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Fsf January 2009 Competition

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Happy New Year to you all! I hope that you are all feeling rested and ready for the year ahead. If you are looking for a distraction or a bit of light relief then this might be the competition for you.


Back at the beginning of December Cait started a thread about funny abbreviations and JacquieL thought it would make a good competition topic. So this months competition is very simple. Who can come up with the most apt or funniest abbreviations for the following?









8. IEP

9. EAL

10. SEAD


The rules are quite simple and much the same as before.



1. Only one entry per abbreviation per member is allowed. If you can only come up with something for one of the above then feel free to submit that one - you never know, it may well be the one that strikes everyone as the best!

2. Moderators can join in with the fun and post suggestions but are not eligible to win

3. Closing date for entries will be Monday 19th January

4. If there are lots of entries the Moderators/Admin team will pick a short list of entries after this date

5. A poll will be posted where members will be able to vote for their favourite entries (from those short listed if necessary)

6. The winner will be the person receiving the most votes on the poll when it closes (and will win a mug - yay!), with the person receiving the second most votes being awarded the runners up prize of a badge biggrin.gif. If you already have a mug or a badge you may win one of our brand new Fsf pens instead.

7. Please keep it clean/inoffensive and only post suggestions you have made up yourselves wink.gif

8. Any complaints can be sent to Steve and any praise to me! tongue.gif

9. The rules may change at any time as or when I think of something I haven’t already covered wacko.gif


Good luck everyone! :o


I never did get a Blue Peter badge so let's get the ball rolling-



1. CWDC Can't Win Decides Children


2. DCSF Doctrines Can Successfully Fail (reported in the TES!)


3. OFSTED Overly Frustrated Stressed Teachers Earily Disappear (reported in the Sunday Sport)


4. SALT Struth! Another Learning Target


5. SENCO Sees Every New Curriculum Objectively


6. EYPS Energetic Young Practitioners Sought (to replace the rest of us who are too expensive

and shattered!)


7. EYFS Every Year Further Stress


8. IEP Interesting Education Programs


9. EAL Ever Avioded Learning?


10. SEAD Special Education Always Diluted


1. CWDC chocolate with double calories

2. DCSF double cheques = significant funding!

3. OFSTED ordinary folk sink to extraordinary depths

4. SALT significantly agoraphobic little tykes

5. SENCO silly educationalist not commonly observed

6. EYPS eat your peas spoonwise

7. EYFS enjoy your food silently

8. IEP I expect perfection

9. EAL expert at lying

10. SEAL silly experts argue loftily OR disreputably (depending an whatever the abbreviation was)

Yes Cait: SEAL for littlies! Social and Emotional Aspects of Development - aimed at our youngest children. I've attached the materials!


But apart from that I'm still excited that there's a pen! :o





Yeah - I was suggesting SEAL, rather than SEAD


Wonderful cait come on folks this is going to be fun!


I googled SEAD and the choices were very interesting and amusing.

I am just wondering if it is Scottish Education and Action for Development with Beau having worked north of the border?

Wonderful cait come on folks this is going to be fun!


I googled SEAD and the choices were very interesting and amusing.

I am just wondering if it is Scottish Education and Action for Development with Beau having worked north of the border?



I like your epiphany picture - very apt


My turn to ‘do the planning’


CWDC Can’t workout dreaded curriculum


DCSF Don’t care, smallies first


OFSTED Oh fine, smallies take every decision


SALT Some are less thoughtful


SENCO Saturday Evening, Need Chablis Open


EYPS Early, yet perhaps snifter?


