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As far as I am aware APP has been developed for level 1 upwards, anything below would be working towards unless as Marion said they are unlikely to be working within level 1 by the end of year 2. When using the APP material there may be some elements you can highlight within level 1 even if they are not actually within that level although saying that I had a child in year 2 last year that was way below but in that case we were using p scales to monitor her.


Basically don't make extra work for yourself. If a child is needing to be assessed using p scales just photocopy them and highlight relevant bits, then update in a different colour. I really don't think there is any need to correlate it with APP as these are 2 separate documents.


We use the EYFS to monitor pupil's progress and to identify next steps in learning all through year 1 and even for parts of year 2 unless there are significantly below as I mentioned previously. The way the p scales are phrased isn't appropriate for most children in mainstream. It is intended for older children who are struggling if that makes sense.


This may help


EYFSP and assessment in Key Stage 1


The EYFSP is the assessment made at the end of the Reception year, which summarises children's achievement in the EYFS and is critical to establishing a sound foundation for learning across the curriculum as children move into Key Stage 1. It provides Year 1 teachers with information that enables them to clearly identify children's strengths and areas for development and helps them plan relevant and challenging learning opportunities and experiences.


APP is designed to assess children's achievement in reading, writing and mathematics. The most obvious points of overlap between EYFSP and APP occur in a number of the Early Learning Goals (ELG) in Communication, language and literacy and in Problem solving, reasoning and numeracy.


Teachers in Year 1 can continue to use the EYFSP as their assessment tool for children where they consider this to be appropriate. This will be particularly the case for children who have not obtained any or most of the ELG - scale points 4 to 8 - in a particular EYFSP scale. The point at which teachers begin to use APP criteria is a matter for professional judgement and the teacher's knowledge of the child. Teachers will need to consider carefully which criteria best match the child's developing strengths and needs, and support them in identifying the next steps in their learning.


Teachers will also need to use their judgement to determine whether a child has not achieved the ELG as a result of a special educational need. Children with identified special educational needs who are likely to be working below level 1 at the end of the key stage should be assessed in relation to the P scales.


Wow Marion that is a very useful post. Where is it from? It's what I'd thought but if it's from somewhere 'official' that would be great to show people who are disputing these facts.


Help needed again

where does scale point 9 come into the equation as I have a few reception children already achieved p9 linking sounds and letters. How do I assess their progress without using APP guidelines level 1.

Help needed again

where does scale point 9 come into the equation as I have a few reception children already achieved p9 linking sounds and letters. How do I assess their progress without using APP guidelines level 1.


Wow! You must have some very bright children - I've been told to expect very few children to achieve this by the end of FS. I don't have the official line but my feeling would be if they have achieved point 9 then they are ready to be assessed according to the NC, however if it is just in LSL, you need to ensure they are able to apply their skills in reading and writing. Also are there other areas that they are weaker in, the phonics side will continue to tick over but if they are not creative or have poor skills in PSRN then these are areas that can be focused on more.

I use Ros Wison Criterion Scale to assess writing. This year I have one boy already confirmed as working at NC L1a


The roz wilson criterion can it work in the profile e.g for points or not ?

I use Ros Wison Criterion Scale to assess writing. This year I have one boy already confirmed as working at NC L1a


We've been advised by county to move to APPs from Ros Wilson. We've worked hard as a staff moderating our use of the RW scales and clarifying any points we were finding blurry so it seems a shame to then change again. Are you changing to APPs?

Guest tinkerbell

I wouldn't start the children on APP in Reception .

I think we are going to get into the whole assessment issue here about the EYFS and National Curriculum.We have been to told that they do not equate and that is the message we have been defending for a long time ...I strongly upheld it to Ofsted last week.


No we decided to stick with what we know works for us and the new version is cross referenced to APP. At the last SLT meeting we decided we want alternatives to APP that are more teacher friendly.

Which is the new version and where can I get it from?

Do your county advisors have any problems with you not using APPs?

The teacher friendly issue is exactly the case! Are you (KS1 and KS2) using APPs for reading or maths or do you have more teacher friendly assessment for that too? APPs are a real hot potato in my school at the moment!

The problem for our school is that our KS2 SATS results are not great, for various reasons, so if we don't use what they recommend, we can't jutify it through our results.

No we decided to stick with what we know works for us and the new version is cross referenced to APP. At the last SLT meeting we decided we want alternatives to APP that are more teacher friendly.



Hi is it possible you could share information on what you use for numeracy and reading assessment which you cross reference with APP. Thanx Blackcat

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