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Staff Appraisals


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Appraisals are normally done on an annual basis. However, supervision meetings which are often confused with appraisals can occur on a monthly, termly, or other regular basis.



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We do our annual appraisals around summer half term break. This gives time for the staff to formulate their thoughts and also gives ME time to implement any changes, or look more deeply into any suggestions, before the start of the new school year.

I give staff a letter after Easter which tells them about the appraisal and and we plan a date. Following the appraisal I give a typed account of everything we covered and we both sign it, they keep one copy and the other goes into their file.

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Just to please MrsWeasley - here's our policy


Staff Appraisal Policy


Staff appraisal will take place annually and will consist of a one to one meeting between the member of staff and the Preschool Manager.


Each member of staff will be given a letter advising them of the meeting, and inviting them to consider the following pointers, which can be discussed in the meeting:


 Immediate improvements which could be made in relation to this individual’s job.

 Immediate improvements which could be made to the Preschool.

 Longer term improvements which could be made either to the Preschool or the individual’s job.

 How the individual would like to see the job develop in the coming year.

 New areas of work or responsibility that the individual would like to take on.

 Any difficulties which the individual is experiencing in the work.


The Preschool Manager will bring forward any issues that are felt relevant to the work of this particular member of staff and will make notes on the discussion which arises. A copy of the notes will be given to the member of staff shortly after the meeting.


If as a result of the meeting specific action is considered relevant, a date for this action to be completed will be set, and the member of staff will be informed of this. Where necessary a date for a further meeting will also be set.


Copies of staff appraisal notes will be kept locked in the appropriate personnel file.

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I've never really liked our appraisals procedure i.e. the forms or the timing, and as we are all having a bit of a down period at the moment, I've already altered your form to use now. I hope this would help us feel good about ourselves and identify things we happy with, not just the things that are getting us down (paperwork and the weather mostly). Thanks for sharing these.



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  • 4 weeks later...
we're a committee run pre-school and annual staff appraisals have always been done by myself and and an officer (chair usually) and mine by 2 officers, new chair wants nothing to do with them (which is odd, as he's clearly the one in charge ! ) how are anyone elses done ?


I would've thought that it has to be the chair, as they are your direct line manager!

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Just a quick tip that works for us - we use the Ofsted 4 point judgment scale for all feedback. So for appraisals we ask staff to grade themselves for things like time management, punctuality, relationships with colleagues, management etc.


We also use the scale for parents' questionnaires (but we say poor rather then inadequate - I really don't like that word :o ) and then for children's questioning we use four faces (sad (poor), straight face (satisfactory), smiley face (good) and beaming face (outstanding).


We were commended on this when we did a quality assurance scheme as it really helped to self assess against a consistent grading system. We are now using to to inform our SEF.



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Just a quick tip that works for us - we use the Ofsted 4 point judgment scale for all feedback. So for appraisals we ask staff to grade themselves for things like time management, punctuality, relationships with colleagues, management etc.


We also use the scale for parents' questionnaires (but we say poor rather then inadequate - I really don't like that word :o ) and then for children's questioning we use four faces (sad (poor), straight face (satisfactory), smiley face (good) and beaming face (outstanding).


We were commended on this when we did a quality assurance scheme as it really helped to self assess against a consistent grading system. We are now using to to inform our SEF.



Great idea - I think I will adopt this approach.


Have to say I loathe 'staff appraisals' - we are a very small rural pre-school, so just me and two 'staff' who have been with me for years - I can't consider them to be 'staff' but rather 'work colleagues' and of course we have developed close friendships - this may seem unprofessional to the 'powers that be' but it is what it is and it suits us just fine!


That said we have been commended at inspections on how well we work together and our clearly defined roles.



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Just a quick tip that works for us - we use the Ofsted 4 point judgment scale for all feedback. So for appraisals we ask staff to grade themselves for things like time management, punctuality, relationships with colleagues, management etc.

Now I like this idea, ReaderRabbit! Do you by any chance have a blank form that you might share for us to look at? Pretty please!



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This is the form I have adapted for our appraisals with employees and employers parts to fill out.


Not sure how to attach a file so don't know if this will work - if not please can someone let me know how to put a file into this post. Thanks x






Just checked my post and looks like it's ok - hope it helps some of you looking for a form. x

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Like many others our appraisals seemed like a paper exercise.. as we were a small staff, who regularly attended courses and updated everything, discussed issues and ideas all the time and regularly did self evaluations for setting and staff needs, etc etc.. we always did it in June/July so it could show our training plans for next year... but in reality it really was just writing down a repeat of what we were doing anyway...


I can see the benefit in some organisations but in ours it was always a bit 'silly'.



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Like many others our appraisals seemed like a paper exercise.. as we were a small staff, who regularly attended courses and updated everything, discussed issues and ideas all the time and regularly did self evaluations for setting and staff needs, etc etc.. we always did it in June/July so it could show our training plans for next year... but in reality it really was just writing down a repeat of what we were doing anyway...


I can see the benefit in some organisations but in ours it was always a bit 'silly'.



I'm with you Inge!



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our appraisals are done once a year in term 4

butwe always have informal chit chats which for me are invaluable

about knowing whats bothering my staff and whats good and whats not


i also ask what can my manage do for me dont laways want to hear the reply but i know im good but not perfect and knowing how i can improve and help them is good!

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Now I like this idea, ReaderRabbit! Do you by any chance have a blank form that you might share for us to look at? Pretty please!





Ok here goes - I've never uploaded anything before so we'll see if it works. If it does you should see the self assessment form and action plan that make up the appraisal pack. The self assessment form is pages 1 to 4 and is copied onto A3 paper to form a booklet - this keeps it tidy and looks more 'official'. The action plan is just one side of A4. You may find that whole thing looks quite formal but I think it shows Mrs O that we are professionals and we don't work off the back of a fag packet :o




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