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Thank you for your 'welcomes'. I'm glad you like the keypie name but have to thank my husband as he's the one that likes acronyms!

I love the idea of a book that goes between settings, but we had enough problems with a diary system for parents (now abandoned) although I know that all of the other local settings use them, so maybe we just need to see if we can somehow access them, although I don't want to risk a situation like Lesley's! :o



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Glas to see it's not just me who's puzzling over this one ... we don't have any children who are daily in contact wtih different providers so we don't think we need a book. What I've decided to do is a sheet - which notes particular interests, areas noted for development and any significant observations or significant points. We've got room for both settings to contribute and room for feedback / input from parents. Our plan is to do it 1/2 termly ... we'll fill it in and photocopy it and send then copy to the other setting or phone the other setting up and take notes. We need to keep a copy for our setting in case the other setting don't send it back ... we'll also record on our sheet the dates and times when we have attenpted to make contact.


I'll let you know how it goes!



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These labels are great, Cait, many thanks for them.


Could I just add a thought. I've recently written an article on building links between settings and the wider community (I do some writing for educational magazines) and one of the areas I looked at was building links with other services, e.g. libraries, sure start centres, doctors, as well as other early years settings. I think Ofsted will also start to look for this (yet another thing you're meant to be doing, sorry.)

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These labels are great, Cait, many thanks for them.


Could I just add a thought. I've recently written an article on building links between settings and the wider community (I do some writing for educational magazines) and one of the areas I looked at was building links with other services, e.g. libraries, sure start centres, doctors, as well as other early years settings. I think Ofsted will also start to look for this (yet another thing you're meant to be doing, sorry.)

OK............. any ideas for how we would do this?



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other services, e.g. libraries, sure start centres, doctors, as well as other early years settings. I think Ofsted will also start to look for this (yet another thing you're meant to be doing, sorry.)


I think that's pushing it a bit - and it sounds a bit like someone's had an idea and is making it a 'requirement'. It doesn't mention any of these services in the EYFS that I can see, and I also think it's getting a bit 'big brother'y to expect these agencies to come on board. Next we'll be tagging them all and tracking their movements by satellite!


Certainly build links with the local community, libraries etc where they exist and show how you engage with them, but as for expecting them to contribute to a child's Learning Journey, I really don't think that we can justify that.

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I think that's pushing it a bit - and it sounds a bit like someone's had an idea and is making it a 'requirement'. It doesn't mention any of these services in the EYFS that I can see, and I also think it's getting a bit 'big brother'y to expect these agencies to come on board. Next we'll be tagging them all and tracking their movements by satellite!


Certainly build links with the local community, libraries etc where they exist and show how you engage with them, but as for expecting them to contribute to a child's Learning Journey, I really don't think that we can justify that.

Nor me!



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HI Everyone

This has been a really interesting post. We are also thinking about how to share info between our shared children. A lot of you have talked about sharing info between other settings, does anyone also share info between your setting and the childminder? Cait, your keypie intro is fab! Thank you for being so creative!

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We share with three other settings and a child minder with little books that we created. The child minder is very good and fills in the book so that we can see what the child has been up to. In fact the child minder shares more info than the other settings. The only thing that we find difficult sometimes is filling all the books before the end of a session (sometimes we have 5 books in one session) as it takes one member of staff out of action.



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A very interesting thread. We are looking to do something with other settings, however we have one person saying nobody has contacted you so why bother? we also tried linking up with a setting--just quick visits share ideas etc. and there response was..." you can come and see us but we don't want to see you" well just great was my response.



samfrostie :o

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yes we thought so :o however luckily we wont need contact with that setting after Easter-for the time being at least. Hopefully we will have better look with the others.


samfrostie xD

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Interesting thread this one - one we too haven't started to do because of an already overloaded work load!


We have approx 9 settings/childminders that we should be entering into discussions with and so far although not 1 of them has contacted us via telephone although we have had 2 differing forms to fill in. At a meeting a couple of weeks ago we asked our early years advisors if they would come up with an universal form for all local settings to use. No sign yet but hopefully it will be better than having 9 different forms to fill out.

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We share with three other settings and a child minder with little books that we created. The child minder is very good and fills in the book so that we can see what the child has been up to. In fact the child minder shares more info than the other settings. The only thing that we find difficult sometimes is filling all the books before the end of a session (sometimes we have 5 books in one session) as it takes one member of staff out of action.




LOL!!! You should be a childminder ~ I am the only member of staff!!!!

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Hi there,


This is something I've just been looking at for my setting. I've put in place a form which we complete every three months. It has a section for the key worker to complete, sections for the parent to complete, and a section for key person, or practitioners from other settings the children attend. We haven't started using it yet, the first ones go home next week, but it's been really well received by the staff which is a good start! I've attached a copy for you to have a look at... hope this helps!




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Really interested in this discussion. I am a Childminder and we have always used Daily Diaries

between Parents and ourselves. Prior to EYFS we were never treated as professionals by

Nurseries/Schools. They would only speak directly to the parents. However, things are so different now.

