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Disturbing Problem


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I would be feeling just the same as you do. In fact, I obviously dont know this child or family but probably wont be able to stop thinking about this now! So the saying goes "a problem shared is a problem halved" Perhaps your colleague is calling out for help too. I would agree a call to NSPCC is a must, just so you know you've done as much as you are able to do.

Take care x

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You could most definitely ring them and ask a hypothetical question.................


Technically I think the fact that you have been told this tho means you should report it. You are in a difficult position I agree. I hope someone can give you some better advice. What I definitely don't think you should do is 'nothing'. What is something even more awful happens and you didn't do anything? NSPCC will know for sure what you should do.


Hope the way forward is crystal clear for you really soon.

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You could most definitely ring them and ask a hypothetical question.................


Technically I think the fact that you have been told this tho means you should report it. You are in a difficult position I agree. I hope someone can give you some better advice. What I definitely don't think you should do is 'nothing'. What is something even more awful happens and you didn't do anything? NSPCC will know for sure what you should do.


Hope the way forward is crystal clear for you really soon.

thanks , the problem is i dont know the childs name or where they live! so even if i raise a concern how can she be traced, if i had name and address i wouldnt hesitate

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Right. Been thinking some more. I had a very very tricky problem and didn't want to ring our local Social Services Help Desk for advice (cos they're like bloodhounds and drag info out of you when all I wanted to do was ask a hypothetical question). So, I rang CCPAS (Churches Child Protection Advisory Service) who are currently advising the Home Office on Safeguarding Policy and really know their stuff. They were absolutely brilliant, followed up my query with a written answer so I had back up info to prove my enquiry. They are very skilled and highly confidential. They have someone on call 24 hours a day. They would be my first port of a call.


CCPAS: 0845 120 45 50



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I've read this thread so many times now to try and come up with some advice, but I just don't know.

Are you in a school where you have a person in charge of child protection, or could you call citizen's advice to find a child protection officer, they may be able to help.

Sorry wish I could,



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I'm fairly sure that the child will be traceable from Mother's name if it gets that far..... again CCPAS will know the proper answer.

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You must seek some advice! Im sure you wont be the first person to ring with sketchy info. Staff will be trained fully to deal with situations like this. As I worked for the police for a year during a break from teaching, there are ways and means of finding things out when needed! x

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Right. Been thinking some more. I had a very very tricky problem and didn't want to ring our local Social Services Help Desk for advice (cos they're like bloodhounds and drag info out of you when all I wanted to do was ask a hypothetical question). So, I rang CCPAS (Churches Child Protection Advisory Service) who are currently advising the Home Office on Safeguarding Policy and really know their stuff. They were absolutely brilliant, followed up my query with a written answer so I had back up info to prove my enquiry. They are very skilled and highly confidential. They have someone on call 24 hours a day. They would be my first port of a call.


CCPAS: 0845 120 45 50



thank you , i will contact them and see what they advise, ------

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I would agree with the advice so far but I think you should act immediately. Have you recorded the information given to you by your member of staff? Also I would explain to her that you have a duty to act upon the information she has given to you - we all have a duty to protect children whether we work in childcare or not - I'm sure she has confided in you because she wants somebody to act and because of her emotional involvement/fear she has not been able to herself.

I would phone social services duty team tonight with the information you have.

Best wishes, everybody hopes we never find ourselves in this situation :o

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:o Awful position for you to be in!


Please phone the police. Any information you give them - name, town, etc should match up to something on their computer if they're already investigating him.


Sadly doing nothing really isn't an option - this child needs you to speak up for them.



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:o Awful position for you to be in!


Please phone the police. Any information you give them - name, town, etc should match up to something on their computer if they're already investigating him.


Sadly doing nothing really isn't an option - this child needs you to speak up for them.



i know it isnt an option thats why im seeking advice. do you really think as a child care profesional i would do nothing about it? --------------------

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I'm sorry, I NEVER meant to suggest you were choosing to do nothing :o


Hope you get support and reassurance when you speak to them tomorrow.



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I have read all the advice on this thread and cannot come up with anything that may be of any further use.


I just thought I would let you know I am thinking of you. It must be a terrible situation to be in. x

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I would definitely talk to your member of staff and explain that now you have been given the information you have no choice but to act on it, just as you would if it were a child in your setting. Give her the option of reporting it first but make it clear that if she doesn't you will. It's an awful thing to be confronted with though and my heart goes out to you. :o

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  • 2 weeks later...

hi every one, sorry havent updated on this but havent been on forum for a week as baby has been ill-

the situation has been reported and police involved, spoke to staff member who also decided to report it so at least some action will take place and hopefully the chid in question will be spared any more abuse

thank you to everyone for your support and input on a difficult situation which, i never want to find myself in again in a hurry!!!

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Well done you. This child may or may not know you personally, but I think they were very lucky to have found someone prepared to take action and ensure their voice was being heard, and their needs met.


Sadly for many there is no-one who will decide to act. As you say, let's hope you never find yourself in this situation again.



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Hi Jaycooks - This little person will be so grateful to you even if your paths never cross in life!

We hear so many sad stories on the news you must hold your head high knowing you have made such a

positive contribution to this child's life. I'm getting quite emotional just thinking about the situation you

found yourself in. Bless you



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Well done to you and your staffmember. This is quite possibly the hardest thing you will ever had to do! You are an example to us all.

Just think, no matter how horrid it was you will have made a difference to that child.

God bless

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