pointless" and quite probably "political" promotion (I ruffle feathers, and say it how I see it) I was faced with a decision I never thought I'd have to make!!!!


Whilst asking our day services manager to sign some letters, I caught sight of my name in her diary for a meeting tomorrow. In this meeting I will be told to withdraw from the pre-school dept altogether (a dept I was employed to turn around, and despite my best interests the staff still are blinkered to the benefits of the FSC) and to withdraw any support from the pre-3 dept as the staff are taking advantage.


Basically my role will be to wash the dishes, sit in an office doing nothing and washing the dirty laundry.


What a promotion!!!


I am seriously considering leaving and becoming a child minder or returning to college. Oh if only I'd made the nursery business plans like I said, it all just seemed so complicated at the time (if anyone has any advice on nursery bus. plans I would now be very grateful, one may be just about to come onto the market!!!!!)


I admire you all for being strong enough to say enough is enough!!!!!




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I empathise, I have 20 yrs in the profession working with committees / charity, local Education Authority as an advisor, Assessor and college tutor and last 3 yrs my dream,I thought running my own preschool business.


After a dreadful nightmare experience with Ofsted last year I felt the same..is it worth it?


I wrote two lists reasons to carry on....... Reasons to quit.......


I still haven't really made the decision yet, only that if I do quit it will be on my terms and not because one particular "authority" has provoked it.


I stay because of the satisfaction of the childrens' and my staffs continued development, the fun, knowing I do make a difference for children, parents and staff.


However, I have high principles of what I believe to be best for under fives.

I feel that the "formal education" the demands for conformity toward academic ability, and what I now believe is becoming "Compulsory Education for under 5's" ( you must sit on the mat, you must learn something new today (not revisit, consolodate etc" ) is challenging my principles. It's all glorified in "Foundation Stage script and god forbid a Birth to three CURRICULUM when will it all end?


Leo, I applaud your decision, but with sadness and realisation that many of us are all "on the edge" from stress, undervalue etc.


There are lots of other avenues within the sector, advisory roles, assessing ( NVQ / Quality Assurance, tutoring etc which would benefit from your knowledge, skills and expertise or maybe YOU COULD BE my next Ofsted Inspector. :D

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Leo, congratulations on your brave decision. In my school we lost two teachers at the end of the summer term - one took early retirement after illness caused by over-work and stress, the other (a much younger teacher) has quit teaching. I have to say I would give up tomorrow if I could think what I could do instead - I don't want to swap school planning, assessment etc for similar running a nursery!! Get me away from OFSTED.


All the best for the future Leo ... I wish I was as brave.


Jambo - best wishes for you to - I hope you find the answer you need.



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I have been to the library and borrowed Richard Branson's business setup guide.

I have been seriously misguided over my promotion, the job description and the actual job I have are worlds apart and despite my enquiries I have been told to "wind my neck in!!!!"

Having been removed from the pre-school department, an area I love and am comfortable and confident in, parents have been coming to me to ask what on earth is going on now I have left????

I have tried to reassure them that things will get better, but it is only getting worse :(:oxD

I have had 3 parents this week almost in tears because they miss me and their child is regressing. Where am I????? I have been given the illustrious tasks of dish washing, bottom changing and washing laundry!!!!!


Bottom line is that I have asked the parents to put their concerns about the lack of proper provision for their children down in writing.


I have lost heart now, all my hard work going down the drain. The new staff team do not seem capable of any sort of planning, leave the rooms in a complete (no exaggeration) tip and show no respect for the resources we have or even the children themselves.


My quiet voice "policy" has gone and instead of the children making "doing silly things" or "making me sad" when they don't listen or throw toys ( the staff do, so why shouldn't they!!!!) Instead the children are sat in corners and told they are naughty (oh how I hate that word)


I'm a professional, get me out of here!!!!!!!!



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Jambo i am really sad to hear this, i do feel for you and the professional in me says keep going things will get better with you in control...but we are all human and can take so much....im afraid if i were in your shoes and could take more action is needed ...state your case or move on......sorry :o

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I have given myself until july next year. I have been told by tutors and people I am currently helping in setting up playschemes that I should clone myself, I am conscientious (big word for one drinking wine) and full of enthusiasm (there's another)


Where am I going wrong at work??


Having seen the redundancies, and knowing that without natural wastage over the past couple of months there would have been more; the money being poured into other areas of the organisation and half hearted attempts at open plan (only to find 2 of the walls requested and agreed are not being knocked through) I feel that maybe there are bigger plans affot for the premises we are in.


Old Victorian building, panellled etc (comes complete with ghosts, I've met at least 2; one threw a bunch of keys at me from above!!!!!! :oxD )


If anyone out there has any info on mobile playschemes, playbuses etc PLEASE let me have a look. I have a house full of resources of my own and just need premises or an affluent (there's another big wine word!!!!) backer!!


Help. Thanks



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Well, on many an occasion I have been walking through the building only to hear someone walking behind me, I am usually the first person in the building and on several occasions, as I turn around a young girl in a maid's uniform (Victorian, long black skirt etc, white cap on hair) has skirted past me to rush to the kitchens.


The most recent and possibly most disturbing incident is when the pre-school dept moved upstairs and things moved overnight!!!!!

One morning I came in and opened up all of the doors etc and place the keys on the same hook as always. Some time later I came to get the keys as confidential documents were needed. They had gone!!!


I spent a great deal of time looking for the keys and eventually gave up looking. The next morning I walked through the corridor only to have the keys "thrown" at a great speed towards my face. There was no-one else there and to this day I cannot explain where the keys came from.


Before we moved upstairs, the 2-3 dept was always cold, with very particular cold spots and many of the staff have heard the children speaking to a woman. One "disturbing" incident I witnessed was helping a member of staff to bath and change a child with a "poo problem" he was obviously distressed, in pain and feeling really unwell. As we gathered new clothed together for him to wear, he suddenly began to laugh and say "that's funny" when we asked what was funny he asked us to tell the lady to stop tickilng him. No word of a lie when we looked his tummy was "rippling"

In this same room we have heard children having coherent conversations with people and one mother even came and asked us who this young girl was as her daughter was aware of her presence!!!!!!


Spooky or what, there are more where that came from ( I have shouted at her for messing in the cloakroom etc)




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Hey the ghosts do a better job than some of my staff!!!


Don't knock it 'til you've tried a paranormal nose wiper!!!!!!


Seriously, last year I went in at the weekends to do some murals on those high Victorian walls!!


One Sunday morning I was at the top of a ladder and the whole bucket of wind up musical toys started to go off at once.

Needless to say that was a little bit too much for me!!!!!


There are many incidents whre I have found the children talking to a lady in the toilets (un-nerving I know!!!!!) and a couple of mums have told me about their children talking about the new lady!!!!


I hope to employ her shortly!!!!



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Hi Jambo


I hope your ghost has got an 'enhanced disclosure'!!!! otherwise Ofsted will not let it near the children xD



My daughter has had her enhanced dsclosure through in less than 2 weeks, (she has started college and doing a teaching course) it takes at least 3 - 6 months for my staffs enhanced discosure to come through. :o



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