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This goes out all you pack aways


some of my paperwok is at home some of it in the setting

most of my work is done on my lap top which is at home

have computer at work but windows vista and i cant get my head round it and all my templates etc (5 years of work)

is on lap top


i am in ratio numbers but can sometimes leave the hall to go and do paperwork in an office attatched to church so not easy


when and how do you organise your time to fit it all in?


I have no admin staff just me i cans spend an hour and a half just photocopying and filing answering odd letter or call alone

let alone ofsted, policies, staffing issues, action plans planning etc

i get paid for planning but we could not as a setting afford to pay me otherwise but this is not my gripe

just want to know what you do

thanks guys

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I'm not a manager or deputy so I can't really offer advice but I do sympathise. I often wonder how my boss copes with it all, the deputy does a fair bit of the admin and I have been known to wrestle the odd bit of paperwork of her and have taken on the planning; but these are just a fraction of what she has to deal with and like you she's counted in the ratios and has key children. Hopefully someone will be along with more helpful advice,


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I count in the ratio every day and get no paper work done during the session. When the children leave and everything is put away (and all the staff gone) I usually spend time in the office filing letters from county, ofsted etc and keeping up with the day to day paper work I keep at the Pre School. All my computer files are stored on my lap top and all the paper work, sef, rotas, regiseters, policies, planning etc. is done at home.


Committee tell me to put down the hours I work at home and then at committee meetings you hear the treasurers report and realise they really can't afford to pay you extra hours so inevitably I don't put extra hours on my timesheet. mrsW

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I do all paperwork at home at don't get paid for any of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can feel the draw of Sainsburys-- only joking but I don't think anyone outside this profession realises the unpaid hours we all do. All I hear is " at least you get the holidays off" AARRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!

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it is really hard to fit everything in but think you have to try to delegate anything you can. is there anything anyone else to do - just ask - perhaps at a staff meeting - other people may want to help but feel a bit unsure whether you want the help if you look organised?

do your staff do their own planning for their key children which is really good for the children and the staff as they know what their children need and you are not just doing a general plan which may suit some childrens needs but not others.

if you are a committee run group is there a committee member who would be willing to come in and help you for an hour a week- if there are a few then thats two or three hours help - even if its photocopying , filing ets its one less job for you to do

hope thats a help

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my staff do their own planning for thier children i just collate it all

and no i cant delegate i would not ask them to do something that they would not get paid for.

Its very frustrating as i go to do something at home to find i need a bit of paper thats at work and visa versa


thank you for oyur replies keep them coming as i am looking for a magic recipe heehee

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again ...at home..... but did delegate some to staff as appropriate..


one did the photos, another funding forms when that came round, one did risk assessments, copying, etc so they all did a small amount.


planning was completed by everyone, particularly with eyfs as no planning needed far ahead...


Once it was up to date I found it a simple task to check over the year ans update or change as needed.


Used to use a memory stick for having files on so that I could use them on any PC ans had them with me should I need them at work.. where I had to use the children's computer if I needed one in the room with them. Lunch time was a favourite!


I used to get paid 1 day for paperwork etc. and had one day at home each week to do it. or fitted in 1 hour a day at home.


I did submit timesheets for overtime and left it to the committee to decide if they could afford to pay any more..... they did if it could be afforded, and I did tell them it was for their reference rather than asking to be paid the extra if finances were tight... but as I did the accounts, wages etc as well I knew if it was possible.!



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seems we're all in same boat!


my biggest frustration is we have no office. Each morning I go in lay stuff out on deks/table in neat to do piles. I get paid 4 1/2 hours week to do paperwork which I do at home after work, usually an hour a day (usually longer than an hour!)


I'm counted in ratios but usually have time to do small bits - nothing major - but add to my 'to do piles' as in file, phone etc..... so still doing well getting bit sorted.......... then 9 times out of 10... I go off to do circle or story time at end of session, or a perent comes in early for chat..... .... and some kind member of staff has 'tidied' the table for me - "so we can get away ontime" and all my paperwork is pick up shoved on the trolley anywhere it will fit -ready to wheeled away and locked up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


ARHGGGGGGGGG..................... so, next morning I come in early, layout the desk - the rest is history!



