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I'm So Excited!


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Hi all

Just wanted to share a bit of news.

I have been the manager of a pack away setting for 12 years and had to share our premises with a youth club (absolute nightmare). For the last three years I have been trying to negotiate with the Local Authority sole use of the building.

Well I've done it!! I can't believe it!!

For two days I've been floating on air and telling total strangers my news (sorry if I met you in Tesco's).

I suppose I am going to have to come back to earth soon as now the hard work really begins (making sure my finances are okay, developing the provision, new hours, new staff). Oh crikey I'd better stop as my euphoria will disappear and I intend to savour it as long as possible.

Thanks to everyone here who posts their worries and concerns as well as their victories and celebrations as reading all about you has given me the impetus to 'go for it'. Wish me luck as I start a new journey and I hope I do Early Years justice with my plans.

Thanks for reading!!!!


Well done you! i'm sure your enthusiasm alone will make it a great place. Having sole use is such a bonus-all those displays you can leave up and no trying to force everything into a confined space.

I know you are going to enjoy it.



ooh well done you,

you'll have so many ideas you won't know where to start :o



Guest MaryEMac

Well done you. Your head must be so full of plans. I know how you feel because we were sharing with an out of school club and it was difficult at times but they closed at Christmas so we are now the sole users. We are able to do so much more and the children can leave out what they have created and know that it will still be there the next day. Enjoy :oxD




well done,lots of hard work ahead,but you sound really enthusiastic and im sure you will do your best . Good Luck.


that's great news Adbenaja. Hope everything goes well, keep us posted. mrsW




Great news, thanks for sharing, brightens up the already sunny weekend reading good news. :(


I was pack away, shared venue with scouts so know where you are coming from. Mind you when we opened during school holidays and didn't have to pck away, it is amazing how many things don't get put back in their correct places and within a week you can't find half as much as you used to be able to when it was all packed (and sorted) into the right place. :o


Just a little tip to keep in mind, time at the end of day for all the sorting that didn't get done during the session.


I am really pleased for you and can half imagine all the exciting ideas that must be spinning in your head right now. :(




Absolutely fantastic - a lot of us 'packaways' will be very jealous indeed. When I think of what we could do with our set up time instead of ... well setting up, it makes me weep!




I am overwhelmingly jealous !!!!!! Lucky you .

How did you manage this and what role did the LEA take to secure this as I am in the same position - Thanks Lizz


Congratulations. With another hat on can I ask whats happened to the youth group??


Congratulations!! We went from a pack away preschool to a lovely pair of classrooms and outdoor area which we have sole use of. That was 5.5 years ago. I know exactly how you feel when you finally get the go ahead!! Good luck!! :o


Well done and congratulations. Let us know how you get on!! :)

Hi all

Just wanted to share a bit of news.

I have been the manager of a pack away setting for 12 years and had to share our premises with a youth club (absolute nightmare). For the last three years I have been trying to negotiate with the Local Authority sole use of the building.

Well I've done it!! I can't believe it!!

For two days I've been floating on air and telling total strangers my news (sorry if I met you in Tesco's).

I suppose I am going to have to come back to earth soon as now the hard work really begins (making sure my finances are okay, developing the provision, new hours, new staff). Oh crikey I'd better stop as my euphoria will disappear and I intend to savour it as long as possible.

Thanks to everyone here who posts their worries and concerns as well as their victories and celebrations as reading all about you has given me the impetus to 'go for it'. Wish me luck as I start a new journey and I hope I do Early Years justice with my plans.

Thanks for reading!!!!

well done for your perserverance and commitment to your cause.good luck and enjoy.x


Thanks for all your kind words.

Dizzy I have to say that the LEA were of no help and it was done through local councillors and direct liason with youth services and early years by myself. To begin with all parties seemed resistent to my proposal I think as they were unsure of our sustainability but once we put together a business plan and our long term aims they seemed to be more supportive.

Biccy the youth club were running at a massive loss and so needed to rethink the strategy of youth provision in our area and so they now have 'the buzz' which is a converted double decker which will be touring around the area and they are building a new purpose built youth centre in the town centre which is about a ten minute journey by bus from our village.

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