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I have trouble ticking boxes defining whether we are private, voluntary or independant.


We don't fit neatly into any model.


We are private in as much as we are 'owned' by the church who employ the staff. However we are 'not for profit' and therefore not a business. We don't have a parent run committee so I guess are not voluntary. OUr trustees are the Church Council although being church run we are not actually a charity.


What do you think? Can anyone define the 3 categories?



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You are a Charity group that has a committee of Church members thats the way it should be a the Church is a Charity.

You employers would be the Church.

At least thats they way I've always understood church groups to be.

Hope that helps, but I'm sure someone else will give their view on the subject


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dont know if you can class yourself a charity if you are not registered as a charity


we are in same boat as you

we do sometimes make a little profit but very little and what we make one term we probably loose on another


we are a private, non profit making kind of committee run setting :o

almost unique really

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we always took it to mean that PVI was an overall description for many kinds of settings


private.. just really means not under LEA / maintained school

voluntary... has some voluntary input, be it from parents or in some cases the church or other such body

independent.. again not LEA / maintained school , don't know if this is also to do with financial independence



so most settings have all of the above unless maintained....


no real mention of charity status.. we always added it to make it clear. (PVI Charity! )


I never found anywhere we had to split it up or define it,



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You sound very similar to us and we are PVI. The only difference is that we come under the constitution of the church and therefore its charitable status. Does the church have charitable status? They would nned it for gift aid or whatever it's called now, I think. But I think Inge is right, in terms of what PVI means it may not matter.

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Several forms I have completed recently for funding applications have had 3 separate tick boxes.


I think voluntary is probably closest.

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I was hunting for the Methodist church charity number to fill in a grant claim form and I found the Methodist Church isnt a registered charity it has a statement on its website stating (had to hunt for it!)


"The church is excepted from registration by virtue of Statutory Instrument No.1598 of 2002".


I dont know if when it states "the church" it means Methodists or "The Church" in general and that other denominations such as C of E or Catholic churches are excepted ? (I suspect they are the same as methodist with regards to charity status)


whenever I fill in forms requesting charity numbers I put the quote above in the space and Ive not had a problem so far

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thanks for bringing that to my attention LJW Ive just been searching the web site and found their info on charity status it changed August 2008 (I was filling in a form in april so the information I had was correct at the time of my form filling)


my church have never told me about the changes in church charity status (no surprise there!) at least I can update my records


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Churches of all denominations are 'exempted' Charities if their total annual income is below £100,000, so below that amount they do not have to register with the Charities Commission individually. Above that amount they will be given a Charity number. The Diocese is responsible for accounts for Churches below the threshold.

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I always go for voluntary because the parent committee members are voluntary (doesn't matter that they employ us staff who are not voluntary).. Have said it in this way to and advisor or something before I'm sure and I think it was right!?! If it wasn't confusing it wouldn't be part of our job now would it.. ha ha.. Can't think of a better career where you would need a forum like this to discuss just about every part of the job! love it.

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