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Hi just wondering how everyone advertises their settings?


I think most people's numbers have dropped so after a few ideas which wont cost the loads.



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Libraries, Doctor's surgeries, Church magazine, Village noticeboard, Post Office, corner shop, chip shop. Have the local newspaper out at every opportunity.

Our numbers are rising and it's getting difficult to find spaces only one on Monday morning and Wednesday morning and a couple of afternoon spaces on Monday and Thursday. Never been so full.

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as above..... plus free listings in yellow pages/ thompson local and other directories including internet listings such as netmums also check the local early years childcare link is it uptodate.


our local free paper will do short editorials just highlighting our setting which often proves worthwhile and we dont have to wait for a special event for them to put that an editorial in.


we use any promintent place in the local community we can display a poster such as friends and neighbours windows


it pays to drop into the local health visitors and toddler groups with some leaflets and also other places where mothers gather such as local hair dressers as well.

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"plus free listings in yellow pages/ thompson local and other directories including internet listings such as netmums also check the local early years childcare link is it up to date."


yes we do all these too - I had a phonecall from yellow pages online thing - with the woman suggesting I pay to make my advertising more prominent. I don't think she realised I was footling online at the same time, as she said that if she typed childcare and our area in, paying for advertising would mean that ours was at the front. Well I did that while we were chatting, and ours is the front anyway! Haha.


We occasionally advertise in the local paper when they do a What Preschool/School special feature

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Yellow pages tried that with us too, the sales person put me through to the directory enquiries who listed the first two groups on the list and then said "ok thats enough" so I phoned yellow pages later and found our listing was third on the list anyway so didnt bother cannt say I have had any one come to us through yellow pages directly but I have had parents go to the yellow pages (or other listings) for our number because they have heard of us through word of mouth so its well worth a single line free listing

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You could do something like win one free session for recommendations, or other prize your parents may like to win that's not too expensive.

For future reference, when new people do make enquiries for a place ask them (and record) where did you here about us. This will indicate where best to 'spend' advertising funds.

I must admit when I had my preschool the two answers I got for the above question were, word of mouth and the LA's childrens services directory. The childrens services phone number is extensively advertised on our local radio.



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