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Parents Signing Children In And Out

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At present we have a system where parents sign the children in and out. However we also have a register that is filled in as and when the children arrive and leave and a system of self registration for the children. We do this because we always have and now I am wondering if we need the parents to sign the children in and out. When I audited the system last term not all parents were doing it anyway and we go by the register for fire drills etc.


What does everyone else do?




P.S I am trying to reduce my to do list and printing out the signing in/out sheets is next on the list.

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Hi - there has been a recent thread on this - perhaps you could do a 'forum search'.


We register the children as they arrive/leave - this works well for us but we are a very small, sessional pre-school - probably wouldn't work so well in larger setting or setting where there are many different start/end times.


Children do self register too.


Hope that helps


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Can you remember why the system was introduced in the first place? Maybe due to a particular incident, or maybe just because you heard from somewhere that it's required/good practice? We start new systems for various reasons which over time may not be necessary anymore.

In my setting I didn't have parents sign in, but each setting has different requirements and this sytem of parents signing in may suit some.

It's good that you are reflecting on this practice to possibly reduce the burdens of paperwork.



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We have always had a member of staff to fill in the children's times of arrival and departure in the register at the entrance door.

At a recent health and safety course I was told that we had to also sign in the adults/parents aswell. The reason for this is because you need to know who is on the premises in case of an emergency,.. even if they are only there for 3 or 4 minutes..so now we have another member of staff to sign in the number of adults aswell ( very tricky when 25 children all arrive and depart within 5 minutes of each other) Also poses an issue with ratios when 2 members of staff are standing in the corridor!!??

We have never got the parents to sign in the children themselves but I know the local "before and after school club" do this. Don't know why. I cant see a reason why the parents would have to do it when surely the staff would need to check it is being done correctly anyway..they may aswell do it themselves.

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we did both or all 3 parents, register by staff and self registration... (PVI Church hall etc)


in our case the parents signing in reminded them of the actual time they arrived and left the building..they had to put in times, and we supplied the clock to go by! Back up for to register, as coming and goings at different times became more with the flexible hours and on ours was space for who would be collecting the child which gave parents a reminder to tell us if it was someone different, and the collector also had to sign before leaving the building.. more necessary when circumstances within the family are 'difficult'..


it does not take much for us to manage the parents signing, as sheet each day pre-printed and checked by staff once all have left with a reminder to parent collecting if it was not completed, but in 10 years only had a few reminders to give, once one fills it in all seem to follow, and had to remind us on occasion when we failed to put out the 'book' ,


we also introduced a smaller version on a lower table and children had a chance to sign themselves in.. they loved making a mark in the book and eventually began to become very recognisable over the time they were with us.. we made sure parents were aware it was children's choice to do this if they wish but they all wanted a go and with parental education we found none prompting the children as they were busy filling in their bit!



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there was a thread on this not so long ago


we do same a sunny day person in chrage does the register it is a daily one so no need for fire register

children also self register


we also in church hall

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what are the actual requirements? I know we have to record the attendance and the time in and out but I dont know if there is a requirement for parents to sign in and out? and signing in parents in when they are just dropping off seems a bit much?


our parents sign the children in and out on one sheet as they enter, and the children self register with cards in the main room, we dont do an additional register its just duplicating the two systems already in place. ofsted didnt complain or even comment about our lack of additional register, and in case of fire we use the parent sign in sheet its got the list of children and staff on it

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Thanks guys.


I have decided to stop the parents signing in as it seems a duplication. We have home books and ask parents to let us know if it is someone different picking up so can't think of another reason to carry on with it.


Another item off the to so list but must remember to do a notice to let parents know.



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It is important to record actual times that children arrive and depart for fire and child protection purposes. we use the register that the parents sign in and out of as our register. This is then a good way to check that it has been done properly. the children then self register aswell with pictures of people stuck on the wall.

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we do not have our parents sign in and out- we are a pre-school and the children self- register taking their picture for their peg while the leader in charge takes a register recording who is arriving and what times.

this works well for us as we open the doors at the same times for each session and all children usually arrive and leave at the same time, we make a note in the register if they have arrived late, left early or left late and if a parent stays or collects early or late it is recorded in either the visitors book (if they are within the setting for a while) or in the daily diary for staff to see.


we have not been picked up on not recording arrival and depature times of parents and i have not heard of any ligislation or guidance which states it must be done.

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