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How Lond Did Your Ofsted Inspection Take

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I have heard that it will be only one day from now on. A local nursery was visited by two inspectors last month and they said this will be the normal- until it is privatised of course

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My setting is due to be Inspected soon and I was wondering if they are now done in one day? My last inspection took place over two days . the Inspector came in one day and then came back two days later. In between i was able to gather evidence I hadnt been a ble to show her.




Ours did about 3 hours on the first day and about an hour and a half on the second we were quite put out because we didn't feel she was in with us long enough to see what we were really doing

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We had our inspection in November and the inspector was with us from 8.30 am until 2pm. She did say that she would have left at least an hour earlier but I couldn't make myself available for feedback until 1.30pm.


You say that you are due an ofsted - are you aware that from September the inspections became totally random again so even if your last one was 3 years ago or earlier in this year you could still be ofsteded any time in the next three years.

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My setting is due to be Inspected soon and I was wondering if they are now done in one day? My last inspection took place over two days . the Inspector came in one day and then came back two days later. In between i was able to gather evidence I hadnt been a ble to show her.



hi, ours was one full day 8.30-6! they turned up first wk in sept! how unlucky! i think we had the ofsted inspectors from hell!!

i was devasted as we got inadequate as i had worked so hard to turn things arround as when i took over there wasnt even a policy in place!! i hope you have completed asef and drawn up a comprehensive focus improvement plan that has SMART targets, success crritera, measurable outcomes and how monotored etc as this was what they focused on! ( i hant completed as was due to go on training course for guidance next day! they werent interested in all the previousa ction plans ( you cant say action plan now apparantly! we had started eyfs planning but they didnt like the way we did it - i feel pooking at other inspections in my area we were unlucky in the inspectors we got as other settings had similar comments but passed!

oh well we can only move on and improve!! due again in march


ps after a fit person interview (which went really well )i was told the main focus will be safeguarding children in light of baby p= this was a main focus in sept actually but be aware tha t staff are the main focus of questions anyway and they must be clued up on this and also inclusion is a big issue


good luck when they finaly arrive

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My setting is due to be Inspected soon and I was wondering if they are now done in one day? My last inspection took place over two days . the Inspector came in one day and then came back two days later. In between i was able to gather evidence I hadnt been a ble to show her.



hi, ours was one full day 8.30-6! they turned up first wk in sept! how unlucky! i think we had the ofsted inspectors from hell!!

i was devasted as we got inadequate as i had worked so hard to turn things arround as when i took over there wasnt even a policy in place!! i hope you have completed asef and drawn up a comprehensive focus improvement plan that has SMART targets, success crritera, measurable outcomes and how monotored etc as this was what they focused on! ( i hant completed as was due to go on training course for guidance next day! they werent interested in all the previousa ction plans ( you cant say action plan now apparantly! we had started eyfs planning but they didnt like the way we did it - i feel pooking at other inspections in my area we were unlucky in the inspectors we got as other settings had similar comments but passed!

oh well we can only move on and improve!! due again in march


ps after a fit person interview (which went really well )i was told the main focus will be safeguarding children in light of baby p= this was a main focus in sept actually but be aware tha t staff are the main focus of questions anyway and they must be clued up on this and also inclusion is a big issue


good luck when they finaly arrive



sorry about any spelling mistakes-had one too many glasses wine!!!!it is friday!!!!!!

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We had our inspection in November and the inspector was with us from 8.30 am until 2pm. She did say that she would have left at least an hour earlier but I couldn't make myself available for feedback until 1.30pm.


You say that you are due an ofsted - are you aware that from September the inspections became totally random again so even if your last one was 3 years ago or earlier in this year you could still be ofsteded any time in the next three years.


Hi everyone this is my first post.

I can't believe what I just read... that the timing of inspections have become random and that we might be waiting another three years!! We were due last term and have been holding our breath each morning! If I have to do that for another three years I might just keel over. Does anyone know anything more on this?


