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I Am Amazed And Surprised At This!

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Hi all


While visiting my sis-in-law today, I noticed my 14 year old neice playing with a game - 20Q.


Of course James being the curious little fella that he is, decided that he wanted a go. He like it so much that I decided to look it up when I got home.


I found this http://www.20q.net/


I have been at it now for an hour and have came up with some pretty odd characters, music and films for it to discover. It has sussed out them all!!


Obviously when it does not do it within the 20 questions you win, but it keeps trying and with all of mine it has eventually got it right!


Let me know if anyone manages to win, without it getting the right answer.


Certainly a good distraction from other things I should be doing!!!


Cool game!!


I won 3 times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Mindyou I did contradict some ansers already given!!!!!!




Must really get on now I suppose................. assignments still needing to be done x


Oh NO!!!!!!!!! I wish FSF members wouldn't put links like this on when I'm supposed to be working :o Films, music and Coronation Street!

Is this what they were playing with?




Thats the one Cait, I ordered one off ebay for James today!!


Oh NO!!!!!!!!! I wish FSF members wouldn't put links like this on when I'm supposed to be working :o Films, music and Coronation Street!


Sorry Harricroft!!!


I felt the need to share. I Know where you are coming from though, I have an assignment to hand in and I havent looked at a book in 2 weeks!!

Thats the one Cait, I ordered one off ebay for James today!!


Much cheaper on there? IWOOT is such a fab site, I got a great umbrella with little lights on it which really cheers people up on a cold wet dark morning!

Much cheaper on there?


Got it for £8.99 with free delivery!!

Much cheaper on there? IWOOT is such a fab site, I got a great umbrella with little lights on it which really cheers people up on a cold wet dark morning!

Oh now I want one of those - umbrellas that is - would go very well with my rather snazzy wellies!!!




Wow! That's amazing! I beat it, I got to 23, but how could it possibly guess, I was thinking of a rather sexy British actor (Richard Armitage) and it got him on it's third guess! :o


I'm flabbergasted!!!!


Sorry can you tell, I'm easily pleased?



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