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Does anyone have an up to date complaints procedure that I can look at / adapt and use?????


had it as one of my recommendations on my last inspection and I know that Ofted are coming out on Monday as I have a staff member being interviewed as a suitable person and I need an updated one ASAP Any help is very much appreciated



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I had the same query back in October when I was reviewing all our policies to make sure they were EYFS appropriate. If you go into 'Search Forum Posts' at the top of this page and type in 'complaints policy' you will get a long list of relevant posts. My post is about 13 from the top. I followed Maz's advice which was:


"Don't know why I didn't think of this before!


Just bought a new PLA complaints book which had a whole lot of stickers to put over the bit where the National Standards info went. Now there are a set of boxes to tick to show which category the complaint falls into:-


The General Welfare Requirements:-


Safeguarding and promoting children's welfare

Suitable people

Suitable premises, environment and equipment




Learning and Development Requirements:-


The Early Learning Goals

The Education Programme

The Assessment Arrangements



Does that help any?


Maz "


One day, when I have more time (LOL!) I will learn how to post a link!!

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I had the same query back in October when I was reviewing all our policies to make sure they were EYFS appropriate. If you go into 'Search Forum Posts' at the top of this page and type in 'complaints policy' you will get a long list of relevant posts. My post is about 13 from the top. I followed Maz's advice which was:


"Don't know why I didn't think of this before!


Just bought a new PLA complaints book which had a whole lot of stickers to put over the bit where the National Standards info went. Now there are a set of boxes to tick to show which category the complaint falls into:-


The General Welfare Requirements:-


Safeguarding and promoting children's welfare

Suitable people

Suitable premises, environment and equipment




Learning and Development Requirements:-


The Early Learning Goals

The Education Programme

The Assessment Arrangements



Does that help any?


Maz "


One day, when I have more time (LOL!) I will learn how to post a link!!


No this is wrong apparently there is all of the new procedures and forms in the back of the EYFS document I shall be hunting for it later!

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No this is wrong apparently there is all of the new procedures and forms in the back of the EYFS document I shall be hunting for it later!

That's interesting - I have just done a search on the PDF of the Statutory Framework and whilst it tells you what policies you need to meet your legal requirements I can't see any actual procedures or forms - if you track it down let me know!



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Me too! I have updated mine as mentioned in the meantime!


I know I have been looking too but I cant find it anaywhere. I think I will get in touch with either the LA or the PSLA see if they know where it is. It is becoming very frustrating!

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I found the online cmplaints form for Parents provided on the Ofsted site HERE


Parent advice leaflet attached.



Investigating complaints or concerns about registered childminders and childcare providers.pdf 47.91 kB Part of the new childcare documents published in September 2008. Can be found HERE


Not sure if these will help




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I found the online cmplaints form for Parents provided on the Ofsted site HERE

I had a quick look at the documents you linked to Peggy - some of them relate to schools and so the categories that complaints might fall into will obviously be different from those for early years settings which will need to be categorised by the welfare requirements of the EYFS.


The Pre-school Learning Alliance has now published its new book of generic policies and procedures which is an excellent buy at approximately £12 (from memory - haven't looked it up).


I have used it to revamp my complaints procedure following my recent brush with Ofsted regarding a parent's complaint - but I haven't uploaded it because I'm not sure about copyright and I don't want the PLA breathing down my neck!



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Thanks Maz, I did notice they were for schools but thought the online complaints form could be adapted using some of the sections they have.


It's a shame that there isn't an easily found updated form (for EYFS) like the one I used to use which was from the Ofsted site in 2007.



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The Pre-school Learning Alliance has now published its new book of generic policies and procedures which is an excellent buy at approximately £12 (from memory - haven't looked it up).


I have just got this book in the post today and want to have a good look through it but first glance it looks fab i think i'm going to revamp all my policies and procedures in line with this and it has lots on risk assessments as well!! it has all the relevant principles and welfare requirments numbered and set out for every policy they also seem to have every base covered!

