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Does Anyone Else Work In A Nursery That Refuses To Change?

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It always feels like a deperate struggle to get my nursery to change anything in a positive way. Getting thingsa past the managment can be a nightmare and even if you do the staff always are so negative, I really wonder why I bother!!!


We had a meeting tonight about introducing Learning Journeys (very much like the southampton ones). All the staff were very negative and unwilling to learn. No one understands or even looks at the EYFS at the moment, and I feel that the learning journeys are a positive way forward...


When I read about everyone elses nurseries it makes me feel even worse, as we are not even doing a quarter the things that others do and no one thinks its a problem.



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Oh dear - are you the leader? If so, you could bring in the 'It's a requirement of Ofsted' trump card.


I'm really fortunate with my staff, we have tried loads of different things, some ideas I instigate only last for a week or two before we decide to abandon or change them, and my staff are happy to 'give it a try'.


Some of the ideas I have got from here work for us, and some don't, you have to find a balance and not try to push too much past them too quickly! Could you arrange for an EYAT to come and give some in house training on EYFS or for some other lead professional? - I'm not suggesting here that you couldn't do it - far from it - but if you are seen to be being 'taught' too - they may be more likely to listen and take it on board.


I'm sure you have a lovely nursery, don't feel sad about it, I'm sure with a little help they'll see your point of view

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It always feels like a deperate struggle to get my nursery to change anything in a positive way. Getting thingsa past the managment can be a nightmare and even if you do the staff always are so negative, I really wonder why I bother!!!


I work in a school and experience similar problems...management not too bad though. My colleagues though, another story! I respect them all and everyone has strong points but sometimes I feel like I'm at least two years ahead in thinking. Probably due to me being on here most of the day and night! Also that I'm currently studying. It's so hard, everyday I have to overlook things. I can't do it anymore so I've handed in my notice. I'm hoping that I will find a place to work where children are at the heart of the provision and play is truly valued. I can't describe specific incidents but I do understand how you feel and after 8 years I've finally given up. I'm heart broken xD Maybe, someone will be along soon with some advice for you, I just wanted to empathise with you. :o

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I'm hoping that I will find a place to work where children are at the heart of the provision and play is truly valued.



I sincerely hope so too! I hope you told them the reasons you were leaving. Good luck in your job hunt - there will be something out there just for you - there's always lots of jobs in Nursery World

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I hope you told them the reasons you were leaving


Nope, gave professional development as the reason...it's difficult. I don't want to upset anyone.


Good luck in your job hunt - there will be something out there just for you - there's always lots of jobs in Nursery World


Thanks :o

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I'm a preschool room leader, but have been there for ages so I'm quite close to the managment team.


We've had two failures on ofsted in the last two years and are due one anytime - so morale is low. Theres always staff shortages and lots of sickness which adds to the problems.


I was on mat leave for 8 months and thought that when i came back they would be working with eyfs and was shocked to discover that although the posters are up everywhere there is little change in the recording and planning systems.

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If you know what should be done at least get things moving in your room. Have a learning journey for your children, a home/ nursery diary, planning showing childrens interests all the things you know are right.

Dont feel too dispondent and good luck :o

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I am sorry to hear of your woes and I know that you are not the only person who will be going through such a thing.


I have a friend who works in a nursery attached to a school and the not so good bits off their last Ofsted were due mostly to the attitude of the reception teacher!

Stuck in her ways!

Stuck in the same job thinking she was doing right no matter what anyone said.

My friend found it very disheartening when she knew that things weren't right but could not do anything about it.


Keep trying.


Like one of the folks on here said.... the EYFS isn't a choice its a statutory document!!!



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One simple answer, omove on to a nursery that will reward and welcome changes and forward thinking - I know we do, there must be others.....

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One simple answer, omove on to a nursery that will reward and welcome changes and forward thinking - I know we do, there must be others.....

Yes, but it is hard to leave the children behind when we have become so emotionally attached! :o

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If you are a room leader and view yourself as a senior practitioner in your setting then surely you have a responsibility to drive your practice forward.

You can't force the other staff to make changes but you can introduce them in your own room and maybe the others will follow your lead.

Even if they dig their heels in, you will have done your best and fulfilled your responsibilites towards the children you care for.

Good luck!

I know what it is like to work in a setting where you are the only one trying to move forward. It is a lonely and frustrating place to be. Don't give up - at least you will be ready for Ofsted.

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Hi All - the EYFS is a "legal requirement" - so all settings have an obligation to carry this out - maybe that could assist them all in thinking along your views - it is really hard sometimes and has said on previous post you can feel very isolated when not everyone shares your views - lets hope you can find a way to get them to change :o

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Hi All - the EYFS is a "legal requirement" - so all settings have an obligation to carry this out - maybe that could assist them all in thinking along your views

The fact that the EYFS is a legal requirement might be the way in here. Perhaps at a staff meeting you could ask an open question such as "how are we as a setting meeting our legal obligation to ...?" You can fill your own blanks, but the fact that practitioners have a statutory duty to do something should focus the mind - especially since Mr or Mrs Ofsted will be asking very similar questions when they come to call.


If it were me I'd draw up a list of prioritites for my room, put them in the order of importance. Then, knowing your staff and how they are likely to respond, you can either go for the most important (and probably biggest first) or choose several smaller targets which might be easier to achieve and begin with those. That way the staff will taste success and hopefully be more positive toward change.


Does your local authority offer pre-inspection support visits? If so maybe they could visit and do a mock inspection to see what is likely to come up? You'd need to sell this idea to the management team, obviously but you say you know them well so they may well listen to you!


Good luck - and I hope your group knows how lucky they are to have you!



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Thanks guys! Its nice to have some support. I know I'm right - I just wish I was the manager so that I could make all the changes needed, as I'm just a room leader :o They think I'm crazy when I talk about this website!!! A lot of the girls, although they are nice, see the nursery as somewhere to socialise and muck about. Unfortunately the management hired a lot of girls who are friends and are very young. They don't see the importance of what we do.


The girls in my room are good and do want to change things - which really helps. But I do wonder about the other rooms...I don't think that they are planning using the eyfs...in fact I've never even seen any one even look at one.


I would love to change nurseries but I have two sons who also attend the nursery and would not want to disrupt them, also I get 50% discount so that makes it incredibly hard to leave.

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My heart goes out to you, I have the I've been there Tshirt! It's very difficult you know what you want to do is right but it is like smashing your head up a brick wall. I could never take the step to walk away because of the children. However, last year I did and oh, my god what a wonderful world is out there! I am now working for an agency and get to see many different settings both good and bad BUT the best thing is I can go in and do what I am good at without the pressure and politics of the management team.


I flogged a dead horse for many years and no matter what evidence I found to support it was always ignored. For the moment I have found a happy medium.

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