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Risk Assessments

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Hello all


with regards to risk assessments does anyone have a proforma they are willing to share?? I've looked at various websites via google and have seen some that are either tick boxes or descriptive..I really am at a loss which is the better way in doing this for ofsted. As outings are numerous within my setting, I understand you only have to do one per outing and reflect back to it if any risk become visable....is this correct....


Welcome tinka77 and congratulations on your first post. If you look at 'search forum posts' at the top you will find that there have been lots of threads about risk assessments and lots of people have uploaded theirs, so you can look and decide which will be best for you.


Hi ya


Feel a bit of a twit now, first time on and didnt scroll down page far enough. Have attempted at some risk assessment beforehand so have up loaded - might give others some ideas. Am I on the right track or should I just go for tick sheets???


Fed up now with all the paperwork.....when are we supposed to play with the kids???????




These look fine to me. The important thing about this sort of thing is that they work for you. So if you prefer a tick list, then go for it.

It's important to consider the history of risk, and whether you think things are high, medium or low risk.


Hi ya i did the post before on risk assessments. I only tick list my monthly one on the rooms in my house and the garden etc. I then fill in a date for each monthly fire drill and weekly smoke alarm test. My outings risk assessments i have just started DON'T do a tick list for each outing just one chart covering all the things you visully check when you go to each place. Not each seperate venue though as a whole Parks, car journeys,library, toddler groups etc. This becomes like a bank card is filed but adjusted to anything that arises when on outings. There is nothing to tick etc people have added some good examples of what they do in the post a few down on risk assessments for outings. Hope this helps.

Hello all


with regards to risk assessments does anyone have a proforma they are willing to share?? I've looked at various websites via google and have seen some that are either tick boxes or descriptive..I really am at a loss which is the better way in doing this for ofsted. As outings are numerous within my setting, I understand you only have to do one per outing and reflect back to it if any risk become visable....is this correct....

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