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Not very much info really, but at least they've made an effort - they have spelled the child's name wrong, which is a bit strange, especially as they are her primary setting - she only comes to us two afternoons.


Hey - it's a start!

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Hi, I own and run a small pre-school and I had written permission from my parents of children who attend other settings or use a childminder to contact the other setting.


I started last September and have just received information from the last one! I had wanted to discuss with each setting how they would like to communicate, however, it soon became apparent that no one else was really ready to go this far. Word is obviously catching on fast as Ofsted are quite keen on this aspect when inspecting, so response is a little better. I have visited another setting and found it very interesting to see one of my key children there and her Key Worker and I shared some off the record info. For all those we are in contact with, I instigated a book which goes back and forth. From one setting I was quite shocked to read a comment along the lines of "he couldn't do it", referring to an adult activity the child had taken part in, hardly very positive! I try to instil in all the staff that the parent will obviously read whatever is written in these books and to bear this in mind at all times.


The setting which has just replied has set up a form for initial contact requesting info about child, such as how many sessions they attend and if we have any concerns, etc.


I am happy just to send a book back and forth stating what a child has been interested in, any WoW!! moments we have observed and a little of what we might plan as a next step for that child, I feel this is enough info to give anyone else. This is not time consuming or over the top to handle, lets not make this yet another piece of paperwork which takes so much effort to do. Keep it simple I say.



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someone has suggested to us to email info between settings, then we can copy loads of stuff (cut and paste, cut and paste) does anyone else do this?


Carla x

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Keep it simple I say.

Welcome to the Forum, ANDERSPM - and thank you for a thoughtful post. Keeping it simple is a good motto for most things in life, I think!


Its good to hear of someone who is making the system work - however what you say about what was written in one child's book is a very useful reminder about how and what to write, I think!



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No, but it cuts the parents out of the loop, and as a parent I might feel like you were talking about my child behind my back and feel a bit excluded. As a practitioner I can see that more information could be sent.

That's a good point Cait. Good practice would suggest that the parent be included in the email distribution list, I'd have thought. And you would have to be careful about what information you sent electronically anyway, data protection/storage etc. But I guess parents who felt uneasy about this wouldn't give their permission anyway.


I'd worry about swapping documents electronically because once you send you have no control over how the information is used. Maybe I'm just a little cynical though. :o



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very interesting points.... more to think about then....


I love the keypie book idea but I think around 20 of our sessional preschool children attend other settings...

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But it's a requirement that there's some sort of contact. Is there a cluster of settings? Do several children go to the same one?


I have been fortunate enough today to have attended a multi-agency meeting at a local nursery with whom we share several children.


Not only were they extremely welcoming and keen to listen to our assessment of the shared children, but they also had a simple form listing the names and settings of all those attending the meeting which we all signed and were given a copy of so that we could demonstrate, should the big bad O arrive on our doorstep, that we are making contact with other settings.


Personally I found this so much more valuable than little books going back and forth and will look to instigate something similar at our own setting for the other groups with whom we share children. Doing this kind of thing once every couple of months is an absolute no-brainer. If other settings choose not to be involved (as was the case with a couple today) then on their heads be it. At least we will be able to demonstrate our willingness to employ such good practice.



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With regard to sharing info.'electronically'....... a quote from 'Progress Matters' page 13


'The data Protection Act requires a setting to obtain permission from parents in order for information to be shared with other settings. Settings need to be aware that they should consider the security of electronic information and data when using a computer. Local authorities are well placed to advise settings in this area'.


And now I really must 'get a life'!!!!!



Edited by sunnyday
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With regard to sharing info.'electronically'....... a quote from 'Progress Matters' page 13


'The data Protection Act requires a setting to obtain permission from parents in order for information to be shared with other settings. Settings need to be aware that they should consider the security of electronic information and data when using a computer. Local authorities are well placed to advise settings in this area'.


And now I really must 'get a life'!!!!!





Hmm, this smells of SEF avoidance to me. Have you done a link yet?

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Hmm, this smells of SEF avoidance to me. Have you done a link yet?

Cait - that made me laugh out loud!


SEF is well and truly on hold until Summer Hols. Have spent some time today reading jolly 'Progress Matters' - I had told myself I was going to have a day free of 'pre-school stuff' - but didn't manage to do so!


