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April Fools Day


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Just thought I would tell you about today!


It all started yesterday when we had a sudden influx of children being put on the register to attend our 'creche service' for today. Explained away by the fact that a local college was holding a spa morning!! Then at 7.30 this morning one of my creche workers phoned up saying she had a sick bug! Later at 8.30 another creche worker texted me to say she had fallen and broken her tooth and had to have an emergency appointment with the dentist so she would be late!! (at this point I was expecting 15 under 3 year olds and only had 2 staff left! Then at 9.15 (creche opens at 9.30) another creche worker calls to say that he has just been phoned by the school to say his child had been sick!!!! :o mmmmmmhhhhmmmmm, and NO I still didnt twigg!! So 15 under 3's arriving any time and just me trying to find staff to come in!!!!!!!!


It all ended when they all popped their heads round the door at 9.30 laughing raucausly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xD


In my defence, the team is very new and has only been working together for a very short time, so it didnt even cross my mind that they would do this!!!! And I remained calmed throughout!!


Anyone else been gulible (sp??) today???????????

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At home studying, or at least should be. I was taken in for a second when I saw we could be expecting showers of snails to fall on us from France where they had been swept up by some kind of weather system. I was definetly convinced for at least 30 seconds!!!

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:o how funny, believe me i would have fell for it too!!


I bet you were feeling very stressed I know i would have been, but its nice to be in a n environment were you all get on and have a laugh!!


you will have to think of an idea to get your own back lol?


jod x xD:(:(:( :wacko: xD :rolleyes: :unsure:

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Didnt do any this April fools, but last year we sent out parent questionnaires and one key person had all glowing repsonses from parents, so me and the deputy completed a blank one in the name of a parent that hadnt hander hers in yet. We put down awful comments (mean I know) and gave it to the key person, it was so funny, she read it, quietly came up to me and said 'I need a word', how I stopped laughing I will never know!! Under the 'do you have any skills we could utilitse at pre school' we put Belly dancing!! We kept it up for half and hour and let her know, she was so relieved but saw the funny side to.

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Well I wonder how many of you facebook-ers have been told today that you are the second cousin of Barack Obama? :o


Doh, was that an April Fool's joke? There was me thinking it was just a ruse to get you to click on the link. :( And I thought it was the fourth cousin? xD

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Well our family planned to do an April Fool on our Dad but didn't get round to it and am so glad we didn't!


Dad's driving is a bit of a family joke (in a nice way) and it's his 70th birthday later this year. We thought we would do an 'official' looking letter explaining to him that he would need to sit his driving test again and do the theory test.


Guess what really did turn up in the post this morning!!! :o


Yup - a real proper letter from DVLA about renewing his licence! xD:( :(

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Went into school this morning and looked at the week at a glance notice board - on fridays space there was a big notice saying school closed today due to emergency sewer words - all the staff were planning what to do with their extra days easter holiday until I pointed out todays date!!

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got my deputy a brilliant one. She is also my 3-5's senior. We coddled together a letter from our LA even on headed notepaper saying that from September 1st all 3-5's room in nurseries had to go to the 1:13 ratio like they do in schools. She believed it, even though she said "it must be a joke" and went very pale. Had a look of shock and desperation on her face all morning till we put her out of her misery!!! Unfortunately I wasnt there to see it!!

And our Ops Manager rang my nursery today to say that our sister nursery had been closed by EHO and could we take any of their children? Apparently my Administrator went round all the rooms checking spare capacity; the penny didnt drop till she got to the last room.................remember my Deputy couldnt help as she was in shock thinking about the 1:13 ratio!!!


What a day not to be in!!! Wouldn't mond but I was covering in another of our nurseries at the time!!!!!

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My husband teaches in a comprehensive and he sent a pupil to the caretaker to collect a bucket of steam for an experiment!

He also handed out word searches where none of the words to be found were on the paper, the only words that could be found was April Fool. It took his top set 5 minutes to fall in but a lower set were thrilled that they had found the words they were supposed to!

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I got my kids today! Bearing in mind I work with children with severe or profounties it's hard to find something that I could get them with!

We have a jobs board in our class which has a picture of the 4 jobs (morning register, dinner register, collecting the milk and afternoon register). Normally each of the jobs has a photo of one of my class next to them. One of my kids is obsessed with doing the jobs, she'd do them all if you let her (hence why we have the board). Well today, instead of the photos of the kids, I'd put a picture of myself on each job! When T asked if it was her job I got her to check the jobs board. I asked whose job it was and she replied Tia, I said no, go and look, she came back and said 'Nicowa' (as near to my name as she can say) and then I asked her to check the other jbos for the day and she came back saying 'Nicowa' and then started to laugh. One of the other children had been listening in to this and was laughing away!

I was so thrilled that the two of them had got the joke!

I did let them then choose which job they wanted to do and then filled the other 2 spaces with 2 of the other kids.

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Well I wonder how many of you facebook-ers have been told today that you are the second cousin of Barack Obama? :o



much further away - 4th cousin once removed!

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