EYFS Evening? Yes feeling sleepy


IEP I’ve eaten plenty


EAL Eventually arrange lessons


SEAD Sleep ends all days


1. CWDC - Cool - Winey Drink Coming

2. DCSF - Desperate Cat Seeks Fish

3. OFSTED - Oh Fiddle Sticks Tea Expected Directly

4. SALT - Say Alison Lots Today

5. SENCO - Saturday Evening - Need Comfort Offerings

6. EYPS - Each Year Passes Sucessfully

7. EYFS - Every Young Fish Swims

8. IEP - Icicles Envelop Penguins

9. EAL - Eyyyyy Alcohol Looming

10. SEAD - Stop! Expecting Alcohol Delivery



:(:(:(:oxDxD :wacko:


hey, hali and I are definitely of one mind ... albeit a slightly alcohol fuelled one!! (at least we would like it to be)


Maybe we should theme these abbreviations ... we have lots of alcohol related suggestions


I think Hali's SALT = 'say Alison Lots Today' is genius, I would like to offer up the following in the theme of names ...


CWDC = Carla's would drink Cava (Themes are merging, sorry)

DCSF = Dorothy can't sew fairydresses (I live in Brighton ... most of our Dorothy's sew fairydresses brilliantly!!!)

OFSTED = Oliver fell sideways towards exit door (probably after drinking with Carla (see CWDC))

SALT = Some Alan's Lack Talent (although not all of them)

SENCO = Samantha eat nothing containing onions (very wise if she was meeting Alan later)

EYPS = Even Yvette preferred Sushi (to what??)

EYFS = Every yeti feels suspicious (well they would, wouldn't they?)

IEP = Ian's ears pricked (he could hear the Yeti coming)

EAL = Eric alarmed Lisa (Lisa was vey suspicious of Erics and Yetis)

SEAD = Suddenly everyone angered Dave (he had a very short fuse!)




I really must go and make the dinner now ... this is way too addictive!!!

Posted (edited)
What creative people you all are! I am sitting here with splitting sides. why oh why does my husband not understand xD

Didn't think WOWDMHNU was in the list Jacquie! :o

Edited by HappyMaz
Guest tinkerbell

Brilliant thread keep them coming


I did notice APP isn,t on the list let me do this one


Another Piece of Paper




You are all so brilliant! xD


And as Maz rightly said, SEAD is Social and Emotional Aspects of Development. :( So for those of you that hadn't heard of it before the thread is educational as well as hilarious. :o

Yeah - I was suggesting SEAL, rather than SEAD


Social and Emotional aspects of Learning. happy New Year everyone. just going to think up some answers. i might try and build up a whole mug collection!


1. CWDC - Chocolate with double cream

2. DCSF - Double cream stirred frequently

3. OFSTED - Oh for some toffee enriched drink

4. SALT- Some average length toffee

5. SENCO- super exquisite nice chocolate orange

6. EYPS- extra yummy peppermint sweets

7. EYFS - eternal youth fizzy sweets

8. IEP - internationally enchanting people

9. EAL- engaging and likeable

10. SEAD - super, exceptional, amazing drinks


Geraldine, they are brill!!


Mine a bit boring and work related now - wonder if we can add more - I like these!!


CWDC - Cant Write, Dont Care (my Dad drives a Porsche)

DCSF - Department for Coughs,Sneezes and Flu.

OFSTED - Official Fiddlers Sent To Evoke Despair (Dedication) - depends how you're feeling!

SALT - Sweet and Lovable Teacher

SENCO - Send 'Elp Now; Child Outraged

EYPS - ???????????? working on it

EYFS - Early years Fighting Spot (between old and new teachers)

IEP - Institute (for) Extra Paper

EAL- Energetic and Lively

SEAL - ?????????????? working on it


Here's my effort (with a little help from DH)


1. CWDC Complete with dangerous controls

2. DCSF Don’t complain, smells fine

3. OFSTED Off for snooze to end day

4. SALT Stroke all lovers tenderly

5. SENCO Shoot each new curriculum overboard

6. EYPS Every young person's saviour

7. EYFS Every youngster flourishes spectacularly

8. IEP Incredible elephants paint

9. EAL Envelopes - amazingly lickable

10. SEAD Sorry, exhausted again darling


Love your no.10 - bit like me on my PGCE!


Im going to think of a similar one for SEAL now!



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