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How Much Planning Time Do You Get?

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I am interested to hear from those working in schools about the amount of time you are given for planning / profile observation writing during school hours (not including lunch breaks and after the children go home)?







The teachers working in Reception and Nursery get their PPA time (one morning each week) plus an extra morning each term to update the Foundation stage profiles. As a TA responsible for planning and resourcing the Outside Learning Environment for the Foundation Stage I don't get any time at the moment, but this is about to change, and I will be getting approx 1 hour a week, depending on availability of cover.


Hope this is useful




Same here Rosanna. I work in a job share classroom one of the teachers being an assistant head so she gets management time as well as PPA. I PPA cover 2 afternoon which I plan, resource and cover for which I get no PPA time myself although I'm expected to provide pre-written planning and cover KUW, RE and Music areas of the curriculm with reference to the EYES statements as well as the other commitments to observations and profiles.


PPA time should be 10% of your teaching time, and that is a statutory requirement for a teacher. People with extra responsibilities usually get some Leadership time. Otherwise any extra time is at the discretion of your HT. TA's may also be given some PPA if they have planning to do, but that is not statutory. :o My experience is that this is usually around one hour a week.


As others have said, it's just the standard PPA time which for us is a whole morning or afternoon.


We just get the 10% PPA- which is one afternoon a week. In which we have to do planning, profiles, observations, assessment, curriculum responsibility tasks, including monitoring subjects area, reviewing plans, ordering stock...... etc the list is endless.


Thanks so much for sharing. This will be very helpful with my negotiations!!!

  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)
Thanks so much for sharing. This will be very helpful with my negotiations!!!


You shouldn't have to negotiate! You are entitled to 10% of teaching time as your PPA and your Head has a duty to make sure you have it!


Found this info on a LA website which you might find useful. "PPA time must be allocated within the timetabled teaching day. Teachers cannot be given PPA time during registration, assemblies, breaks or lunchtime. A teacher's individual timetabled teaching time is the time when he/she is actually in front of the class teaching during the timetabled teaching day. PPA time is 10% of this time."


Good Luck!

Edited by Guest

I get 10% PPA time- which is one morning a week. In which I have to do planning, profiles, observations, assessment, update learning journey's, liase with pre-schools, induction of new chn, othe foundation stage coordinator jobs, ICT coordinator jobs and PE coordinator jobs, order resoucres, count and order tesco and sainsburys vouchers etc etc


It would also be interesting to know much time Practitioners are allowed to observe, assess, complete learning journeys and reports and plan if you work in a Preschool or with Preschool room of a Nursery or Children's Centre as we follow the same EYFS principles and recording requirement?


Each full time member of staff gets 2 hours of PPA - part time get the proportion of that equal to their job.

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