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I know started off yet another topic!

Well you all probably know my woes at pre-school! Have been looking for a while for another job as pre-school assistant...no not to give up the job ihave already but to try and find something else so that i can give up my sainsburys job at night and woud fit in with the 2 mornings that i do already. I am waiting for details to come through about one that is potential (depends on actual times).


Anyway I am noticing that even for assitant level positions all adverts want already qualified staff. I am at the moment unqualified although have started diploma in pre-school practice (equivalent to level 3). I have got higher qualifications (not in childacre though!), been trained in paed first aid, child protection, done courses on EYFS, welfare requirements and a few circle time, working with parents sort of courses. Should I still apply for those jobs that ask for the qualification already and just hope that they are not in the same situation as my current pre-school and deperate for already qualified staff?


The EYFS has got a lot to answer for this!!!

Edited by marley
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It would depend on the post.. but providing it is not deputy it may be worth a go..


You know how hard it is to recruit staff who are qualified and it may be that the fact that you are gaining a qualification , and the experience you have is enough..


You can apply ..and let them decide if you are suitable and interview you


Perhaps a visit to the setting to see them may help with any worries



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Definately still apply. I would still consider you for a position if you came to me on the basis that you have already undertaken some training and are willing to do more. I have just employed someone who is in the process of doing level 3 and has fully paid for the course herself without applying for funding- that speaks volumes for me as she is obviously committed. There is still a place out there for experienced staff with or without qualifications.

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I agree with Inge and Moomy as long as its not a deputy position you should apply for a qualified one; heck why not even give a deputy position a try - they can only say no and you will have had interview practice!! How long till you complete DPP? From reading your other posts you sound dedicated, motivated and passionate - just what this profession needs! Someone somewhere will snap you up of that I am 100% certain. Your present committee don't deserve any of you!! Good luck..........I always find chocolate and/or wine helps in situations such as these - medicinal!!

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Well only been doing diploma for 3 months but aiming to get it done by end of this year...that sounds rubbish really doesnt it! However, passed first CACHE assignment and only another 3 to do! Just starting the second one but as you say not able to hand in next assignment until 1 June, one after that 1 Aug and then 1 Dec. Not sure if its possibe to actually hand in 2 CACHE assignmnets at once?!

Finding it very interesting and have been doing a fair amount of reading/research on the days not at pre-school. I have done about 50 hours of the got to do 150 hours in pre-school bit...all in all quite pleased with how its going.


Oh and would not even consider going for deputy position (unless i could have done at my own village setting :oxD ). Most jobs going seem to be all day nurseries and thats not ideal with a young son and daughter to pick up at school . The job I am looking at is about 15 mins drive away and is a preschool open mon, wed, thurs fri open from 9.15 until 3pm. They are advertising for staff to work 18 hours over mon, wed, fri so going to get all the info and see what it means. I currently do fri at my village pre-school but i job share with another and i would see if she would swap a day with me. We'll see what the info is first!

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Definitely go ahead. I advertised for a level 2 qualified staff member for three mornings only a week and got an application from someone who said they wanted 5 full days! I would rather have someone who can read the advert and application pack and was working towards qualification. Even with this position where I really need someone qualified for the medium term future I am willing to consider outstanding candidates who are training or could get to level 2 in a short time.

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There seems to be a real shortage of Level 3 practitioners (for the last three posts I've advertised for qualified staff but none have applied). So I would say 'go for it' marley and be confident about your knowledge and experience - its likely to be your passion for and commitment to the job that will get you the gig! I'd much rather have an employee like you who is working towards a qualification and really 'gets' what working with young children is all about!


Let us know what you decide, and how things go!


Good luck to you - you definitely deserve to work for a setting that is well run and really appreciate what an asset you are!



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go for it marley i would with your experience would employ you

would rather have a member of staff with your experience then a qualified member with none

and you have started your course so no problems


go sell yourself...............not literally:)

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I hope you have applied for it. My two most experienced members of staff hold no level 2 or 3. Bt they have both worked at our pre-school for 12 & 13 years eachand apart from holding no NV Q's or DPP's they have been on every other LEA Early years training there is. I wouldn't now employ anyone without a Level3 but wold employ soemone like yourself who was in the middle of one.