I personally know and visit other settings that 'my children' attend. I share information about the child

with them (with parents permission). I alway make sure the child has several visits to a new setting so

that the transition is a smooth one. I also attend meetings at schools (in lieu of the Parents) and am now welcomed

as a professional (I think the fact that I am doing a Foundation Degree and can talk their language

helps) I supervise the children's homework and write in their home/school diaries. I am also asked

if I can spare some time to 'help out' in Nurseries and schools (2 requests this week). :o


So from a Childminder's point of view - things are now much better.



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Hi there,


This is something I've just been looking at for my setting. I've put in place a form which we complete every three months. It has a section for the key worker to complete, sections for the parent to complete, and a section for key person, or practitioners from other settings the children attend. We haven't started using it yet, the first ones go home next week, but it's been really well received by the staff which is a good start! I've attached a copy for you to have a look at... hope this helps!





Looks nice - but you may want to change key worker to key person. Otherwise, fine - I'd have no problems filling that in

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Hi, I just found out about this forum yesterday pm! Just to let you know, I am a childminder, I am having difficulties with info sharing too! I can get verbal feedback from nursery teachers, nothing in communication diary. I'm not allowed, qppaqrently. This is for parents and teachers! How are we supposed to do this info sharing if we're not allowed to write in comms books. Also, I set comms books for all my 'mindees', parents dont give any feedback except verbally, aghh!!! Then half the time they forget to bring book to sessions. Head against wall syndrome!

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Hi dools and welcome to the forum.


Who told you that you are not allowed to add your comments to the 'contact books'.


I certainly want/expect childminders to write in them - it's surely all about info. sharing with all carers.


I have found that some settings have just not 'grasped the idea' yet.


Oh well 'the only way is up'!!!



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We are a special needs nursery and cover a large area and so we link with many other settings. A number of books sent in could be rather time consuming alongside our own home diaries.

What we do is provide a summary of our observations for each child at the end of the term. This is shared with parents with an extra copy for the other settings. This does not involve any additional work and ensures that parents and settings are both kept in the same loop.

We welcome visits and contact with other settings.

Ofsted has just been and were happy with our system.

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HI Everyone

This has been a really interesting post. We are also thinking about how to share info between our shared children. A lot of you have talked about sharing info between other settings, does anyone also share info between your setting and the childminder? Cait, your keypie intro is fab! Thank you for being so creative!



I am a childminder. I wrote to 2 nurseries in August 2009 and got no response. I then phoned and had no response. I then visited one of them and was welcomed in, shown around and told they were happy to share relevant information with me. Alas still no response.


I am not happy that I am unable to show Ofsted that I am exchanging information etc, and I have been wracking my brains how I could get around it. I love the idea of the KEYPIE books. It will show that both myself and the parents are communicating and that I have tried to include the nursery and playgroups.


I am not blaming anyone here, just pointing out how difficult it is to get this show off the road, so to speak. I also know there isnt enought time in the day to complete all the paperwork.


Of course the keypie books will only work IF the book remains in the bag, and IF the same bag goes to all the settings............



at least I,ve tried.

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Hi swu and a very warm welcome to the forum - you have made all the 'right moves', isn't frustrating when other providers won't 'play ball'.


Have you thought about putting your requests for info. sharing in writing - and keeping a copy - you could at least show the dreaded O that you have been trying to get this 'off the ground' - just an idea.


Looking forward to 'talking' to you!



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Hi swu and a very warm welcome to the forum - you have made all the 'right moves', isn't frustrating when other providers won't 'play ball'.


Have you thought about putting your requests for info. sharing in writing - and keeping a copy - you could at least show the dreaded O that you have been trying to get this 'off the ground' - just an idea.


Looking forward to 'talking' to you!





Our letters to other settings (also copied to show OFSTED) went out last week..4 in al. They have never made any moves to us so we are doing it first. Just a general letter saying that we are awar that we share children, quoted EYFS and asked if they currently had a working system in place, if not then how about we meet and get something sorted etc etc....not heard a thing yet!!

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Our letters to other settings (also copied to show OFSTED) went out last week..4 in al. They have never made any moves to us so we are doing it first. Just a general letter saying that we are awar that we share children, quoted EYFS and asked if they currently had a working system in place, if not then how about we meet and get something sorted etc etc....not heard a thing yet!!

Oh why am I not surprised - deep sigh.


It must be non-forum users because we all seem to be keen to do this!!!



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Really interested in this discussion. I am a Childminder and we have always used Daily Diaries

between Parents and ourselves. Prior to EYFS we were never treated as professionals by

Nurseries/Schools. They would only speak directly to the parents. However, things are so different now.

I personally know and visit other settings that 'my children' attend. I share information about the child

with them (with parents permission). I alway make sure the child has several visits to a new setting so

that the transition is a smooth one. I also attend meetings at schools (in lieu of the Parents) and am now welcomed

as a professional (I think the fact that I am doing a Foundation Degree and can talk their language

helps) I supervise the children's homework and write in their home/school diaries. I am also asked

if I can spare some time to 'help out' in Nurseries and schools (2 requests this week). :o


So from a Childminder's point of view - things are now much better.



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