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Parent's And Carer's Packs

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we are about to revamp our prospectus to give to new parents/carers. I seem to remember reading somewhere, I think on this site, of settings where a brochure was also given to the children before they start. I think this sounds a lovely idea, can anyone help if they have such a thing

many thanks, Sandie

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We give out a prospectus to all enquiring parents which is basically an overview of the whole nursery.


After the parent has shown interest (and paid the deposit :o ) we then give a pack containing a much more detailed booklet about the area the child will joining (pre-school/over 2's/over 1's/babies) and all policies and procedures, parents in partnership agreement, application form etc.


So basically the same as Hali :)

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We do similar to hali, we include a prospectus booket which gives all the information they may need about us so they can keep it in one place. it includes topics like what to do in cases of illness, suitable clothes, routine of the day etc.

(ours is not in word format so unable to post)


we also send a welcome letter giving the name of the childs keyworker, a copy of the term dates for the coming year, and invite to come for a visit before their child is due to start.


We do not include policies and procedures but a note asking them to be aware of the book and read it, they then borrow a copy if they want to take it home and read as ours is 15+ pages a4 size, cost too much to send one to every parent.


you will find that it depends on what you ask for on their registration form as to what you send, some of what hali sends we already have , medical form, photo permission, likes dislikes, special needs etc. before sending a parents pack.


we are in the process of re-making a childs brochure too, with the routines and play in pictures for the child to look at. we did this last year with parents permission and those with children at the setting bought them as momentoes of their time with us.

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I saw a child's brochure once, that is sent to the child after a place has been accepted.


addressed and posted to the child at home i thought it was a lovely idea. It gave a few child friendly sentances and some supporting photos. It had things like "Please bring a pair of wellingtons" and there was a photo of a pair of wellies.



Not a very good description! but it sort of introduced children to some of the routines like hanging coat up, snack time and some of the fun activities on offer etc.


It was very much for the child as opposed to all the official stuff for parents.


Sure you all get the idea of what I am trying to describe!!!!

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Again we dosimilar to Hali - when a parent enquires about the Pre-school we give them a Prospectus that tells them all about the Pre-school and they are encouraged to visit us during a morning so they can see for themselves what we do.

When they have decided to come to us I give them a Welcome pack, that includes all the necessary forms to be completed, their keyworker and confirmation of days. etc. I don't print out our policies, as there are so many of them, I let them know in the Welcome pack that they are available for them to see. When they visit Pre-school there are two albums that are kept in the bookcorner that shows 'Our Pre-school' so that parents and children can have a look at these as well.

Quite a few years ago I used to send the child a letter and booklet telling them about the things we do at Pre-school but don't do that now.

I have been thinking about doing another booklet as the other one is a bit dated - but just haven't found the time!!!!


Sue J

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I send a small leaflet, with a few details, inviting visits to the preschool, I do the registration form and permission form ie: photo's sun cream etc during a home visit, prior to starting.

My prospectus did become quite long, 36 A4 pages, without all the policies!, so I am, like Sue J thinking of doing a shorter version ( but not found the time- although I just spent a few hours on this site!!!!).

It's so difficult when information within the prospectus changes- plus the printing and binding time and costs. I have pondered the idea of putting one on a CD for parents but I tend to use publisher a lot (I find it easier to use with photo's than a word doc), but not got round to finding out if parents would be able to/ or want to use a CD.


I do ensure all parents have a copy of Terms and Conditions, Positive behaviour management policy, complaints procedure and Child protection policy and procedure. These I feel are the most important and I know they wouldn't be read by everyone if left to look at the policy pack in the preschool.



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