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Time To Hand It In.........


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I started the foundation degree in September and have to hand in the first 2 essays plus observations and another 5 pieces of work tomorrow.


Whilst outwardly I am thrilled to be done with them..... printed up, in folders, in the bag for college tomorrow......


Subconciously I am worrying......

The past 2 nights I have had dreams about my bag being lost or plain forgetting to take the work in to hand over!!


They have led me to feel totally worn out when its been time to get up!!!!!!!!


On top of this worry we got given last Monday the next batch of work due.

I felt over loaded and totally out of my depth!


This feeling has settled thankfully but I wonder is this roller coaster what its ging to be like each time a new batch of work is given to me?

Am I to feel like this for the next 2 years???!!!!!!!!!!!!


Am I alone feeling like this?


I don't think I am but would like to know for sure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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No you are not alone in feeling like this.


I have these feelings all the time when I start an assignment and the 'due by' date is looming on the horizon. It is natural to feel overloaded......I haven't seen my dining-room table for months and I feel swamped with paperwork of all kinds.


Perhaps it will get easier for you as you get further into your studies and you will be able to manage these feelings better.


Just kiss your assignments goodbye tomorrow when you hand them in, give yourself a pat on the back for completing them in time, have a little break and then get stuck into the next lot. The 2 years will fly....promise!! :o


Good luck!

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Hi Scarlettagel

No you're not alone, i started uni in September at level 5. I did level 4 at collage, it is so different, i passed my first module ( research methods) just before Xmas, what a relief!

i start back this week with my ongoing research services, not looking forward to it at all, am also starting inclusive behaviour. I am a mature student and work a 45 hour week as well. Am finding it really hard to take in. But i love my job of 22 years so i will carry on with sleepless nights of worry!

Hope you feel better after tomorrow people keep telling me the first term is the hardest, Lets start the new year feeling positive!!

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That is exactly how I felt and I think when you have work back and some feedback you will feel better about it all.....it is just the not knowing if you are on the right track. I am in year 3 and have also just handed in ...I have similar worries and dreams about not handing in on time and stuff I think you get a bit more used to it as time goes on.


Good luck to you and keep sharing your journey - I couldn't of done any of it without the help and support of this forum.


Chin up and reward yourself tomorrow..you have worked hard and deserve a little present!

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well done you must feel glad and relieved its finished and ready to be handed in.

I handed my essays in on the 5th of jan and am just reading for the next modules, they appear to have given you the next lot of work pretty quick.We dont start our next module untill 27 jan so have had a log break.

anyway well done :o

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just wanted to add my empathy xD Im in my middle year! Keep going I have feelings Im drowning and when i manage to get to sleep really weird dreams :o

ours a lot more spaced out on average one every half term with some big studies in between. And as for the dining room table Dublin Bay christmas was a night mare just threw it all in a cardboard box but it looks worst then ever now!!! and I can never find what I want!


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Well no bad dreams last night.......


Just woke about 100 times because my body didn't want to oversleep and miss the train to college, and the opportunity to off load this work!!!!!!!!


Ah well time to get on.


Have a nice day all and thanks for your thoughts x

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Thank you.


Handed in.


Done and dusted.


Time to set off on the next lot now........


Well, when I say now, I might mean...........SOON!

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Since starting my FD in Sept I've been shocked to discover I work best when I leave it RIGHT to the deadline :o What's happened to all my years of Time Management training?!


I handed my first portfolio in early in December and it's being "moderated" ( xD sounds nasty!) tomorrow.


I'll know on Tuesday how I did - then I'll hopefully have a better idea of how I'm doing. Meanwhile I'm slowly getting round to tackling the next module.



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I haven't responded to this before but I just wanted to say that I think I've experienced every fear and emotion that you have all expressed! I think its all perfectly normal - and just goes to show how study takes over your life!


Oh and nona - welcome to the ranks of the Last Minute Merchants. I believe I was the founder member and am probably Life President! :o



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I was wondering of there was a name for this last-minute madness?! :o Glad to hear I'm not alone!

The ideas and words just seem to flow best in the wee, small hours while the rest of the house sleeps!


I've now got 3 assignments with deadlines of 30 April, 4 May & 5 May, so no sleep that week then....


Think I'll stock up on chocolate & strong coffee in advance.



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I did not realise that using a full range of emotions would be on the cards for the degree!!


I don't think I could be a last minute person (I would stress way too much) but this time I had to be organised because for the first time ever we went away for new year and I wanted it done so I could enjoy the break!!


Thanks for your thoughts.


Will know how it went, with a preliminary grade 23 Feb x

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Well done for completing them and handing them in! I am just the same as you when I post mine off to the OU - and I never relax until I get them back!!


Good luck with the results.

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