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Aaahh you are kind! Would love to come and work for any of you!


Have got my name down for a pack to be sent to me for this job but they said it may take 4-5 days as the job only just been advertised.

Went to sainsburys last night (back up plan) and spoke to my deputy..hinted that I woud love to go to days now son at school etc...reply...not b***dy likely! Apparently they have far too many staff during the day and not enough at night. So basically told him was looking for something else! Best of luck he says...not bad after being there 6 years eh??


Just have to keep looking...need to get qualified asap!...no change that need to get this flippin planning assignment in(nightmare !) ..so frustrating.....I have to do it old school...using themes for medium term planning and have to produce 2 weeks worth of short term planning too..plus must not go over the word count of 3500 for the WHOLE assignmnet (already used 1700 on plan)!! :oxD:(

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Yes that right Cait! I had originally put as appendix but went back to tutor asking for guidance and she mentioned it was not to be an appendix!


The whole word count thing i know is necessary but its very limited when you want to go into more depth.

The other thing that is annoying is that the course materials are still birth to 3 etc and i think in some way this planning assignmnet has to be based on that. They say you can use EYFS for the assignment but not sure about you but we dont plan 2 weeks in advance! Our weekly planning is done daily as the kids choose some of the activites and then depending on what they have chosen we chose the rest to get a broad coverage of KUW, CLL etc. The children then decide how we enhance by what they are interested in, so could be different everyday and although we start of with background theme we dont have to stick to it if the kids arent interested. We dont really have medium term plans and long term ones are the things we celebrate each year and what we hope to achieve.

The assignment is to produce a short term curriculum plan - tutor sent me an example which was based on an animal theme. Medium term pan was 6 weeks worth of wild animals one week, pets the next etc etc and then she did a weekly plan using that topic for creative, story etc to enhance her provision. There was the odd free choice of books or cd.


Ive based my planning a bit on hers ie used a theme and had the same areas of continuous provision but in mine have put in 3 boxes every day child choice and linked the continuous provision areas to KUW, CD etc. I have based my medium plan on hers. She says hers is not EYFS but seeing as most of us all do planning differently I sort of used a combination of my settings and hers..otherwise there would have been lots of the same thing for my planning...sounds confusing doesnt it? In fact im totally confused now.... :o


In fact may even try to upload it and let you lot hav a look at it!

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they both look fine marley..


you could put a comment that in line with the EYFS the weekly one could/would be filled in daily using children interests , and enhancements added by the staff ensure curriculum coverage. which in essence is how we did the planning since Sept.


(and the monthly one changed according to the children's interests)



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Marley - why don't you advertise your services on here - I am sure many of us will be looking for staff now or in the near future.

I know I will be .


You sound fab and motivated and to me attitude is far better than any qualification. But the fact you are studying is a wow!!!!


Please don't be modest and hopefully someone will be looking for staff in your area.

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Reminds me of when I did my DCE we had two tutors - The assignment required us to make 'a booklet' can't remember what about ....... anyway tutor A said there was no word count- but it had to fit one side of A4....... tutor B got very cross with tutor A saying we needed more than one side... tutor A wouldn't change her mind - so under tutor B's instruction we all handed our work in with the smallest type font possible!!!



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Yes that right Cait! I had originally put as appendix but went back to tutor asking for guidance and she mentioned it was not to be an appendix!



Check again marley, I used to know an area training officer who had to sort out a class of extremley disgruntled students who had been told by their tutor to do 16 observations on their child study and they could all be on post its!!


And do what tess suggests, advertise yourself :o

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Sorry that speaking to your tutor hasn't really helped in sorting this assignment out! As I think I might have mentioned to you, make it up to get through it. SHHH did I just say that?!


Good luck with that application!

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totally agree - fake it ( I had to for my DPP and now my FD as they want 6 weeks medium term plans)


Just play the game and do what you have to get the qualification


(I am so glad Tess is not my real name, so my work can't be traced- havong given you that confession . However if the cat( real Tess) ever takes her FD she might be in trouble now )

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