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I Just Don't Get It


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Never mind the uniform!

The school I went to must have been quite progressive but now out dated as we as girls didnt wear ties!

Shall always remember the deputy head telling the boys, as we were about to go into the 6th form that there was to be no heavy courting--holding hands! :D And us girls were told we had to make sure we bahaved as ladies- we werent to lift or carry the chairs! :o


So I agree with you 100% Sue, although I had thought it was my age beginning to rear its ugly head.


As to the jelly fish, sorry havent seen it! I do watch TV but usually only BBC1!!!!

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It's an on going bug bear of mine that the children not only dont respond when I say hello to them, but they are usually allowed to ignore me by their parents. 7/8 years ago it wasnt so bad, in fact it was so rare for the children not to say hello or good morning that I particulary remember one little boy who never spoke to me on arrival. I used to ask him to please say 'hello, I'm happy to be here' it got to be a bit of a ritual. On his very last day he came in and said it, Just managed to hold back the tears. :(

Anyway back to bad manners, a parent came to collect her daughter today and stood in the hall for 10 mins on the phone with staff trying to clear up and watch her child, and then when she left she didnt even say goodbye. :(

(P.S. if anybody knows aything about tadpoles, PLEASE, let me know! And if I find out how they have managed to prolong their youth I will share the secret!!!) :oxD:(

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And to Original Sue (ooooh! Sounds like original sin!!)


I like to think I was (mad as..), but maybe I was just booooooooooring - you know those 'hip, flip' people you went to school with ,you could never talk to? I was never one of those !!


Sue (does any of that make sense? must admit I've had a snifter!) :o



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I don't know much about tadpoles but in our pond at nursery we have frogs and newts, are you sure your tadpoles that haven't become frogs aren't newts? They do look similar in their tadpoley form.




I quite like being the original Sue, who wants to be like everyone else :o




It's not age it's just a feeling that the world is changing and not all of it for the better if you ask me



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I don't watch adverts, not a lot of tv either, we don't get newspapers and I only watch or listen to the news once a day to keep up to date.


As to children, I'm afraid it comes down to bad parenting. The thing that worries me is that these children will grow up and have children of their own and what sort of role models will they be?? Will things go from bad to worse? I don't think many parents bother about manners these days and I find increasingly that it is the children who are in charge of the parents. It is a big shock when they come to playgroup and find they can't get their own way. The number of mums who look in astonishment at their child at playgroup and say "How do you get them to do that? They would never do that for me at home." These are children, for goodness sake!!


And my children go mad for flying saucers. :o Can't see the appeal myself but not a great sweet fan anyway. :D

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I admit to occasionally catching an episode of Eastenders, but i'm not devastated if i don't watch it for months on end. I haven't bought a newspaper for over 18 Years! and i try to catch the news on television at least once a day.


My sons car (his absolute pride and Joy!) was trashed on Wednesday, windscreen smashed, wing mirrors ripped off and the roof dented and scratched. he was devastated, and seeing him standing there with his bottom lip quivering, trying so very hard not to cry, broke my heart :o


Why do people feel the need to be so destructive and nasty?

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Hi, I have often thought I was mad too - just don't understand what is happening today - role reversal - children telling parents what to do and parents obeying them whatever. I am in the middle of parent consultations and over and over I am saying but you have to tell them what to do you are in charge not your 4/5 years old. I thought it was me because of my age - 51

- I am told I do not look my age, I ride a bike up and down mountains and keep fit, or I would'nt be able to keep up with the job. Even so I am really very tired and can't wait for Fridays to come. Anyone else have problems with bossy children? I used to watch Emmerdale but that is going the same way as the others.


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Ohh I have read all these posts and thought "YES!" soooo many times!


I don't know what's happening either but I do know that we have children not yet three who speak to parents and pre-school staff in a way I wouldnt tolerate from my 21yr old!!!


It's not only the "NO" "I dont have to" etc etc but its the tone used, and the look that goes with it.


Can't remember who said role reversal but think you have hit the nail on the head.

I also think its soemthing to do with lack of routine for little ones, only a very small number of our children have "bedtime" I used to love bath, cuddle and storytime when mine where little but it seems to have gone along with alot of other good old fashioned values.


I am not that old either, well half century just round the corner - can't wait - celebrating in some far flung corner of the world hopefully :D


All I have to do is find someone to pay me £1 for every time a parent says to me "But he/she won't ...." and i will be a millionaire in a week :o

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Yes I agree with all your views. I don't think it helped children when the government put the focus on academic achievements taking away sport opportunities from many children.

Parents often ask me to take their children because they need discipline!!!!!. They threaten their children at home with me.

What they just don't understand is that you don't even need to raise your voice to encourage good behaviour, just be consistent, kind and value their feelings. I think it is so sad that many parents are not enjoying their children. Of course children must pick up on this and their behaviour gets worse because they are often just seeking some attention.

Parents don't always take responsibility for their children. I always felt that I was responsible for my children untill they were of the age to live on their own and they knew that if they got in trouble I would of been disappointed with their behaviour.

