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Swine Flu


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I think you should try to be realistic about this and not get drawn into the media frenzy that is going on designed to scare us all to death. Unless you, your staff or any of the children or families have recently visited or been in contact with anyone who has visited mexico I think there is little to be concerned about. I have a sister in law who has family in mexico and it is obviously a serious and anxious time for them. However personally I think the press are just using it as an opportunity to draw attention away from the economic "crisis"?

What do others think?

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Hi blondie


I'm afraid I cant comment from a professional childcare provider point of view as I am only a student, but my sis-in-law was at docs today with her dad and to cut a long story short, the conversation turned to swine flu.


This doctor is very concerned about swine flu. She has 2 young children, aged 3 and 4, and is seriously considering sending her children down to live with her mum in a remote part of southern Ireland. She feels that as she is on the front line there is a good chance that she could pass this virus on to her children and does not want to take any chances.


She also said that they had been prepared for this for a number of years and that it is inevitable that it goes global and becomes a pandemnic (sp?).


Is this doctor panicking because she has 2 young children or is she looking at it from a professional point of view???


My other sis-in-law visited another doctor yesterday and asked, in passing, what the doctor thought about it and the doctor thought it was a serious issue and advised her to get a stock of canned foods in, as if it does take hold, people will be reluctant to visit public places e.g. shops.


Sorry to be the bearer of doom and gloom, but I am just passing on what I have heard from both my sis-in-laws today.


I realise that different people have different views. I am concerned but not worried, if that makes sense, but hubby is panicking as he knows himself that his lungs are still very delicate and his immune system is low due to his recent illness. His fear is that if he catches it, will it finish him off! He just made it through pneumonia the last time and it is pneumonia due to the swine flu that is taking lives (thats what he tells me and he is glued to Sky news at the moment!)


I will watch this thread with interest. It will be interesting to hear what other peoples opinions are and what actions they feel are necessary given the fact that we are responsible for other peoples children.



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I think we need to be realistic; parents will be worried whether they need to be or not. I have printed off a leaflet off the nhs website and put it on the parents noticeboard and have reiterated to my staff the need for tissues, handwashing, surface wiping, tissue disposal and hand gel. When and IF we need to do anymore I am sure we will be informed!!

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We have been infromed!! the LA sent us loads of stuff this afternoon!!


Having said that we're not going stupid - we have a policy that's been in place since 2006 - when we were told to prepare for bird flu.... the information sent this afternoon was much the same.


What we are doing is ensuring the children are washing hands correctly and using tissues for coughs and sneezes, then throwing away after one use - we have lots that like to keep tissues in pockets at the moment.......with the thought being should it become epidemic in the next few months at least the children will have a good understanding of personal hygeine.



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Our Deputy is diabetic and was called at work by her GP and asked to go get an additional flu jab as she is in a high risk group.Not been bothered about it before but that made me think if they are already contacting people like her 'they' are taking it really seriously.

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In a brief conversation with my GP a few months ago he told me that my pandemic policy should be to close for my own family's protection and advise parents to keep their children at home. I was really surprised as he is usually the kind of guy who says kids should still go to school and do everything no matter what's wrong with them!


I have done some research on the government websites and they do seem to think that children are a much bigger transmission risk than adults, partly due to close contact and hygiene but also because they carry more of the virus for longer.


I have not heard anything from my local authority.


Was wondering about getting some of those masks - not for everyday use but so I could protect others if a child develops symptoms while in my care. Mind you I wouldn't even know where to get them.

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If it got to the stage where you needed them masks would be distributed, but by that stage you probably wouldn't be open in any case.


At this point in time there is nothing to panic over. It does not seem to be any worse than any other flu and the reports coming out of Mexico are very garbled. A lot of experts suspect that there have been many more mild cases there than has been reported, which throws a different light on how dangerous it is. It is certainly not as bad as the bird flu virus - all experts agree on that one. It is also thought that with summer coming, any outbreak would now be delayed until the autumn, by which time they will know much more about it. Additionally in this country we have masses of the anti viral drugs available. My advice for what it's worth is to continue to promote good infection control methods and carry on as normal. :o

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Picked this number up this morning, if you are ill and worried to call and not go to Gp!


0800 1 513 513 a Flu helpline it was called.


As mummyspud said someone with recent or previous illness are more vulnerable, as are many with chronic long term problems like asthma but it is something at moment to consider and not over panic about. Have policy in place and be aware.


We do not know how serious it really is and how many recovered from it etc.


Face masks are really a false sence of security and unless changed freqently once damp have no protection at all. Those who need them will be care workers who change them frequently.



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I think you should try to be realistic about this and not get drawn into the media frenzy that is going on designed to scare us all to death. Unless you, your staff or any of the children or families have recently visited or been in contact with anyone who has visited mexico I think there is little to be concerned about. I have a sister in law who has family in mexico and it is obviously a serious and anxious time for them. However personally I think the press are just using it as an opportunity to draw attention away from the economic "crisis"?

What do others think?


totally agree I think the media have a lot to answer for


although its important to maintain good hygine (as advertised to help prevent the spread of swine flu) I am worried we will become a nation with ocd for cleanliness and not let the children develop a healthy immune system to common coughs and sneezes

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as far as I know most schools in my borough have issued letters about swine flu, this is mainly to reassure parents that we have a plan incase things do get worse and also advise them that they are not to bring their chidlren in if the show ANY symptoms. Therefore I had to produce something today, which will change on monday. Apparently there was a reported case of it in my borough as well and the LA are sending things out regularly as the threat level rises.

I think it is a good idea to reassure parents that you have a plan just incase.


I am off to the countryside camping this weekend and intend to forget about it and stay away from anyone!! Until tuesday morning.


I think it is standard to have a pandemic/ major event type thing policy.

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I'm not panicking in the slightest, not since i received a nice shiny poster from the NHS telling me how to deal with sneezes and coughs. Very informative that one, I would never have thought of it myself... :o

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We have been infromed!! the LA sent us loads of stuff this afternoon!!


Having said that we're not going stupid - we have a policy that's been in place since 2006 - when we were told to prepare for bird flu.... the information sent this afternoon was much the same.


What we are doing is ensuring the children are washing hands correctly and using tissues for coughs and sneezes, then throwing away after one use - we have lots that like to keep tissues in pockets at the moment.......with the thought being should it become epidemic in the next few months at least the children will have a good understanding of personal hygeine.



hi could you post a link to your policy please Mashie

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