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Qualification Deadline

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Hi there,


I keep hearing rumours about the date changing....can anyone clarify what year we must have all practitioners qualified by?





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i would like some clarification on this myself!!.I have read it is Level 3 by year 2015 nd each setting then must have an EYPS in place.However,in our setting ie aparivate day,we are all being enrolled to do level 4 as we are all level 3.Otherwise,i havebeen told we go to be assistants!! any clarity??

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i would like some clarification on this myself!!.I have read it is Level 3 by year 2015 nd each setting then must have an EYPS in place.However,in our setting ie aparivate day,we are all being enrolled to do level 4 as we are all level 3.Otherwise,i havebeen told we go to be assistants!! any clarity??


I am pleased I am not the only one who is confused! I heard at a course recently that it is being moved to 2012 that everyone must be level 2 and then 2015 that everyone is level 3! HELP

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As far as I know the stipulations of the EYFS regarding qualifications has not been changed. There have been various reports that have suggested we move towards a Level 3 qualified workforce by 2015, but this has not been adopted by Government as far as I know.


The need to have an EYP in each Children's Centre by 2012 and in all full day care settings by 2015 stands and is a firm commitment by Government and Local Authorities are working towards achieving this target. I think if they try to set a goal of everyone being Level 3 qualified at the same time as having an EYP in every full day care setting, the Government will be at serious risk of reaching neither target.



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May I just ask if I have it wrong (highly probable!) or whether you have a typo? I thought it was 2010 for Children's Centres? xD

No, you're right I think Geraldine - just that my fingers don't move as quickly as my brain does sometimes. Or is it the othe way round? :o Good to see you're awake though!

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Due to the new qualifications list by the CWDC, my fabulous Deputy had to step down as her level 3, which she did in 2005, is no longer valid and she does not want to do any more training. Thankfully found a new deputy so old deputy moved down to assistant, but worried now that as old deputys level 3 is no longer valid she will be soon classed as unqualified! She does not want to undertake anymore training as she's, well, putting it nicely, 'old enough to be my mum'. She's fantastic at the job but fear that we may have to let her go, something which none of us want but unsure how we stand as having unqualified staff in the future!


Grrrr at the powers that be! :o



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PPP how can her qualification be out of date after only 4 years? I am a manager, I gained my Level 3 over 10 years ago and it is still valid.I have 2 fantastic members of staff that are neither level 2 or 3 but have done as much training as I have and have 13 & 14 years experience each. So far we have been ok, as it is still 50 % of your workforce qualified to Level 2. I was talking to one of our EYAT the other day about my concerns for them and she said she thinks it will be a while (probably 5 years) until they say ALL staff must be Level 2/3. Also what she did say was, we would have to have plenty of warning as apart from anything else there are employment laws to think about.

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lynned55 - her qualification is not valid because she was not assessed in the workplace. She did a CACHE course which was all at college, she meets 2/3 mandatory criteria. Annoyingly, she can't just top it up to achieve the 3/3 criteria, she has to do another level 3! This is all according to the CWDC qualifications online list and I have argued with them over the phone many times.



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As far as I know the stipulations of the EYFS regarding qualifications has not been changed. There have been various reports that have suggested we move towards a Level 3 qualified workforce by 2015, but this has not been adopted by Government as far as I know.

Little update here. I asked today at a meeting about the aspiration to have a completely level 3 qualified workforce. I was right in what I said about the Government not having committed to it in any statutory document yet. However our Authority is working on the basis that it will be a requirement for everyone to be qualified at level 3 by 2020.


So there's plenty of time to mobilise and work out how to get there.



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2020, that is a relief as I know for certain I wont be working by then and someone else can sort it out!!


PPP, how unfortunate. I have a student who has almosst completed a Level3 (DPP) although she has been with us for the best part of a year and does 8 hours per week, no one has been in t assess her and as far as I know nobody is coming in. All I do is fill in a time sheet confirming she has done the hours that week.

Edited by lynned55
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  • 2 weeks later...
I have a student who has almosst completed a Level3 (DPP) although she has been with us for the best part of a year and does 8 hours per week, no one has been in t assess her and as far as I know nobody is coming in.

I've been looking at the qualifications database and remembered this conversation. I think it has been a long time since DPP tutors (in our area, anyway) visited learners in their workplace and as such, no workplace assessment takes place. So therefore, according to what the CWDC have told P3, none of us with a DPP gained at our local college would have a full and relevant qualification. :o


The good news for us is that the DPP is listed as a full and valid Level 3 qualification. Phew!



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I have a lady in the same position almost as PPP, she has a BTEC GNVQ in Health and Social Care and has been working as a L3 senior nursery nurse for a long time. Now unfortunately she is classed as no longer qualified. I have made enquiries and there is a top up course she can do something to do with EYFS, can remember what its called but it can be completed in 3 months and will give the practitioner a L3 qualification. That said it is now our policy to get all our seniors working towards L4 or FDa qualification asap. Understandably the lady concerend was devasated and it has knocked her confidence somewhat.

We have decided to keep her as she is at the moment until such tome as we cant get her on a course or she doesnt want to, though she is keen to do one at present

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I've got an unqualified person working in my setting. She is brilliant with the children but is at an age where she is far more interested in spending time with her grandchildren than doing a qualification - and I can't blame her. I have said not to worry, how can the authorities put someone out of a job just because they don't want to study? If it ever happens before she wants to retire, I'll fight tooth and nail on her behalf, and just keep her.



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If it ever happens before she wants to retire, I'll fight tooth and nail on her behalf, and just keep her.

Well she's safe for now because there is only the requirement to have half the staff (who do not need to be a Level 3) qualified to Level 2. Mind you I'm not sure what will happen when we meet the deadline for everyone being Level 3 qualified but that won't be until 2020! :o



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Gruffalo2 I am in the same position as you, except I have 2 unqualified, both of which will leave before they do a L2 or 3. They are both brilliant and have done every other course/workshop/training going. To be honest i dont blame them for not wanting to do it either. I'm just hoping that by the time the L3 becomes mandatory we will have all retired.

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Gruffalo2 I am in the same position as you, except I have 2 unqualified, both of which will leave before they do a L2 or 3. They are both brilliant and have done every other course/workshop/training going. To be honest i dont blame them for not wanting to do it either. I'm just hoping that by the time the L3 becomes mandatory we will have all retired.


By the time the level 3 becomes mandatory, the powers that be will have changed the rules at least 3 times and we will be back to where we were 10 years ago... :o



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I'll definitely be retired too by 2020 so as you say it will not be a problem. And I agree too that everything will have changed again by then. I have been too long in this game and have seen theories and fads come and go, and then come round again - so I now take what I think is right for the children and be ready to argue my case. :o



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I've been looking at the qualifications database and remembered this conversation. I think it has been a long time since DPP tutors (in our area, anyway) visited learners in their workplace and as such, no workplace assessment takes place. So therefore, according to what the CWDC have told P3, none of us with a DPP gained at our local college would have a full and relevant qualification. :o


The good news for us is that the DPP is listed as a full and valid Level 3 qualification. Phew!





I do DPP as a long distance learning course and no tutor comes in and sees me. do have to get supervisor to sign off exactly what I have done each time Im in pre-school.

Thank goodness that DPP is listed!

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