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you know ladies, sometimes I arrive at work and have that "Oh no, I don't want to set everything up again" feeling. And then I think about you guys all doing the same thing in Pre Schools all over the country and it makes me feel better, it really keeps me going some mornings. Its like you are not on your own, so thanks. mrsW.x

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Basically as others have said, at home. That said I am paid for time not in (eg if I'm off sick, etc not that I'm always off ill you understand) which goes a little way towards it but otherwise I'm not really paid for it and am counted in ratios every day. I also have a keyperson group too. I too get the comments about having school holidays but in truth I don't - I just get to work from home instead! I do have a supportive committee but I think the only real answer to it is employing an adminstrator which the finances won't cover.

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I am the supervisor and responsible for everything. Each staff member takes a turn in doing the daily planning at pre-school. We try and do the focus activity at key person time whenever possible. Staff then update records while children play independently. We find that if keypersons update regularly it doesn't take long. Staff are then free to observe and join in with play. We all do post it notes and leave in keypersons folder to be updated next day. Keypersons are not allowed to take childrens folders home.

At home I do the funding forms, registers, printing of photos, keep up with news on here.I do spend hours printing signs, making things, looking thing up.. not because I have too but because I like doing it. I just can't stop!!!!!!How sad is that?

Staff are willing to update on relevant training c'ds, and reading materials at home.

We use a long term plan divided by 6 terms. Staff choose appropriate one to suit their key child.

It works easily for us but know doubt Ofsted will find something wrong with it.I am not too bothered because children are happy and achieving.

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Oh Loobylou I know that feeling well! The times my paperwork has grown legs and walked. It is so frustraing not being able to leave stuff out for the next day, sometimes I find that although I have time to answer a letter or pint of some stuff by the time I've set the laptop & printer up (first clearing a space for it) my time has gone.

Thursdays I do paperwork, smetimes at home but mainly do it in session. Rest of time I am counted in ratio but am not a keyperson & can usually slip out ifI need to do somethng urgently. Majority of paperwork is still done at home though, I just cant seem to get everything done in one morning.

when we filled in our 'TRUE COSTS' form, which is supposedly for the goverment to see if PVI settings & Mainstream shoud get the same, ratrher then mainstream mre then PVI, on the any other comments bit I worte a very long 'essay' about how the form did not reflect our true costs as bookeeping & accounts were all done by a volunteer, all other admin & paperwork was done by myself & deputy in our own time and that the pre-school, along with majority of other voluntasry groups, relied totaly on the goodwill of its staff.


We have just spent £2400 on equipment that we didn't really need & have no where to store properly but was part of a grant that our EY's have for us. Yes it was all very nice but it was made quite clear to settings that the grant was for delivering the EYFS & not for anything else. It annoys me slightly as it would have been so much better if grant could have been used for admin costs or to pay for a bookeeper for the next few months or so.

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o louby loo i know that feeling too well, keep something out to do and it has got put at the back of our cupboard and the rest of the stuff is put away and i cant reach it!!!!!!!!!


And yes as much as i too some mornings i dont want to set up we have a lovely hall and would rather be there than a small purpose built room


excellent idea of a memory stick but not sure if my windows xp will work on the windows vista at nursery (real techno idiot) wiil have to try that thank you


I do to love my job, planning is done for the individual child and we plan weekly including topics of interest as children need the here and now


thank you and it is good to know we all face same old problems


i think i will need to allocate certain days for certain things :o

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Hi Everyone


Have been following this topic with interest. I am a joint manager of a pack away pre-school and we do the paperwork between us. However we both have key worker groups of 10 plus children - all the setting paperwork and finances and running- and daily set up. On top of all this I am studying for my foundation degree and managing a home and three children (well 4 if I count my husband which I often do!!) As we are both counted into numbers of staff, like many others, paperwork is done at home. We do pay ourselves something for this, but, like most, we are in it for love not money - good job or else it would be an empty setting!!!


I too take comfort from everyone else out there in the same boat. We are the un-sung heros. Despite legislation and constant pressure from the powers that be we refuse to give up and keep going.



