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Got A Meeting At School!


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Hi all

got to be quick. me and supervis got meeting with reception teacher on Fri about pre-school joining them at school. What should we be looking at in terms of welfare. I can think of space requirements, locked cupbaords, storage of snack (do we need assess to fridge?), a notice board,....


Background is that pre-school will be in a room next door to reception and year 1! They are in separate building than the rest of school. There are 2 teachers and 3 TA's (all NVQ qualified!) supervisor want to know if she can make me deputy with them close by? Will have use of hall and outside play area (specially designed for early years.) Apparntly this is going to happen...although comm have no told us anything about this!


Think guys what else do we need to consider?

Got to go to work now...its exciting...

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Hi marley, our playgroup use a room in the school once a week. Its smaller than your average classroom and Ofsted allowed them to have 20 children in it. They stick to around 15 for ease. They dont have a fridge, but as they only offer fruit thats ok. They have a small, portable notice board, and to help them out they use the equipment and toys from reception so no need for storage.

Look at where the loos are, staffs and childrens. Does anyone else need access to anything in the room during the time you'll be there? Will you have autonomy on planning, activites, any topics used? Will they expect anything from you in terms of joining in with school assemblies? Will you have sole use of the playground, hall, will you be timetabled in for things or have to take a back seat to the school?

Will you remain a committee run pre-school? Are they aware of what that entails re: your policies and proceedures. It might not make any difference but best to be sure. It sounds like an exciting time ahead, hope it works out after the kafufal you've had lately.

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Think guys what else do we need to consider?

Got to go to work now...its exciting...

Before you get too carried away with the excitement of it all, can I bring you down to earth a bit first?


What would be the basis of your moving to the school setting? Will you be a separate entity with your own registration or will you become part of the school's set up? I would imagine that if it is the latter then I imagine you will need to maintain your own staff ratios/qualifications etc and won't be able to rely on the school's qualified staff because they won't be available to work with your children. Will your group be in charge of its own destiny or will the school's management team expect a say in how you run things? How much rent will you pay and what will the terms of your tenancy be - how secure will you be in their premises and how will you know that in a year or so they won't be looking for more space and be looking to turf you out?


In terms of space etc, I would get out your EYFS documentation and look at the welfare requirements and think very carefully how you will meet your legal obligations at the new site. Will you have your own front door for example and if not how will you control access to and from your group?


I know many groups who operate very successfully on school premises, and have built up close and trusting relationships with their hosts. I am so glad you're exited about this opportunity rather than the alternative - but would advise caution and clear thinking at each step to make sure your group's needs are understood and valued by the school. Also, have you contacted your Early Years support team for advice and support as you go through this process - their experience and guidance will be invaluable in helping you avoid potential pitfalls.


Good luck marley - lovely to hear you so excited about pre-school for a change! Long may it continue!



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Hi all

Calmed down a bit now! It has been on the cards for years as the head has been trying to get the pre-school in. We would still be committ run etc but be in the school. Thats all we know for the mo. Supervisor, teacher and I are concerned about the room size head is looking at allocating to us (hence this initial meeting betwen us 3...the teacher actually is an old friend of mine...we went to poly tog although i did science she did BEd...how freaky is that! Only met up again 2 years ago when we moved. My son is in her class). Supervisor and myself are just concerned about how much influence they may want to have over us.

So, at the mo going through the welfare docs and writing ideas, thoughts down. Thanks maz for some that you mentioned. will keep you informed.

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