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It's a shame that there isn't an easily found updated form (for EYFS) like the one I used to use which was from the Ofsted site in 2007.

I seem to remember from a different thread that Ofsted are going to issue new forms at some point - but in terms of a complaints procedure I think the PLA is probably the best source in the absence of anyone who has written their own!


Wouldn't life be much easier if all the policies and forms you needed were available to download from Ofsted and you could just adapt them to your own requirements? :o



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I seem to remember from a different thread that Ofsted are going to issue new forms at some point - but in terms of a complaints procedure I think the PLA is probably the best source in the absence of anyone who has written their own!


Wouldn't life be much easier if all the policies and forms you needed were available to download from Ofsted and you could just adapt them to your own requirements? :o





So are you going to send Ofsted a 'suggestive' email then Maz? xD



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I seem to remember from a different thread that Ofsted are going to issue new forms at some point - but in terms of a complaints procedure I think the PLA is probably the best source in the absence of anyone who has written their own!


Wouldn't life be much easier if all the policies and forms you needed were available to download from Ofsted and you could just adapt them to your own requirements? :o




I totally agree if they are going to keep changing what we are supposed to be using they could at least provide us with some sort of guidance as to what they want it to look like the whole thing is very frustrating.


And did you know she also advised us that we didn't need to do next steps planning! there are so many different people telling us so many different things and I worry that if I take her advice we might get another inspector next time who doesn't agree! Grrrr

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So are you going to send Ofsted a 'suggestive' email then Maz? :o

There wouldn't be much point, Peggy: I remember asking our inspector something fairly innocuous at our inspection and she told me "Ofsted don't give advice". It seems they can tell us what they don't like but not exactly what they want to see! xD

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Don't know if this is any good ....



Hi thanks for that but I hate to say it - this is more or less what I have and it isn't right! I think Im not sure about this but the complaints form has to be filled in immediately and you have to have somewhere that you will respond to the parent in writing in 28 days. My PSLA rep is sending me something that should help but with the Christmas post it seems to be taking some time



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I think Im not sure about this but the complaints form has to be filled in immediately and you have to have somewhere that you will respond to the parent in writing in 28 days.

Well that's interesting - I've just checked the most up to date PLA policy and there is no mention of the need to respond to parents within 28 days - the only deadlines in my policy are the ones I have put in (acknowledging a letter within five working days and agreeing a suitable future date to meet parents within five working days of the request). However the EYFS says settings must inform complainants of the outcome of the investigation of all written complaints (page 23 of the statutory guidance) so I shall add that bit in somewhere, too!


When you talk about the necessity to fill in a complaints form immediately I'm not sure whether you mean a form that records the details of the complaint which is signed by the parent or whether you mean your complaints book/log. In the PLA publication about complaints there is a template that can be used to help a parent make a complaint, however there doesn't appear to be a necessity to fill in a form at all - most parents would write a letter anyway. The PLA policy says that settings must complete the summary complaints log for every complaint that reaches stage 2 (ie situations where the concern has not been allayed through discussion and the parent wishes to pursue the complaint further).


I originally bought the new policy at the PLA stand at an exhibition a couple of months ago - when my recent complaint was still in full flow - and at that point the policies were available on the website but not yet published. My book arrived last week so I'm going to go and check if the policy I have has been amended by the new book. I'm still uncertain about copyright but if there are any material changes I'll let you know.




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Well that's interesting - I've just checked the most up to date PLA policy and there is no mention of the need to respond to parents within 28 days - the only deadlines in my policy are the ones I have put in (acknowledging a letter within five working days and agreeing a suitable future date to meet parents within five working days of the request). However the EYFS says settings must inform complainants of the outcome of the investigation of all written complaints (page 23 of the statutory guidance) so I shall add that bit in somewhere, too!


