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Can't Get Into A Flow...............


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I am in the first term of my early years degree and very keen




not to get a fail grade on my first assignments........


At the start of the course the "D" grade our one tutor mentioned often, as a good starting point for "newbies" sounded really awful.


Now however, I'd be glad to get a D and just know that this was done and dusted!!


The title is "Examine the role of the adult and the context of the settings in providing valuable play and learning opportunities for children"


Lovely eh?


I know once I get going it will be fine but I am just not getting going!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I wanted to get the assignments at least done in a first draft before Chrismas so I could relax. We are (for the first time ever) away over New Year and then it will be straight back into work and the assignment almost due.


I am not expecting clues or help from here.


Just wanted to moan to those who would be sympathetic to my worry!!!!!!!!!!!


Of course just being on here is a diversionary tactic to not be working!!!!!!!


Oh dear.


Better try getting back to it................... have done about 100 words this afternoon (intro paragraph!!!)



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I always try to strip things back to the bare bones to get me going. :(


So basically, what is it that you do that a performing monkey can't do instead. (Always assuming that you actually do do something :o:( ) And what is it about the setting and the way it is laid out or arranged that also adds that little bit more to what the children will be getting out of their play, that they might not get otherwise. After all, we can all just throw a few things out for children to play with but we tend to try to do a bit more than that. xD

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Thanks Carol!


strangely, just after posting my message I did get a little flow going........ upto about 268 words now!!!!!!!!!!!!


I always think once a start has been made its easier!!


Will take on board your advice...... just picturing a monkey doing my job......... would anyone notice?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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Great stuff, 200+ words is a good start.

Everyone works in different ways, but for me the intro and conclusion always come last.

Ill start with writing down a series of thoughts often in a random order, and then adding to them with bits of research etc. Then Ill put them into some sort of order. Usually by the time Ive done that Im over words quite dramatically and have to decide what to leave out.


Keep at it Scarlet angel, it does get easier as you get more practised, honest..

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hi Im also just up to 1500 words of a 2000 wd essay ,that has to be in on tuesday.

I think because its the first its harder because we dont have a bench mark.Once we have completed the first and its been marked I think it helps you focus as you have an indication of how much better we need to do things.

Anyway im waffling instead of finishing my essay.

Just wanted to say good luck with your writing :o


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Thanks all.


Have stuck at the 268 mark on the word count but do feel a little more confident now.


Back to it tomorrow afternoon after the sunday morning jobs!!


Will let you know how I go!!



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Debs.... go for it.


You are nearly there!!!!!!!!!!!


Only 500 to go.


Much better than worrying about 2232 more words!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Good luck x

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Mundia - that's how I tend to work - do you find it easy trimming down? At first it was awful, but I'm quite good at it now (she says, hopefully...)

Its amazing how succinct you can be when you need to trim off half your wordcount isn't it? If there were an Olympic medal for trimming down a wordcount I'd be a dead cert for a gold in 2012! xD


Depending on the type of assignment I have sometimes found it helpful to use the assignment criteria as temporary sub-titles to make sure I follow them. Other than that I pretty much read as wide a variety of sources for as long as I can and then start at the beginning and work until I finish! Not very helpful to most people but it seems to work for me!


Good luck to all of you working on assignments - now that I've finished I have to say I envy you all! :o



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can not get motivated really anoyed with myself.

:o Sometimes you need to take a complete break from thinking about anything study related - maybe you just need a short spell walking in the woods or listening to some really good music and eating good chocolate and then come back to it afresh.


Its disheartening waiting for feedback from one assignment when you know you have to get on with the next - especially when you can hear the deadline ticking away in your head.


I hope you find your motivation soon, aan - what are you researching?



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its hard when there is so much else going on at the moment to stay focused and motivated on study


I used to do the same as Maz - use the assignment criteria as temporary sub-titles and I found it a good starting point especially if I got stuck on one bit I'd go on to the next and come back.


