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Graduate Leader Fund

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Hi everyone, this is my first post on the site!!


Im hoping someone can shed some light on the glf...here goes...

I gained my EYPS in july last year and at the time was a nursery nurse in my setting. My setting knew that once i had it, i wasnt necesarily gonna hang around on the rubbish wage i was on (!!!) so there was talk of a new role - the graduate leader for the setting. My new role began in august, along with a good payrise, in time for the EYFS. The setting was under the impression that once the funding was under way, this would be used to supplement my wage (they thought that 50% had to be used for this). 5months on, after endless funding forms and providing reams of info to prove i'm in post and what i earn etc they have apparently got it all wrong and can not claim anything towards my wage. This has something to do with giving me the pay rise too early and it would mean a new payrise (which of course they wont do). it seems it has been messed up and cannot claim anything.

Today they told me that there is some money to be had, but the only way it could be claimed would be if i worked overtime (which would mean saturdays as i already work 9 hr shifts each day) and spend the time doing the quality counts file and being paid for it straight from the glf. Apparently this would be totally my choice and would be of no benefit to the nursery money-wise. The whole thing just seems strange-firstly i would basically be working for the money anyway so it wouldnt be a 'bonus' as referred to and the setting would get something out of it because it would get the QC file done.



I dont know whats happening...

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Hiya and welcome I agree thats strange :o

We have the GLF which is basically for the graduate to get eyp.

And we have the EYP fund which is to raise status through wages inc of our eyp. Inc of other training identifyed through a workforce devlopement plan we had to do to get any money.


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Firstly, welcome to the Forum, ladiesinred and congratulations on making your first post.


I may have missed something here - is your setting saying they can no longer employ you on the enhanced salary that came with your new position? Presumably they have been funding this extra pay for the last five months and I am not entirely sure what the legal situation is in a situation such as this. If your employment contract states that the salary is subject to the setting receiving GLF then your position might be difficult - but if there is no mention in your contract of the reliance on funding then they may have difficulty reducing your salary. If this is the case then I'd suggest you get legal advice.


It is possible that each Local Authority sets its own conditions on how the GLF is awarded. In our Borough we have to show how the GLF has increased wages, not to supplement the existing wage bill - so that bit does ring true to me. However I'm not sure how you can find out the terms and conditions your LA attaches to the GLF - short of asking them if you can see the documentation which really says that you don't believe them!


Does your LA have a website? I know that sometimes when I search the internet for information I come up with LA websites and information about a whole host of subjects - GLF among them.


Good luck - I hope someone more knowledgeable comes along and gives you the benefit of their experience!



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Thanks for responses guys...


no they are not saying that it will affect my salary or anything, although they are probably thinking 'god, what are we going to do!!!' they are just kicking themselves that they've got it wrong. there was nothing in the terms of the contract to say it was awaiting the glf.

Up to now we thought we'd done everything right with all the paperwork we've sent in etc and they had proposed how they were going to use it for further training and cpd for other staff looking to move on with their training etc.


the bit about increased wages- they've done it too soon and my payrise means nothing to the glf...they wont count it in the funding, the setting would have to give me one now and then it would be relevent... i think

I've been looking on various websites but i will look specifically on my LA and see if i can find more detail.

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Your LA should have guidance on what it expects in terms of what the GLF is for, whocan apply, what happens if the person leaves the setting, etc. In mine, 50% of the fund must be used for the EYPs wages, Im not sure if this is a national expectation or a local one

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i am currently working as an assistant ans am doing my EYPS. my setting has been given the GLF but our LA guidance does not state how much of the GLF should be used to enhance the EYP's wages. At the moment i am asking for a little payrise becuase the role of an EYP involes alot more extra work on top of my assistant work. the management tean are currently talking about how much of the GLF is used to enhance my wages. i have said to them that once i have achieced the status then they would need to look at my salary again!!


i would adivse you to look at the LA guidance on GLF and see what is states! i have seen some LA's stating that 50% of GLF should be used to enhance the EYP's salary.


this is all so confusing!!!!


my setting have said they cannot not increase my wages to much as i cant recieve higher than the manager etc!


let me know how you get on!!!


good luck



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  • 2 weeks later...



I apply and manage the GLF and the QF for my setting.

Thecntract will have the full explanaition about wht is to be paid to whom. You are right any money paid BEFORE it is in place is not part of it, it is Very precise about what is and what is not allowed.


Hope that helps and good luck

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Hi everyone, this is my first post on the site!!


Im hoping someone can shed some light on the glf...here goes...

I gained my EYPS in july last year and at the time was a nursery nurse in my setting. My setting knew that once i had it, i wasnt necesarily gonna hang around on the rubbish wage i was on (!!!) so there was talk of a new role - the graduate leader for the setting. My new role began in august, along with a good payrise, in time for the EYFS. The setting was under the impression that once the funding was under way, this would be used to supplement my wage (they thought that 50% had to be used for this). 5months on, after endless funding forms and providing reams of info to prove i'm in post and what i earn etc they have apparently got it all wrong and can not claim anything towards my wage. This has something to do with giving me the pay rise too early and it would mean a new payrise (which of course they wont do). it seems it has been messed up and cannot claim anything.

Today they told me that there is some money to be had, but the only way it could be claimed would be if i worked overtime (which would mean saturdays as i already work 9 hr shifts each day) and spend the time doing the quality counts file and being paid for it straight from the glf. Apparently this would be totally my choice and would be of no benefit to the nursery money-wise. The whole thing just seems strange-firstly i would basically be working for the money anyway so it wouldnt be a 'bonus' as referred to and the setting would get something out of it because it would get the QC file done.



I dont know whats happening...



Your nursery will be receiving £8000 a year and £5000 should be used to directly enhance your wages!!!!

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The actual amounts of GLF do vary from authority to authority. For example I don't get £8000 in my settting when I gain Eyps so you need to check with someone in the local authority about that.

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no, we're not entitled to £8000 either i dont think. think its 5 or 6 grand. there are several different strands to the glf -the one where you have an eyp already and the aim is to retain them and the funding for supporting an employee through the training which is a lot more money. the problem is is my local authority are rubbish and always have been for putting info on the internet. there is a woman i could call to speak about it but she would want to know where i'm from and i dont want it to seem like i'm going behind my employers backs and its not my job to sort out.

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In my area its £5000, it goes directly to the setting and should go towards raising the graduate's wages. It is also used for books, payment of any courses to aid the applicant

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My first time here, so I hope this works!

I understand the GLF to be £5k to be split under three headings. Salaries, Training and Enrichment Services. The percentage splits are decided by the relevant 'management' of the setting, whether it be committee, sole owner or whatever and can include all staff salaries, projects to enrich childrens lives (free at the point of delivery) and all staff training which can be accessed as out of the 'norm' of free or subsidised local authority training.


My GLF pack stated '......expected to be used for the retention of the graduate' but there are no definitive requirements as to how the money should / could be split.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I work in Barnet and they seem to have got their act together on this one. We were encouraged to apply by CWDC representative on our EYP network. There were 3 different routes depending on whether you were home growing an EYP, recruiting an EYP or already had an employee who had acheived EYPS. We received £4,500 of which a maximum of £3,000 could be used to supplement the EYP's salary, and have been told that this should be inplace until 2011. Here's hoping!


Hope this helps, but it does seem that different LAs have different criteria.

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I am completing foundation degree and in second year. My school reduced my salary to pay for cover when I was at uni every other wed . However, now hey have graduate fund so I should get my salary re-instated to correct amount. Its all very complicated but I should be eligable for about £1000 over the next two terms apparently as insentive fund?

We are with Wandsworth council bye the way!

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