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Credit Crunch

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Just wondering if any of you have noticed numbers dropping due to the credit crunch, children doing less sessions, children not attending whilst mum on maternity leave, children leaving due to a parent losing their job etc?

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we are a sessional preschool we open 4 mornings, normally children start at the age of 2 and have 2 mornings then increase the sessions but we have found this last term or so parents aren't increasing sessions, we take 20 children per session have 25 children on the books but only 10 of those children are attending all 4 mornings. the rest have stuck with 2 or 3 mornings and several have admited that they cannt affort extra mornings.


we are the cheapest preschool setting in the area and parents are still struggling to pay our fees. over the week we are just breaking even, I'm looking for grants for equipment which would help reduce some of our running costs long term, hopefully we can ride it out, (if it doesnt last too long)


it its sad that the credit crunch has meant that children are missing out on their preschool time.

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We were only talking about this today. We are sessional, we do 7 sessions a week and although we are quite full it is almost all funded children. The 14 children that are not funded are only attending 1 or 2 sessions a week. This is good financially as we get slightly more per session NEG funding than fees (about 3p) and it comes in a lump some, but it does leave us open for a real short fall in September as our feeder school will take 42 children from us!! I just hope the younger ones start arriving soon!?! :o

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Hi ! We seem to be ok at the moment, only open five mornings but have had quite a few new children starting this term mainly 2-2.5 year olds but only doing 1-2 mornings. We have 26 on the books and more enquiries which is really good for us as we are a small rural community group, can't remember when we had this many !

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we are sessional and do am,pm and lunch club we have had to knock the pm sessions on the head. We only have 12 per session so this is quite a big loss for us it is the first time in 14 yrs we have done this. All the local PVI's and schools are in the same boat so we think it is perhaps there are also less children around to fill the places as well as the credit crunch. just like smiles we have parents waiting to get funding before joining.


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Our 3 yr old sessions are full it's our 2 yr old sessions that are the problem... numbers are sooo low... wondering about reducing staff hours now.......

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Thanks for your replies, it is something we were discussing at work also. Our numbers are on the up thankfully but having said that we have lost a few/had hours reduced due to credit crunch; a sad and difficult time for many people.

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Hi all

We have lost a few to school at xmas and averaging 15 children per day (allowed 25!). Only got 25 on the roll!

Plus see my other post for further info/advice needed!

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It doesnt seem to have hit us yet, we are full and the waiting list is getting longer by the day. There are also so many children already with us who are waiting for increases to more sessions that I cannot fit in.

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Has there been any noticable change in the situation re: the credit crunch? We've lost 2 or 3 children since Christmas which is really sad. Our Numbers are still ok for the time being but replacing the children (15 of them) who go to school next September is a worry - we haven't had the enquiries we would usually have. We're South Coast, working class / middle class? any one else worried?

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We're a pre-school, and our numbers seem fine - but I worry that out admin lady leaves it very late to sort out numbers for September. Schools in our area only have the one intake, - we have a list but last year she left it so late many espceially the older age group found places at other settings whislt waiting to hear back from her.......she doesn't see the problem and just fills the spaces with younger under three's which is a nightmare for us!!



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