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I Just Don't Get It


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Can anyone help me because I think I am either losing touch with reality and the world that we live in or I am just slowly going mad.


I read things, see things, listen to things and don't get it.


Here's the rant;

I don't understand the way parents talk to their children

I don't understand the way children talk to their parents

I don't understand the lewd stories I read in the papers about minor celebrities sex lives

I don't want to understand some of the horrific stories on the news from around the world

I don't understand television programmes anymore, things on before the watershed seem far too explicit to me

And I don't understand television adverts anymore, if anyone can explain to me what a huge jellyfish and some cowboys have got to do with mobile phones please let me know.


All I need to know is am I going mad or are there others out there who wish life was a little gentler and less in your face. And before you put it down to my age I'm only 36 so I don't remember the really good old days. Just the days when blackjacks were half a penny each and I could play out on my bike from dawn to dusk without my mum worring.


Maybe I'm just tired and emotional tonight but would love to hear what you think.


Sue :(:o:(xD

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:D Sue, youre not going mad, we often sit at home with puzzled faces after seeing some of the AD's on TV :(xD I remember a simpler, easier to understand, to the point kind of ADs. TV has gone mad, I remember about 6/7 years ago watching the Sooty show with my youngest, and heard Matthew Corbett say 'GIT'!!! :o I was horrified, but that was only the start, words which we were never allowed to say when we were younger are common place, and I'm not old either, 39 (ish)!!! It's a downward spirral, and we all see it daily with the parents and children in our settings. Oh for the good old days!!! :D
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Thanks Rea


That's you me and Hali not going mad then :D:o:D


Come on there must be some more of you out there :(


And another thing, I know the world's gone mad because in a recent survey they claimed that the nations favourite sweets were 'flying saucers' you know the things with horrid fizzy sherbet in the middle. Coconut mushrooms, they're the best xD



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Before I met my hubby 10 yrs ago, I used to be quite low, worried about the things stated here.


His way of life has reformed me...


I do not watch any soaps, especially Eastenders :wacko:

I do not watch the news xD ( always seem to keep abreast of things through that nearly lost art of conversation) :)

I do not buy newspapers :rolleyes:


All the above are "bad news", :o sensationalist, depressing, immoral and are much better out of my life.


I rarely watch TV ) too busy on this site!!!!) :(

I do watch Sci-Fi - escape to another world ( although even these have holocaust, war) :(

I do enjoy a glass of wine, good meal and conversation at my local pub. ( often) :D

and talking about sweets...... xD

Nov 20th local pub is having a "School Night" I have insisted that the landlord provides bowls of black jacks, fruit salads, dolly mixtures and jelly babies on the bar.

Hubby will be "catapulting" them across the pub to stop me eating them all and getting spots :(



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p.s. sorry to any eastenders fans but all soaps I find are soooooooooo depressing. I know I used to watch them and was on anti depressants for years. Haven't taken any since I got married.


mind you I do have a lovely hubby.


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Your a wonderful lady married to a very sensible man, I think I need to start following his advice too :o


School night eh!, does that mean you have to dress in depressing clothes with awful colour combinations, my school uniform was black and orange and yes it was as yukky as it sounds xD



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Airforce blue skirt/tunic and pale blue shirt with a black and pale blue diagonal striped tie with compulsory beret in autumn/winter; pale blue and white seersucker gingham check dress and compulsory beret in the summer. I got detention at the top of our street once for taking it off - the beret!!! xD And the PE kit :(:(:o!! Dark turquoise 'grecian tunic' and enormous pants, one size fits all, so that at age 11 we were all drowned, and at 16/18 we were indecent!! :( The Hockey kit was OK, though...shame about the game xD Not sporty, me.....


However, Sue, I agree with everything you and the others say. Was busy talking to my one and only last night which is why I haven't responded to this before. The girls at work find me 'slightly odd' as I don't watch TV, but they think I'm mad as a box of frogs, anyway...sorry, 'eccentric' ! :wacko:


Sue :D

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The party is more "St Trinians" uniform. :oxD ( I shall go in disguise, don't want to tarnish my modest, demure local image!!!!


I remember one of my 1st boyfriends offered to buy me some clothes for my 15th birthday so I took him to town, into "Van Allens" to buy me a black skirt and white blouse (for school). He thought I'd want a dress but most of my youth was spent wearing hand me downs and jumble sale uniforms, a NEW one was a real treat for me.




ps. sorry Hali but I'm going to play the part of a selfish little school girl and eat ALL the blackjacks "cause they're MINE - so there"

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I think I could get on my soapbox and be there for weeks on this one Sue!!! :o I went for a walk this afternoon with my dog-something I do every day after work. It was a lovely sunny afternoon and I was feeling pretty good-looking forward to going out with my staff this evening, enjoying the weather and my dog.

We live in "a leafy suburb" to quote my OFSTED report which is fairly affluent. I always go to the small local park. It was filled with teenagers this afternoon as the local secondary school had an in-service day. This park is not huge but there are 3 decent sized areas for playing games. But do they use them? Oh no they have to play football on the bowling green!!! This was ruined over last winter and spring and the local bowling teams couldn't use it this summer. They were asked by a park attendant to get off and of course he was met with the usual verbal abuse. He had also asked a group to leave the small playground area which is meant for children under 10. Again the same foul language as before. And these children are supposed to come from decent families.

I find some groups of teenagers bad tempered, ignorant and intimidating. My two would have been in such trouble if they had behaved like this. I sometimes feel like an old woman having a go but I do feel that society and the way we live our lives today has a lot to answer for!!


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What bugs me is when children think it's OK to interrupt two others (usually two adults annoys me most, I must admit) mid conversation, and their parents seem to think that this is acceptable!!! I spend all my time explaining to children how rude it is to interrupt, but no-one else seems to think it's important!


Dianne xxx

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There are still some parents i.e. me for one that think manners and respect for others etc etc are still important things for the children to know about from an early age. I thought it was very sad when my eldest sons' teacher said he was the only one who said good morning as they came in to the classroom every day.

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Horay it's not just me, I'm not going mad :D:(:D:(


Thank you all for your comments, was feeling tired and emotional yesterday and all your posts have made me feel much better today. xD


Dianne, particularly with you on the children interrupting :(


Linda, I bet you really wanted to say something to those boys but didn't for fear of being shouted at yourself :wacko:


Mousebat, here here for manners and respect :D


And finally Sue R your school uniform sounds, if you will pardon my rudeness, the most hideous concoction of clothing ever xD:o :rolleyes:


And I think part of the problem is as a friend said to me the other day, advertisers trying to out do each other by making their commercial more and more shocking and so things that were previously taboo become mainstream.


As for that jellyfish still none of you have explained it to me, I'm waiting!!!!!!!!


Thanks guys, it's us against the rest.



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Sorry Sue

I don't get that one either!!! I can't even remember which phone company it was for because I was too busy trying to work it out!!! So that was a complete failure as far as I am concerned!!


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can't help with the jellyfish or the cowboy...it must have been during a 3am meeting after a few bottles of wine each. The advertisers probably think they're being really clever........?!?!


SueR - was this a school in Battersea or Nottingham ? At Manning we used to wear candy stripe shirts - yuk.

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