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Childminding Before And After School Only


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Hi all


Just wondered if any of you could answer the following?


Are you able to child mind but only before and after school?

I currenty work 2 mornings per week at my village pre-school so do not want to do during the day. I have first aid, safeguarding, EYF training, been crb checked and half way through a diploma in pre-school practice (level 3). I have 2 children of my own, boy 5 yrs, girl 11 yrs and a few weeks ago (poential job that didnt come off) made enquiries about after school club ony to be told it was full on the days I needed!. I have also heard many say that whether they take a place at the school (very good school) depends if there are places in the after chool club. There are no chid minders in the village and no other after school clubs pick up from our school due to rural setting.


What woud I have to do to provide a service? I realise I woud have to be registered but what woud I need to provide? Would I still have to provide a curriculum eg EYFS to under 5yrs? Is there anything like this for older ones? Will my house have to be child-proof, woud I have to provide specific items?


Any advice appreciated.

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A colleague of mine is also a before and after childminder and has as many children as she is allowed and a waiting list.



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Hi Marley,


Once you are registered as a childminder it is up to you to decide what hours you want to offer.


If you are caring for children who are still in the EYFS i.e. up to the end of the school year in which the are five, you will be expected to monitor and support their learning through the EYFS and make links with any other providers who care for them including the school.


You will need to decide which register you want to be on. Have a look at the PDF files on this page for a bit more onfo




Good luck

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Hi all

Thanks fro advice. Was on sef course today and spoke to a lady who supports childminders??? in the area. She told me that I would have to do a diploma in homebased childcare within 6 months of registering. Seeing as im currently doing the diploma in preschool practice i dont think i can take anymore on! oh well...it was a thought...thanks again.

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Hi Marley


I think what your talking about is the old ICP (introduction in childcare) If it is still the same it is only about 16 hours that you can do in evening or saturdays. As you are already in childcare alot of it you will already know but the last session is on the buisness side of things (book keeping tax etc)which you might not be used to. I think this is now unit 1 of the diploma in homebase childcare and only if you want to you can do the other units to complete the whole diploma but asyour already doing the other dimploma wouldn't need to.


call your local NCMA office and find out a bit more if I was you as your village sounds like it could definatly need a service like you want to provide. The other thing isif you only care for over 8's you don't have to be registered if you don't want to be!

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Hi Velvet


whats this if you care for over 8s you dont have to be registerd bit then? As in OFSTED registered?

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Yes as in Ofsted registered.

There are 2 registers not 100% sure of the ages of them!! (one under 8's?? oneover? one unde 5's one over? ) I have heard that it costs quite alot more to be on the only school age one and that is why I know you don't have to be registered for over 8's as a childminder at school only has junior children so decided not to carry on her registration!!

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Here you go Marley the 2 registers are:-


Registration on the Early Years Register will be compulsory for providers who care for children aged from birth to the 31 August following their fifth birthday, unless they are exempt from registration. The exemptions will be set out in regulations. All those on the Early Years Register must deliver the Early Years Foundation Stage.


Registration on the compulsory part of the Childcare Register will be compulsory for providers who care for children from 1 September following their fifth birthday (the end of the foundation stage) up to the age of eight. This is usually six and seven-year-olds, but could include some five-year-olds. Again, some providers may be exempt from registration.

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