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Are All 16 Year Olds Like This?


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When teaching the BTEC a few years ago at my local college, at the end of term the group of 20 students were due a test, the week before was a study week, but I was off sick... I arrived the following week, gave the group their test, which was multiple choice questions (yes I gave them the answers !)

They all folded their arms, refused to do the test saying "but you weren't here last week to help us revise!!

The whole group was a nightimare, more interested in talking pubs, clubs, boys, fashion etc...

When I discussed their attitude with my head of department she said, well not to worry, if they don't make it in childcare at least what you have taught them so far will hopefully make them better mums when they have children :o



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:D:D:D We had a student come for an interview today, he was 17 and OH! what a breath of fresh air!!!!! :D:D Put him on the spot really and got him to read a story to a group of children - fantastic response from the children :oxD He was polite, enthusiastic, asked lots of questions - YIPPEEEEEEEEEE :D


Anyone get Nursery WOrld?? LEtter of the week today is called "The wrong students" - food for thought but i thought it was rather scathing in places :(

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No not all 16year olds are like that. We regularly have them in for work experience and child care courses from our local non selective upper school. We have had some great teenagers. Our last one was brilliant, She was very good with the children, playing games with them at play time, encouraging and supporting them without letting them get too friendly. She was polite and helpful to staff and showed great initiative. She helped with the tidying up, fetching the mop and bucket and cleaning up after a water spraying incident in the cloakrooms and making tea for every one when the ofsted inspector left! Yes she was the best we've had so far, mostly because she had lots of confidence, but I have found that a lot of the other teenagers improve with encouragement and support.



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we have had a great student in this week, he has been so busy helping .it has been so good to see him getting stuck in, sharing his time with all the children. he has also been the only student to join us lsa`s for breaktime which is great and very brave!


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It gets worse...today after coming every friday for the last 6 weeks they told my deputy (i'm ill so wasnt there) that they have to do a presentation at school detailing how we work/operate, they need photos of activities, copies of policies, details of fire procedures and a few other things. I knew while they were with us it was for a reason, but I asked them what do you need to know/do/find out about, I showed them the FS folder and talked a little bit about planning (stopped when I saw them looking at the floor), I asked what they are hoping to do when they leave school, our EYDPC teacher tried to engage them in an activity, other staff spoke to them about their courses. All we ever got back was shrugged shoulders and blank looks. I will have to speak to the school after half term, I really cant believe they couldnt of known before today why they were with us. If I was dumbstruck before I'm totally flabergasted now. Really cant believe it. Deputy was stunned too, one of the girls said today that she is planning on opening her own nursery...'Oh you wish' was the silent reply of the deputy. And their next placement is in a home for the elderly, God help 'em. :o


So glad to hear other people have had good experiences with positive students, I will take great care next time we are approached. :D

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we had one girl on our NNEB who dropped out of the course and went to work with the elderly. Her reasoning- "they are the same- dribble a lot, speak nonsense and some are still in nappies". How sensitive was that?

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