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Expect The Unexpected


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Ok so I woke up to a white ground with the snow. I knew it had been snowing has mum had come into my bedroom a few times to tell me whilst I was trying to sleep. xD I walked to work this morning, the gritters hadn't been around and the main road was difficult to drive a very long que of traffic to get into town. My trousers were soked though with lorries going the other way driving too fast.


Work was fun tried to make a snowman, threw snowballs at each other and made footprints in the snow. I was wet though and so was the children when we got back inside. The children liked seeing the snow, I bet a few of them have made snowmen at home this afternoon.


I walked back through a snow storm, it started gently then got heavy. It has been snowing on and off all afternoon, I may not get to brownies tonight at this rate party night and make promise/enrole a few girls too. It is ment to snow all week where I live, if that happens I for one will not venture out to college! The buses are running slower than normal.



So whats the weather like by you?





P.S. the suns come out to play for a short while, :o and snowing very lightly at the same time.

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Plenty of snow near me - well for our area any way. The soft teachers at my children's school decided they couldn't go to work so I had to "encourage" my hubby to stay off work too and we all went to playschool together. Had 5 children turn in and we all had fun playing out in the snow. Only regret was that we didn't have anything for hot chocolate so we had to make do with hot blackcurrant. Snow has stopped for the time being but we haven't got rid of what we've got and hubby is trying to work out if he can work for the rest of the week! I clearly will be if we managed to open today.

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lucky you is all i can say!!!!!! :o



No its not, I am fed up of seeing snow, yes its coming down again. Theres me thinking I could get on with coursework, sorry but it is sooo interesting after not seeing any last winter! :(


Well it will be very icy underfoot, not looking forward to walking to work for the next couple of days I am scared of falling over and hurting myself.


Oh and then it stops snowing! xD



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It started at 6am just intime for the morning rush hour this morning xD It's not cleared all day.This afternoon what was supposed to be rain has been really enormous fluffy flakes.The amount of parents who said 'I bet your looking forward to driving home?' as i let the children go. I drive a class mini BUT its front wheel drive with wide tyres on her so guess what .....hee,hee,hee... a lorry goes side ways down the road, every car driver panics and little old Penelope Pipstop me sails on by....


I am a bit worried about Thursday though as todays forcast for my postcode was sleet( yeah right!) :( but Thursday is heavy snow :o

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It started at 6am just intime for the morning rush hour this morning :wacko: It's not cleared all day.This afternoon what was supposed to be rain has been really enormous fluffy flakes.The amount of parents who said 'I bet your looking forward to driving home?' as i let the children go. I drive a class mini BUT its front wheel drive with wide tyres on her so guess what .....hee,hee,hee... a lorry goes side ways down the road, every car driver panics and little old Penelope Pipstop me sails on by....


I am a bit worried about Thursday though as todays forcast for my postcode was sleet( yeah right!) xD but Thursday is heavy snow :o


Hey biccy tell me about it. It was funny looking rain if you ask me! xD


Oh eck at the lorry sailing pass but glad your ok.


I am also worrried about Thursday's forcast for heavy snow. :rolleyes: I may get stuck at work with the children but I only live 15 mins/ 1/2 miles walk away. Oh well I should just think about all that exercise walking to and from work is doing me some good. :(


If I can although its now its dark I may post a pic to show you all how much snow has fallen today!


Oh I also heard that a school near me closed due to this small amount of snow today! :(


Jenni - I wasn't the one asking children to throw snowballs at each other it was the other staff member and the snow was soo soft it disintergrated in the air. Now that was a sight to see, lots of snow in the air when it wasn't snowing. :(




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Right no pictures, I seem to be having fun trying to upload them. Got a feeling its too big to upload or computer is playing up again.





Wow, how lovely and lucky you are to have these opportunities to see snow and make snow balls. All we have had down here in sussex is cold and bitter winds, temperature now 2.5 and very cold. No snow at all, it tried to sleet at lunchtime at School just as we went outside . So after giving children 20 mins to run around play etc we then gave them a choice of either staying out or coming into my classroom to watch a DVD and for those who stayed outside we brought them in for the last 5 mins to warm up.

Two years ago we had great fun making snowmen etc but nothing so far this year. Maybe tomorrow or Thursday........


Nicky :oxD

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Well the forcast for Thursday...............more snow early advanced warning, looks like another fun morning rush hour.


I wonder how many schools will be closed this time around?


I also wonder how heavy this snow is going to be and if I am able to walk to work tiwce on Thursday (staff mgt in afternoon) or if I get stuck at work with all the snow.





P.S. Just realised that my snowman avatar is very apporiate for todays weather in some parts of the country. :o

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Guest MaryEMac

We had a little snow shower yesterday but it didn't settle. We had quite a lot of snow two weeks ago and the children loved it. One of my mum's came in on the monday morning and said that her partner took their 3yr old out around the village and they were throwing snowballs at each other when they were stopped by a passing policeman who told them to stop because they had offensive weapons :o . Yes a 3yr old with a snowball - an offensive weappon. It beggars belief doesn't it? I know that older kids could put stones in them but a little girl of 3?



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We had a little snow shower yesterday but it didn't settle. We had quite a lot of snow two weeks ago and the children loved it. One of my mum's came in on the monday morning and said that her partner took their 3yr old out around the village and they were throwing snowballs at each other when they were stopped by a passing policeman who told them to stop because they had offensive weapons :o . Yes a 3yr old with a snowball - an offensive weappon. It beggars belief doesn't it? I know that older kids could put stones in them but a little girl of 3?





What a snowball an offensive weapon! What ever next....?




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No snow here! Just a tiny bit of slush on Tuesday. Bright sunshine here yesterday and today. Been up to my friends on the hills 20 minutes away and they have loads of the stuff still.

Crossing my fingers for some tomorrow but then I'm not because I've got a meeting at work about going back to work.

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I didn't know you had a girlfriend Rea :o


You'd be surprised Maz. I buy her favourite icecream, small gifts, cook her tea, even gave her a pair of my knickers (new still in packet!) when she'd been caught in the rain, and often take her home at around 10pm.


But she's lovely so none of its a problem.

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