When you talk about the necessity to fill in a complaints form immediately I'm not sure whether you mean a form that records the details of the complaint which is signed by the parent or whether you mean your complaints book/log. In the PLA publication about complaints there is a template that can be used to help a parent make a complaint, however there doesn't appear to be a necessity to fill in a form at all - most parents would write a letter anyway. The PLA policy says that settings must complete the summary complaints log for every complaint that reaches stage 2 (ie situations where the concern has not been allayed through discussion and the parent wishes to pursue the complaint further).


I originally bought the new policy at the PLA stand at an exhibition a couple of months ago - when my recent complaint was still in full flow - and at that point the policies were available on the website but not yet published. My book arrived last week so I'm going to go and check if the policy I have has been amended by the new book. I'm still uncertain about copyright but if there are any material changes I'll let you know.





Thanks for that Maz Im expecting what I am going to be sent from the PSLA will be the most up to date version of what ever it is we need to be showing. with the logging perhaps that is what I am thinking of and I suppose I would make a written note of these complaints if it was informal on the parent interaction sheet. I didn't know you could view stuff on the PSLA website like policies etc. Where do I fend them / how do I do that?


With the nappy changing thing I mentioned earlier apparently there is a new nappy changing policy that we all have to have now so be on the look out for that!

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I didn't know you could view stuff on the PSLA website like policies etc. Where do I fend them / how do I do that?

When you buy the policy document they give you a password to access the secure part of the website. Although the book seems to contain much more than I remember being on the website...

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Right. Have just checked my book "Policies and Procedures for the Early Years Foundation Stage" published by the PLA, £16.75 for non-members and £12.60 for members. I'm not on commission but I would really recommend buying a copy - saves hours and hours of work writing your own policies and you can just adapt them to suit your own circumstances. The book contains the web address and password so that you can download all the policies you need - and this is how the PLA will keep you updated when any changes are made.


I've checked the website against the policy in the book and they have updated it to say that complainants must be informed within 28 days of the outcome of the complaint when it has reached Stage 2 (ie the complaint has been made in writing). So the policy in the book has already been updated!


No forms of complaints log paperwork is attached to the complaints procedure itself - but they do point you towards the PLA's publication "Summary Complaints Record" which was published in 2006 which you can use to record details of the complaint (anonymously of course because this must be available for parents to see if they wish). Since this was published before the EYFS became statutory when you buy if you get some sticker pages which enable you to categorise the complaint according to the EYFS, as discussed previously in this thread.


Hopefully your PLA rep will provide you with a copy of the procedure along with a photocopy of the summary complaints log - although if it doesn't arrive she could presumably email it to you.


There's a nappy changing policy too Debs - so ask her for that one too!



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Right. Have just checked my book "Policies and Procedures for the Early Years Foundation Stage" published by the PLA, £16.75 for non-members and £12.60 for members. I'm not on commission but I would really recommend buying a copy - saves hours and hours of work writing your own policies and you can just adapt them to suit your own circumstances. The book contains the web address and password so that you can download all the policies you need - and this is how the PLA will keep you updated when any changes are made.


I've checked the website against the policy in the book and they have updated it to say that complainants must be informed within 28 days of the outcome of the complaint when it has reached Stage 2 (ie the complaint has been made in writing). So the policy in the book has already been updated!


No forms of complaints log paperwork is attached to the complaints procedure itself - but they do point you towards the PLA's publication "Summary Complaints Record" which was published in 2006 which you can use to record details of the complaint (anonymously of course because this must be available for parents to see if they wish). Since this was published before the EYFS became statutory when you buy if you get some sticker pages which enable you to categorise the complaint according to the EYFS, as discussed previously in this thread.


Hopefully your PLA rep will provide you with a copy of the procedure along with a photocopy of the summary complaints log - although if it doesn't arrive she could presumably email it to you.


There's a nappy changing policy too Debs - so ask her for that one too!




Thanks for that Maz I am going to buy the book, at least then I will get an update when things change cant do it til after the holiday though cos my PSLA reference is down at the setting! what a pain oh well will be stuff to sort in the New Year!


I have received the procedure from my rep and mine really is quite out of date so the book is def the way forward and a good investment I hope!


Thanks for all your help

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