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Help My Manager Has Just Left The Nursery


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Can someone please help me, my manager who i so much trusted and relied on so much has suddenly decided that she doesn't want to work for me anymore. We got on so well infact i treated her like my own younger sister instead of my staff.


The worst part is that she couldn't have chosen a worse time has i have just given birth just 12 days ago via caesarian section and still in lots of pain and discomfort.


I have just completed my NVQ Level 3 in childcare and seriously considering on making myself the manager since it seems you cant trust anyone to manage one's business. The problem however is that i feel i dont have enough experience most espeacially when it comes to facing those scary Ofsted inspectors and answering all the rigourous questions they usually ask during inspections.


Since i started the Nursery 2 years ago i feel as though i have been very supportive, working closely with the manger to run the nursery succsesfully, my family also think i would do a good job running the nursey myself if i decided to.


For some reason i dont feel confident, i also feel down and so betrayed. Can someone who has been through this experience. Help, am quite desperate.

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first and foremost at the moment are you and your lovely new baby. It is a very bad time for you to lose trusted staff. is there anyone who can step up temporary until you are back on your feet. Where is your nursery and could you put an ad on here until you are able to take over?

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it is scarey but exciting i took over my pre-school 5 years ago i have worked ther for 10 years before. i took over a successful pre-school always full very popular but there was so much that was not in place and every time i think we have got some where there is something else that needs doing !!

it is a real learning curve and you dont stop learning ever


my advice is (when your back on your feet)

visit good settings in your area, talk to good managers, get your eyat on your side, talk to other staff, make changes slowly and with staff on your side, go on courses if possible, most of all give yourself time set goals but make them realistic put them down on action plans so if o come in then they can see what yours plans are be reflective

I know how you feel as i have been let down by a couple of staff over the last couple of years but hey if they can let you down just like that then are they the people you want at your setting!!


good luck

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hello and welcome to the forum - congratulations on the birth of your baby xxx


poor you what a bad time for this to happen - where are u im a very unhapy manager and could come and sort things for you till you get on your feet :oxD


have you got a deputy in place that could take over temprarilly until you decide what to do???



good luck hun xxxxxxxxx

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First of all congratulations on the birth of your baby, and welcome to the forum.


This must be a difficult time for you - and you must try and put you and your baby first.


Did the manager give a reason for handing in her notice?, is she unhappy at work or just wanting to move on?

Is she open to communication - would she be willing to extend her notice period to help out?


Sorry lots of questions there!



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Hi and a very warm welcome to the forum from me too. In joining, you have made a very large step towards getting the support and help that you need to see you through this difficult time. But as everyone else has said, the two most important people to consider at the moment are you and your baby - many many congratulations by the way!


Can you tell us a little more about how your nursery runs - number and age range of children, staffing levels and qualfications, opening hours, etc.etc - and then we'll be able to consider the situation in a bit more detail.


But please don't feel desperate. I know it feels as though the world is on your shoulders at the moment - and you probably feel very resentful of the fact that the news has come at this time and is taking your attention away from what is a momentous time in your life - but you WILL get through this and come out the other side. Opening a nursery is a HUGE learning curve and you can't be expected to foresee every crisis and problem that is going to occur, so don't beat yourself up about it. We're all here to help.......and you've shown a LOT of common sense in joining the forum!! :o

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Blimey, she could have been a bit more thoughtful with her timing. Many congratulations on your lovely new baby.


You will get lots of great advice on here. Slightly different circs, but I had to take over as manager with only 3 years experience as the previous manager had to leave for health reasons. It was a huge leap but 5 years later I don't regret it one bit.


As others have said, take it slowly. If your policies are ok and everything else in place, things should keep ticking over. Do you have a reliable deputy?

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Just when you should be enjoying your new baby & looking after yoursefl!


Rotten timing but lots of offers of help and support, hope things get sorted,



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Many congratulations on the birth of your baby.


Try not to worry, i know thats easy for me to say. But sometime these things happen, and they turn out better in the long run. I know from experience!

Dont worry about ofsted, try to think of them as help, they are only there to ensure good practice, and if thats happening in your setting you have nothing to worry about.

Take one thing at a time, Theres some great people on here to help you.

Take care

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what a shame, all this stress is the last thing you need, congratulations on you new arrival!!


dont let this issue spoil this precious time with your baby, these early days are best despite the exhaustion and hormones!!


i had to go back to work when baby was 5 weeks old (hes 16 month now) as the deputy cound nt cope and staff were mutinous!

before that i had 4 weeks off , only cos i was so big i couldnt walk!!! and was bombarded with calls from work every day even when i was in labour!!! it really spoiled a special time and you cant claim it back so make the most of you little one and hopefully thing will resolve themselves soon


thinking of you Jx

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Welcome to the Forum, yewande. Congratulations on the birth of your baby - and on joining the Forum!


I think hali has probably the best solution in this interim period when you think about what to do and make some decisions. How confdent is your deputy? I would speak very quickly to your early years adviser and get some support from them. With the best will in the world you have a lot on your plate at the moment so don't take too much on your own shoulders just now. If your deputy is willing, let her take the strain for now so that you can come to terms with what has happened and make a plan for the future.


Good luck - let us know how things go!



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Hiya, was just wondering where I could put my 1000th post and congratulating you on the birth of your baby seemed to be the best place to put it.

Before decidig on doing anything I think you need to chat to both the manager and deputy and find out what's going well, what could be improved and how before making any commitment. Do you know the reason why she is leaving? With a new born baby to look after and a nursery - things could potentially become stressful. I would certainly look at your deputy acting up and find out if she wants to, if she doesn't then there may be other issues to wish to consider before commiting yourself.


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Welcome to the forum, we are all here to help in any way we can.

Congratulations on your new baby, just 12 days old and ceasarian, you need to rest and put yourself and baby first. Your emotions are truly being tested and your well being depends on rest right now.


I hope you can get support in the first instance from your manager hopefully extending her notice, if not your deputy. What is encouraging is the faith in you and support that your family are offering, this is paramount when running your own business, let them look after you over the coming weeks, enjoy your new born, get back your strength and then the mountain you need to climb will not seem so steep.





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first and foremost at the moment are you and your lovely new baby. It is a very bad time for you to lose trusted staff. is there anyone who can step up temporary until you are back on your feet. Where is your nursery and could you put an ad on here until you are able to take over?





Thank you sp much, really appreaciate ur support

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it is scarey but exciting i took over my pre-school 5 years ago i have worked ther for 10 years before. i took over a successful pre-school always full very popular but there was so much that was not in place and every time i think we have got some where there is something else that needs doing !!

it is a real learning curve and you dont stop learning ever


my advice is (when your back on your feet)

visit good settings in your area, talk to good managers, get your eyat on your side, talk to other staff, make changes slowly and with staff on your side, go on courses if possible, most of all give yourself time set goals but make them realistic put them down on action plans so if o come in then they can see what yours plans are be reflective

I know how you feel as i have been let down by a couple of staff over the last couple of years but hey if they can let you down just like that then are they the people you want at your setting!!


good luck



Thanks you so much, will definetly follow your advice

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hello and welcome to the forum - congratulations on the birth of your baby xxx


poor you what a bad time for this to happen - where are u im a very unhapy manager and could come and sort things for you till you get on your feet :oxD


have you got a deputy in place that could take over temprarilly until you decide what to do???



good luck hun xxxxxxxxx


Thank you so much, for all support

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