As for 'doing a link' - have to confess no I haven't - but really, really will do soon(ish)!



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  • 6 months later...
Hi there,


This is something I've just been looking at for my setting. I've put in place a form which we complete every three months. It has a section for the key worker to complete, sections for the parent to complete, and a section for key person, or practitioners from other settings the children attend. We haven't started using it yet, the first ones go home next week, but it's been really well received by the staff which is a good start! I've attached a copy for you to have a look at... hope this helps!



Hi Danielle


I know this post was a long time ago, but with an approaching SIP we are having to seriously investigate how we can do this. Not easy in a busy preshool with over 70 children on the register and over 22 different setting involved (some children attend 3 or 4 different settings!!)- we are already struggling to keep up with our own Learning Journeys! Your form sounds great,I really like the fact that you only complete it once every three months. However I am unable to open it, even though I have a docx converter on my computer - would it be possible to repost this with a doc or rtf attachment for those of us who are still using Office 2003?


Any ideas on how people othr settings get around this problem would be gratefully received!

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  • 2 months later...
I have been in contact with 3 local settings......................(one of which is only a few hundred yards from us, so I hand delivered letters to them and, surprise, surprise, NO response, though I have heard from a parent that this setting has now started to do a home/setting diary, but they only write in it IF the parent writes something first!!).Another has invited us to a meeting to discuss ways forward (HURRAH!!!!) and the third said that I should write to them and they will respond 'officially' (!!).Now we have had our Ofsted inspection, the inspector told us to ignore the local group, as we have clearly done our best to get things going........................well, it's a requirement, so how do I 'ignore' them?? The other two settings look like they're up for a real working relationship, so that's a positive move, though it does bother me that NONE of them realised it IS a requirement rather than a nicety, to work together!


Cait.............................LOVE the labels, have tweaked slightly and stolen them,thankyou!

Sorry, forgot who suggested the acronym 'KEYPIE', but another theft added to my list of sins for this week, thankyou!! xD:o





hullo can I ask what you wrote in your letter, thanx Carla

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Dear xxxxxx,


Further to our casual conversation in the supermarket last week, could I please confirm that we are very keen to have some sort of liaison between our settings.


As you are aware, xxxx and xxxxx come to us in the afternoons.


I believe that it would be in both our interests to communicate with each other about their Learning Journeys, and to this end I am quite happy to fill in notebooks for you, or whatever you prefer. As you are their primary educator, we will naturally fall in with your paperwork methodology. I’m also happy to share their CI experiences with you too.


I look forward to hearing from you


Best Wishes

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sent info to another setting comments/next steps for each elg, we have child 2 x am sessions, they have child 3 x full days, and been there longer, so was looking forward to great info back what i got was a note saying "thank you we agree with you" xD


Hi Mouse


All I can say is ........well done you and more fool them! :(:o


You will be able to show Ofsted that you have instigated Information Sharing!


I have only had two replies - I have put together an 'Information Sharing' folder - I will make this available to Ofsted - and hope for some brownie points! :(


I fully intend to keep sharing info. even where it is not reciprocated - can't do any more than that! :(

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  • 2 months later...

Just wondered how this is working for people now?

What sort of information is turning out to be the most useful?


How do you collect your information, do you send your form/book directly to the other setting? or do you pass it through the parent?

Ashamed to say we haven't started yet, it's only just come to the top of my pile! but then equally nobody has asked us to fill anything in for any shared children.

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we use a mix of some of the things others have mentioned - with the parents permission we send a copy of the childs periodic progress report, termly to the other setting and we also have a link book for one child who attends 3 settings ( parental choice!) The setting we share most children with happens to be on the same site as us (we are a Day Nursery and they are a pre-school) so we do verbal reports and termly drop-in visits , and ensure this is recorded in the childs Learning Journey, it is hard work but as long as you are doing your best then OFSTED can't grumble really I feel. :o

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Thanks Cait for your KEYPIE. I will introduce this in our setting if you dont mind. We do have a book from another setting but have only seen it once! We got picked up on this area in our recent Ofsted inspection so I am keen to be pro-active in this area even if no one responds, at least I can say I tried.

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