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can I ask if anyone who works in a pre school room in a private day nursery do you still fill in the foundation stage profile to go with the child to school please

thank you killowengirl

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Guest budgie1

We advise our day nurseries to complete the profile for the children who will be 5 in the August of that academic year.. Most of the children will have left by the preceeding Sept so they dont need profiles (only the learning journey). For the few children who dont start school until the January or the Easter that they will be 5, the nursery fill in the profile.

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thank you that is very helpful, what about the chidren between 3 and 4 do you not fill thrm in for them. I dont work in the private sector and we fill then in from the time the child is 3 and enters the foundation stage. I am beginning a new job as an early years advisor and just wondered if private nurseries did the same


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I do profiles for my foundation stage children and learning journeys for the younger ones.

The profiles are very much like the old booklets used to be, but now have many more photographs in and any work they may have done.

Any children who leave us will also have a transition document.

Hope that's a little help,



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We don't do profiles as the local school made it very clear that they wouldn't look at them. We do Learning Stories instead, which is for the parents and child to keep. If they want to share this with their new school they are welcome to do so - that's up to them. School just gets a ticklist of attainment as that's all they want - they don't look at that either, so I really don't know why we bother, except that it makes me feel like I'm doing my part

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We don't do profiles as the local school made it very clear that they wouldn't look at them.

Do all children leave you well before they are likely to need a Foundation Stage Profile then Cait? We have children in their Profile year for at least one term, and so always start off their Profiles. Rarely do we have them for their whole Profile year - but it has happened!



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Hi there


We were told we should fill a profile booklet in for each child starting school and that the learning journey, or whatever you call it yourselves is given to the parent and child to keep.


I've got a question for those of you using the profile booklet. Sorry if i'm being a bit thick, but is the significant events (table of all areas of development) supposed to be filled in by ourselves, or is this something that you get the parents filling in as it's on the next page to where the discussion with parents is?





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Do all children leave you well before they are likely to need a Foundation Stage Profile then Cait? We have children in their Profile year for at least one term, and so always start off their Profiles. Rarely do we have them for their whole Profile year - but it has happened!





No, we have them in their pre-reception year, but school made it quite clear that we weren't to use the profile booklets. We do something of our own instead, our own version of the southampton journey, plus our own EYFS journey statements annotated and dated. Parents get these when their child leaves.

Our County have provided us with a booklet to copy for each child which is the EYFS journey statements which we are meant to highlight when they are attained. This goes on to school - for what little use it will be to anyone as a simple ticklist!

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No, we have them in their pre-reception year, but school made it quite clear that we weren't to use the profile booklets. We do something of our own instead, our own version of the southampton journey, plus our own EYFS journey statements annotated and dated. Parents get these when their child leaves.

Our County have provided us with a booklet to copy for each child which is the EYFS journey statements which we are meant to highlight when they are attained. This goes on to school - for what little use it will be to anyone as a simple ticklist!

I'm confused! I know that there is no obligation to use the FSP booklet itself, but I thought settings had a statutory duty to provide the data of children's achievements. When you talk about the EYFS 'journey statements' what do you mean? How do these compare to the FSP? :o



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I'm confused! I know that there is no obligation to use the FSP booklet itself, but I thought settings had a statutory duty to provide the data of children's achievements. When you talk about the EYFS 'journey statements' what do you mean? How do these compare to the FSP? :o




the statements that used to be called the stepping stones - possibly still are. local school made it quite clear that they would make their own judgements on children's attainments 'thank you very much'

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All that is legally required is to report the scores as a number

I thought so - but is that legal requirement just something that settings who have children in their final term of their profile year need to worry about, or is there an obligation on settings like mine to do that too? I always thought it was, but given what Cait has said I'm beginning to have doubts! :o



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In the setting I have just left we didnt use books we had an A3 sized profile sheet which we had to fill in for school. But in a private setting I was unsure if they filled it in as well as the learning journeys to send to the school the child will be attending thank you


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I thought so - but is that legal requirement just something that settings who have children in their final term of their profile year need to worry about, or is there an obligation on settings like mine to do that too? I always thought it was, but given what Cait has said I'm beginning to have doubts! :o





OOh Maz! Not intending to confuse you! You were confusing me! What do you mean by profile year then? I took it to mean end of Reception. isn't that when the profile is complete? we don't have any of those

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I am pleased to see that in recent regional events I have attended, there feels like a definite move away from the notion that 'data' has to have a numerical value. So when we talk about what 'data' is used for what, we can mean all sorts of things, including learning journeys. The EYFSP provides the numerical data for the end of the reception year, there is no requirement for pre schools to provide or contrive any numerical type data to pass onto schools. Learning journeys and summaries (eg 'reports') ARE data in their own right.


Has anyone else been to any of these regional events and come away with the same thinking?

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No, we have them in their pre-reception year, but school made it quite clear that we weren't to use the profile booklets.

Aha! Now I see. So do all your children get a full year in a reception class in school before they go into year one then? In our Borough children may start their Profile year with us in pre-school and then complete it in primary school. Hence my confusion about what you were saying about not completing the profile booklet.


Just goes to show how the use of terminology can be misleading. I think the word 'profile' should be banned! :o



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Ha - yes! and I can think of several more - could be the new March thread!!!


Our children do have a full year in Reception after they leave us in July. So if you have some children who are, in effect, in their Reception year, do you get their full funding ie. the funding they would be getting in Reception?

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So if you have some children who are, in effect, in their Reception year, do you get their full funding ie. the funding they would be getting in Reception?

Well the children are entitled to their 12.5 hours of free nursery education until they join a reception class, so they aren't actually entitled to anything above this - although at the moment if they are taken into a reception class earlier than they should then they obviously attend for the whole day so that's just a bonus.



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I do think that's unfair on providers, don't you? We had a child a few years back whose parents wanted her to have her reception year with us, as she wouldn't be 5 until the end of August. They assumed that she would have the same entitlement to funded hours as if she was in school, and wrote to their MP and everything. It was the funding (or lack of it) that made them put her into school in the end. She wasn't really ready for it, and would have benefited from another year with us, or even a term.

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I was under the impression that the paper booklets had been phased out and that only the e profile should be used. This is what my support teacher told me during my last moderation. :o


Having said that in our setting, where we have pre school and reception we do learning journeys for the pre school and then e profile for reception- all children have scrapbooks- just the reception evidence is annotated with regard to eprofile also for reception we have other forms of evidence to support judgements as got my head ripped off from moderation about this before xD

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I do think that's unfair on providers, don't you?

No, I don't have a problem with it - school funding doesn't rely on the number of children who attend but rather the number of spaces they have. So if this child was to receive her (extra) funding for her reception year with you, the LA would effectively be paying twice for her education.


Of course once the single funding formula kicks in and schools are funded the same way that we in PVI settings are, it may be a different kettle of fish altogether. :o



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I was under the impression that the paper booklets had been phased out and that only the e profile should be used. This is what my support teacher told me during my last moderation. :o

Yes that's right - but we still have to use the paper booklets because the eye-profile relies on having URNs for children and we can't get them allocated to children who are in pre-school. Which in turn is a problem because we can't get hold of the paper booklets. So our Local Authority has copied a whole load until this can be resolved!



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