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Planning In Foundation/reception - Help Nobody Has Replied!

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Hi all,


I am sure someone very knowledgeable about the forum will guide me in the direction of a previous topic linked to this! But here goes anyway....


I am in a foundation/reception class and would like some advice on how other people plan! I currently complete a long term plan outlining our topics/texts for the year and a medium term plan which details the developmental matters and activities we may do linked to these. Finally, I then complete daily planning which details our adult leds and child initiated activities. Each session has a different focus so that the 6 areas of learning have equal weighting across the week. I am not sure if this is the right thing to be doing as I have now confused myself about planning for continuous provision and how often I should do this/should I do it at all!!

Can anyone help or tell me what they do/show me samples!

Just want to know what I am doing is right!

Thanks everyone,

Tinky :o


We complete a long term plan in which we outline topics for the year. we then medium term plan in which we list objective we may cover through this topic as well as a list of possible activities. we then short term plan weeekly in which we plan 6 focus activities we also do a weekly plan outlining adult directed and child initiated activities. as for continuous provision we have permanent plans in each area we i got from this site which list the resrouces available in the area and the types of learning which takes place. if you type continuous provsion plans into the search box im sure you will find them


Hi, I'm Preschool, not Reception, but I have all the continuous provision plans (which I've loaded onto here, under a continuous provision thread) and I have loose Themes to enhance the CP. I have a sheet which we write on to show what we have added to enhance the CP around the theme. Each Key Person plans some small activities to do with the theme for their own 'family' and where these overlap groups join together.

Is that any help to you at all?

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