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we all work very hard but i have to say unless you have worked in a pack away no one understands how hard it is

thanks everyone


My pre-school isn't pack away..... fortunately. It's only been since being a part of this forum though that I have realised how lucky we are, and how difficult and challenging it must be for pack away pre-schools. To be quite honest I'm not sure that I could do it. Hope all your hard and dedicated work is appreciated.

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My pre-school isn't pack away..... fortunately. It's only been since being a part of this forum though that I have realised how lucky we are, and how difficult and challenging it must be for pack away pre-schools. To be quite honest I'm not sure that I could do it. Hope all your hard and dedicated work is appreciated.



Yes being a pack away pre-school is a nightmare...even have to pack away our lovely displays which can often get damaged through rushing around. shed is a nightmare of bits and pieces so will have to go in and sort it out soon (voluntariliy of course!). Thing is the WI hut has to look as if there wasnt a child presence at all. Most of our pictures are laminated and have to be stuck on windows and walls everyday to cheer it up. The only thing we are allowed to keep up is our notice board in the foyer. Its finidng the space to be honest. We also have to put up with complaints from the WI over glitter that wont go up the hoover , chalk on the ground outside etc etc plus we are there not being paid as we are still tidying when supposed to have left! Would be great where we could have something where we didnt have to pack away as i think it realy infringes on the childrens time (one staff tidy while 2 read story, do songs etc). we have to start tidying 30 mins before the children are collected (still dont get it all done in time).

As for being appreciated for it...dont make me laugh :o more like they are ttrying to cut our hours!

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Packaway (me too) or not packaway - for me the biggest problem is the gargantuan amount of paperwork that is now expected of a pre-school which inevitably falls to the manager. You are all right, there is no money to pay us for the hours and hours of work it takes. What can we do about it. Surely there are enough of us on FSF to make a noise?????? What can we do tho?


I've been sitting on our NEF working group at our local authority trying to identify a workable formula for when we all go on the single formula and its not the LA's that are the problem. Its the money that comes from central government. The best we could do as a LA was factor in a tiny amount for non-contact time as a gesture.



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we are pack away and I tend to take any paper work home with me it was a night mare because until 8 months ago I didnt drive so I was walking to and from work with a heavy bag of folders THANK GOD! I passed my test after 17 years of trying, unfrotunately I now tend to take more stuff home!


two years ago we had a grant to buy an admin laptop for the group which I take to and from work every day

..... knowing how heavy they can be, I hunted around for a small light weight one that I could carry back and forth and the early years complained that I hadnt purchased a cheaper laptop! (they offered a grant of upto £1000 and I only spent £600 but still they moan!)


I do have access to a room where I could sit and do admin during the sessions but I choose to take it home I cannt switch off from the chaos of the session if I am at work and I want to be involved with the children not hid behind a desk.


the added costs of phone calls and electric at home are never considered either the computor doesnt power itself and we dont have a landline phone in the setting. we've got a mobile for emegencies only.


each member of staff has their keygroup learning journies which they take home (me too) this is one thing that all settings regardless of packing away seem to be doing.

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The best we could do as a LA was factor in a tiny amount for non-contact time as a gesture.




forgot to say I totally agree!!!!

the nef money doesnt cover the admin aspect of the sessions, and in theory if all the children are nursery funded and we are not allowed to charge top up fees then the NEF MUST COVER ALL COSTS where else can it come from on a day to day basis?

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we are a pack away and yep - I do all my paper work at home. It's a sunday morning - ironing done and I'm actually feeling guilty about going out as hubby has suggested he drops me in town whilst the kids go swimming. I know I have a pile of paper work to do.


It really is not fair -we should not live with this guilt.


As a committee run setting - I know my PDW would tell me that my commitee should be doing the paperwork - policies, parent hand book, newsletters, waiting list . But sorry they need to get real.


It's down to us and that means weekends and evenings. :o

Sorry as you tell I am grumpy today- studied all day yesterday, paperwork today and back to uni tomorrow - I am truly exhausted, back to work tuesday to start my children bit of job.


Really not sure how we are all managing this.

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When a little while ago a sub group\was set up to look at funding between pvi's and maintained and private money making day nurseries

we ( the pvi's) said that paperwork was done in our own time and this should be taken into account we were told by the powers that be that we should not do it !!!!!!!!!!!!! yea right

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