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Exciting News!


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Some of you may have noticed my absence from the forum for the past few weeks, this is because I have been rather ill. I have dragged myself to my computer as I wanted to let you all know that I am going to be a mummy! :D :D :DxD


Yes...I am pregnant and overjoyed, but suffering!! I am 8 weeks pregnant and the baby is due on 16th May. I had a scan last week and all is well, it was very emotional. I can't believe that something so tiny can make you so ill!! And who decided to call it 'morning sickness' anyway? :o


Hubby and I are thrilled, it will be our first and we are a bit scared, but looking forward to it! :D




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Congratulations and the best of luck with everything. xD


You must be excited and happy. This will be the best time- when everybody enquires after you and your health.

Wait till the baby comes- then it suddenly changes to 'hi. how the baby?' :( and then after 10 minutes they remember to ask after you!!!!!!! :o

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Hey Shelley!


Now that you've let everyone know, let me officially congratulate you! :D I was talking to Ann last Thursday - she assured me she was looking after you.


Take care - let me see the scan piccies soon.


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Congratulations to you and your other half! I hope you have a very happy and healthy pregnancy and that everything goes well for you and the baby.

Enjoy the time without the baby, that's what my friend is doing (she's due in January and I'm going to visit her tomorrow to see her baby scans and have a good old chin wag!)

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Hi Shelley that is wonderful news. Congratulations to you both. :D It is certainly a very exciting time. My first baby will be 18 in May just a few days before your EDA.

I remember the "morning sickness" only too well and as you say why it is ever called morning sickness I'll never understand. There is lots of help available now on the internet, I think, to relieve symptoms although I found small snacks and Lucozade helped a great deal and lots of sleep!

Hope you will soon be feeling lots better and able to participate on here, I had wondered where you were!

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Congratulations Shelley! I had horrendous morning sickness when expecting my first child. When I was pregnant with my second child somebody suggested acupressure bands (sold for travel sickness). I kept them on my wrists 24/7 until I was approx 18 weeks pregnant. I had a much better pregnancy and wore them again with my third pregnancy. It might be only psychological (I'll never know) but they worked for me!! Good luck,


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I'll second the recommendation for the sea-sickness bands. I had terrible sickness with all three of my pregnancies, and like you, wondered why on earth it is called 'morning' sickness. I found that snacking regularly helped, even if you don't think you can eat. Eating something, just a cracker even, before I got out of bed, made it subside a little. Also, sipping ginger ale eased the queasiness. And nibbling ginger biscuits.


I was lucky and it subsided at about 12-15 weeks each time for me. Then I just moved on to the aching legs, sciatica, and all the other joys - but don't worry about those for now!!


Well, you're at 8 weeks, I'm at about 8 months! I"m starting to think that maybe I should be a little more organised and maybe even pack a bag for the hospital, just in case this one decides to come early!


You'll be amazed, the time will pass in a flash and suddenly you'll be worrying about the same things! In the meantime, enjoy every moment. :D

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"Has anyone yet suggested that you might be spending even less time online in about 7 months time, for a good few years?"


I'm not so sure Steve - for the first few months, I spent a long time at the computer with my baby sleeping in a sling! Mine both liked to be held to sleep, so my life-saver was my maya wrap sling. I used to rock them off to sleep, then sit down at the computer and pretend I was working. :o In fact, I was looking up all sorts of baby stuff on the internet - and buying things that I couldnt resist. :D


If you haven't already got one, Shelley, I strongly recommend you get a sling and get the baby used to going in it from the start. I have several, my husband likes the front pack types, but I like the pouch kind. Slings have always been my lifesaver! I believe that being that close to mum in the first months strongly supports brain development. Plus, there is nothing like having your newborn snuggling against you!!

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Thanks everyone for you wishes and advice! I have tried all of your suggestions already and the only thing that seems to work is just to constantly eat! :(:(

I am trying to snack on healthy foods like grapes etc but the odd choccie and crisps do sneak in too!! xD


Steve, you won't get rid of me that easily!! :( I am hoping to return to work on a part-time basis (subject to my head's approval), so I am sure that I will still be logging on for tips & advice!


Nichola, I feel the same as you and fully intend to buy a pouch thing. I couldn't think of anything nicer! You must be getting really excited about meeting your new little one. Not long now! You must let us know how you get on (if you get a spare minute!!). :o Do you know if it's a girl or boy?


I am signed off work this week as I had a scare at the weekend, but after a precautionary scan, all is well and baby is growing fast! I seem to be spending the whole time sleeping, which is lovely! So I'll be logging on every so often and giving my 5 eggs worth when I get a burst of energy!!


Thanks again for all your support!

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:D Congratulations Shelly and Nicola :D:D


Wishing you both well and best wishes for the safe arrival of your little people.


New babies, I love them, especially when you can give them back. Mine are 10 and 7 now and am enjoying a nappy free exsistence where you get to sleep all night.



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Dont know about you Shelley but I seem to have ...'beached whale syndrome' already... and Im only 12 weeks.

We have a particular tree here which produces the most wonderful remedy for morning sickness, I needed it for the other 2, but so far I seem to have escaped this time. :o


Mind you it did hit 45 degrees here last week, so lots of sleeping is definately in order. :D

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Jennyk congratulations on your pregnancy too. I know what you mean about beached whale! :oxD


Stretchy trousers have become my best friend. The problem is, if you don't know I am pregnant, I just look like I've been over doing it on the choccie bars!!!! Am 10 weeks tomorrow and I am hoping that half term will mark the beginning of me feeling better as I will be in my 2nd trimester...fingers crossed!


Nichola - how are you doing?

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