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I Got An Interview!


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Hi all

Well closing date for that job was last Mon so by yeterday having not heard anything thought that was it.....went to pre-school thi morning with superviosr and job share to do shed tidy (not paid of course for 3 hours work!). They asked me about job I told them think not. Then got home and there was a letter waiting for me!


My interview is Fri 3 April at 9.30 am for an hour! To include formal interview, tour of setting and being with the chidren. I have to take all my certificates (presume its ony the ones for since being at pre-school ie first aid, child protection, EYFS, etc?) as well as proof that I am studying Diploma. Im going to take a few of my marked assignments as thn they can see what it al entails.


So come on then what hould I be swoting up on? What would be typical questions they ask?


Last time i had interview for assistant job I didnt have a clue and basically said what i thought/felt and that i hoped i woud receive training!


Any advice appreciated as always!


I had an interview a few weeks ago (i got the job!) they ask all the normal questions why do you want the job? What do you enjoy the most?


They also asked how do you link EYFS to activities? and how would you involve parents in the process? Asked what my knowledge of on going assessments were? Also asked questions about Equal Opportunities and inclusion, how would you promote in the setting/school?



Hope this helps and good luck with the interview :o



Guest Wolfie

Remind us which job the interview is for again...have you got a job description that you can attach or summarise?


Great article by Helen (in the Members Articles section) all about interviews should give you a head start. :o


find it HERE


Good luck, let us know how it goes.




If I were you it might be useful to take ALL your certificates. I always like to see non relevant ones too just to clarify that the candidate has the background they claim to have! Call me nosey but you never know what they might want to see so better safe than sorry. Also if they are looking to up-skill their workforce, your previous qualifications might be relevant to longer term planning on their part once you have completed your level 3. Good luck!

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