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uuuuuuuuum tadpoles mine seem to be the same I thought it was some freak of nature....


sweets.... no not the black jacks, give me cola cubes and or rubarb and custard


school uniform well mine was navy blue and gold (but it was really yellow) "they" liked to make it sound "posh" and we all knew it looked vile but it was school and our uniform was better than the other high school down the road!! :o


kids today well I agree it is bad parenting or rather a total lack of parenting so many parents want to be the childs friend and leave the disapline to others and then wonder why the children dont do as they are told?


as for the vandals and the yob culture bring back national service!?!?!?!


the jelly fish??? the big mystery I dont understand the idea either, but I think that is the point, you then spend the next three days asking others "why?"

what other commercials spark that responce?

now any one who hasnt seen the jelly fish ad is wondering and keeping half an eye open during the commercials just so they know who or what the is advert for

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Right, that's it, then, I shall be glued to ITV today until I see this jellyfish!!


I am here at this ungodly hour as I had to get up for my Lemsip ( do you drink the peppercorns as well????).Of course I couldn't just pass the pc - which was giving me a 'come hither' look and had email for me (anyone else getting loads of rubbish with suspicious looking attachments?)


Denise, I just re-read that post of mine, and thought it'd probably confuse you!! I was born in London (Balham, actually) and spent my early years in Battersea, which was very 'inner-city' and not at all 'sought-after' in those days. We moved to Nottingham when I was about 9. The school referred to was here, Bilborough Grammar. And to be honest, I was only tough because I got picked on so much because of the way I spoke (posh!!) and could spell (rea - that explains my angst when accused of mis-spelling!), not because I spent my childhood fighting over blackjacks!! And I'm not really tough either.


In fact, you could quite easily ignore everything I say..... I thought I was feeling better, but this looks decidedly delirious. I'm off!

Sue :o

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Hope you are feeling better sue. You do sound like you need some Rand R.

Hope your family is taking good care of you.

My hsuband has just informed me that his body hurts and he is feeling unwell. What do i tell him " it's alli nyour mind. You've been ill 2 weeks back -thats your quota done for this year!!!! He assures me its man flu- usually fatal!

Maybe i should make him some lemsip as well.

Take care.

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Or you could try the pepper vodka remedy that was suggested to me in the thread 'Outlook Express' - I'm too delicate to try a link! :(


I'm going to toddle off to get the paper and collapse to plan our forthcoming break. We're off to Norfolk for a few days next week, so hopefully I'll get that R and R :(


Your chance to get your own back, Carol!! :o


Sue :D

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Hey SueR - yes you do drink the peppercorns, that's what gives it the extra kick! I wasn't confused by your post you sounded perfectly sane to me! I know what you mean about the accent thing especially when you cross the north-south divide at Watford Gap. My mother thinks my kids sound very posh with their southern accent ( mind you the little one is developing a Berkshire accent which is not good!!) I on the other hand now think my folks sound very northern!

Hope your feeling better today.



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I agree totally with everything you've said on here, and watching the children with their parents in the mornings sometimes appauls me.


I'm only a babe in terms of teaching, just starting my second year, but it drives me crazy when children don't say good morning or please and thank you - my new reception class have quickly learnt that no 'good morning' means I don't respond to them until they have the decency to greet me. And if they don't say 'please' they don't get, and no 'thank you' means that whatever it is is taken away - I know it sounds harsh but it works and within a couple of weeks I get comments from other members of staff about how polite they are! :D


As for the parents...I definately agree that they need to be the parent and not the child - if they say 'no' they should stick to it and not give in later - I had a parent whose child had behaviour prblems last year, if he had had a bad day she would make a big deal of grounding him in front of me, then I'd leave school a couple of hours later and he'd be playing in the street on his own. This year I even have one who comes to me almost every other day asking me to talk to their child about something they have done out of school because he won't listen to her - I'm their teacher, you're the parent! xD


At least I console myself with the fact that I'm learning quickly about what I will and won't be doing when I have my own children! :o

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Guest Tracey F

So i'm not going mad then? :(

It's not all in my head? xD

Or a symptom of old age? :( - You know that 'youth of today' thing that the old fogeys used to do when we were young? :(

Phewwwwwwwwwwww that's a relief - I thought I had gone old and senile :o

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I SAW IT! I SAW IT!! (only because my son yelled 'the jellyfish is on!!and I rushed in!)


ONLY because of the posts here I knew it was an ad for mobile phones so was wondering why straight away. Decided all the dangly bits represented phone lines, lots of dangly bits, lots of lines of communication??? Well something like that.


Actually on second thoughts NO i dont understand it!! :o

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Guest Tracey F

Am I the only one who thought the whole jelly fish thing was gonna be a 'Heineken refreshes the parts......' advert? You know when they give it a drink and it comes to life :o

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I saw it and no I don't get it - could well to be with sharing but hey, who knows how the marketing peoples brains work!


I have to agree with tracey F, for a second I thought it was going to be a heineken advert...never mind!

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