Another important tip keep a list of all those books your reading (ideally in a word document ready to cut and paste) you never know when you might just want to quote something you remember reading last term, I read some great articles that I couldnt quote cus I forgot what journal it was that is so frustrating


it took me a long time to get into the habit and backing up my points with references, it demonstrates that you have read about the subject properly and thats what gets you a better grade so try and get into this habit early


I hope you enjoy your time studying try not to let it stress you too much

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I haven't been around much this weekend.


Yes I know how hard it is to get in the flow. This semister has been particularly bad for me with my jobs so I was struggling to get back on track. Soo now I have managed to get back on track somehow managing to do 1/2 the assigment due in on Friday!


However now I have a viral infection in the base of my neck/shoulders which is going to be hard finishing it as I can't move my neck in the usual manner. I have spent the most of the weekend at home trying to recover as requested by the lovely NHS Direct Nurse, I had to phone in sick (feel really bad doing this in my new job) went to the doctors who have nicely recommended that I take the rest of this week off sick and to be extra vigllent just incase of Mengisitis (sp). Not looking forward to ringing work later to tell them, I am still on propationary period with them and it christmas party on Thursday. xD


Oppps I have gone way off topic there. :o




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Actually, seeing Beth's post reminded me of something she said aaaaaages ago when I was in the first year of the degree. Basically, take your learning outcomes and stick them on a piece of paper. I did mine in columns. Then write down your thoughts under each of them, sticking them where you think they are most suited, that way you are covering them at the same time and have pretty much written your assignment.


It was a fab tip (thanks Beth!) and I used it all the time, just adding quotes and reading to bulk it out a bit.


Hope it is going a bit better now. I was like you throughout my research module, and really struggled to even hit the bottom pass mark, but I blame my lack of brain power on pregnancy hormones. Don't have that excuse now though...

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Actually, seeing Beth's post reminded me of something she said aaaaaages ago when I was in the first year of the degree. Basically, take your learning outcomes and stick them on a piece of paper. I did mine in columns. Then write down your thoughts under each of them, sticking them where you think they are most suited, that way you are covering them at the same time and have pretty much written your assignment.


It was a fab tip (thanks Beth!) and I used it all the time, just adding quotes and reading to bulk it out a bit.


Hope it is going a bit better now. I was like you throughout my research module, and really struggled to even hit the bottom pass mark, but I blame my lack of brain power on pregnancy hormones. Don't have that excuse now though...


Oooh thanks Clare, I use this method all the time errr is that why I seem to be hitting the 60% to 70% marks. :o




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Thanks for all tips!!!


Taking them on board and inwardly digesting as I go!!


Am now up to about 1,600 words but am worrying about the content!!!!!!


I think though I should write it.




worry, alter, rewrite.......... rewrite some more etc!!!


I can email it to my tutor though who is lovely, and hope she can give me some useful tips!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Probably will tell me this isn't the way to do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


OK better get back to it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thanks again all.

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Good plan Scarlettangel.


Our tutors weren't allowed to check assignments before they went in, they had some daft rule about handing it in for checking was the same as handing it in for submission. Some tutors were a bit flexible with the rule, so it is good you have a good support network.

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Feel sorry for you Beth.

You need one of those warm microwaveable long things

that you could wrap around your neck whilst trying to look down!!!


I get back ache sat in the computer chair for long periods of time and then I use the

ergonomic chair where you kind of lean on your knees and then


My knees start to hurt!!!!


I just have to get up and walk around often!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anyway came to tell you that its done.


The first draft.


2426 words.


Have emailed it to tutor and I hope she will get time to take a quick peek at it.




Time to stretch now and then work on some observsations that need typing up!!


A womans work is never done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Keep the faith everyone. :o

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Our tutors weren't allowed to check assignments before they went in, they had some daft rule about handing it in for checking was the same as handing it in for submission. Some tutors were a bit flexible with the rule, so it is good you have a good support network.

This was the major difference between the Foundation Degree and the BA - you just handed in on time and waited for your result!


That said, for the dissertation our special study supervisors took in our literature review and then the methodology sections and marked them for us so that we could receive feedback about how our project was going. For me this marked a major shift in technique - but even I had to admit that it was useful receiving this feedback on a section of an assignment before moving onto the next... :o



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