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Surely they gave you some oral feedback?

i was wondering that to!! its policy that they must, although the feedback i was given was contradicted in the report, just to let every one know if you are not happy with any aspect of report please challenge it- i challenged several comments which were then revoked after investigation and discussion with inspector by her manager-who was extremely co operative and undrestanding i must add!! remember mrs ofsed is not always right and only human!!!!

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i was wondering that to!! its policy that they must, although the feedback i was given was contradicted in the report, just to let every one know if you are not happy with any aspect of report please challenge it- i challenged several comments which were then revoked after investigation and discussion with inspector by her manager-who was extremely co operative and undrestanding i must add!! remember mrs ofsed is not always right and only human!!!!



Chin up jaycooks, I went through the same experience you have had but back in 2003, it was I believ a personality clash with the Inspectors and a bit of previous history from a malicious complaint. I wasn't re-inspected until 2006. It's really hard to get over the hurt when this outcome is given, just try to keep in mind that you are doing your best. I just wanted to say, I know how you feel.



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OFSTED inspectors are coming on Friday and only in school one day however they have informed the Head that the focus will be Early Years. Any advice from people who have recently been through this?

At the stomach churning stage right now!

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Hi, I have recently re-registered as I have taken over a setting. If our setting is sesiional and we are open for 3 1/2 hours a day, can anyone let me know if I am still looking at 2 day inspection?!!! :o

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Finally had our report emailed to us as we have had 2 reports go missing through the post!! We only achieved satisfactory although we have found that the written report was actually good but the grading just did not represent what the inspector said throughout the report! Very disappointing though :o Maybe if she had stayed for longer than 2.5 hours she would have seen more and that would have made a difference - inspections are supposed to last at least two sessions or one full day! We did get some feedback but that was only on 3 small areas where we could make improvements, they don't tell you your outcome now when they give feedback which is not fair seeing as schools still get their outcome on the day.

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HI everyone

We had our Ofsted inspection yesterday. She was there from opening at 9 until 3.30, so was all over in a day. We felt like wet rags at the end of it - especially as the first time I had been involved in one, but came out really well. Was such a relief, we all cried at the end.


Have to say the Ofsted lady was really nice and even joined in a bit with one of our new kids who came up to her for a cuddle!!


Not sure if it will be the same in all areas but the concentrated very heavily on child protection, proving that the planning can be linked to all areas of learning and linked to individual child and learning journeys. Also lots of emphasis that children are at the centre of it all and are achieving and progressing and have lots of variety on offer to cater for all interests.


Spent quite a while on outdoor provision and healthy child issues - we got pulled up because none of our lunchtime children could say why they washed their hands!!! They all said because they were told to - correct answer should have mentioned germs!!!!!


Other than that, as long as paperwork is up together and you are working on a SEF (we had started ours the night before) they are happy you are making progress in the right direction.


So chin up everyone - it may not be too bad - and at least ours is now over for at least 3 years.



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Our inspection in June was over two days - the one on Tuesday was one day. It was very intense but the best thing I could have done to prepare for it was having my action plan and SEF to hand and also an example of the Learning Journal - it made my grilling a lot easier!! She was very interested in planning for next steps, outdoor provision and documentation. We are a sessional preschool open 9-3. Oh, and she wasn't interested in talking to any of the committee either, which surprised me (at the last one they did).


Good luck xx

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Ok I am getting really stressed now, keep having dreams about Ofsted so the next day at work I am paranoid!! :o:( I have 1 thing that is worrying me.....


My planning shows how I am catering for childrens individual needs but how do I show I am inclduing all aspects of development..on the plans do I need to write down how each thing is realted to an area?!!!! what is continuous and long term provision for if not that?!!!!


Sorry I am probably being really thick!!!



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My nursery was inspected last Tuesday and the inspector told us that they are only allocated 5 hours for each nusery inspection. :o so glad that that is over xD wont find out how we did hope it was good :(

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