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Guest florrie

Hi, apologies if this has been asked before, but couldnt find in any forum posts. We are currently undertaking a mass shakeup of 2 form entry reception to incorporate continuous provision more effectively. However as we are considering the logistics for 60 pupils wondered how other people manage the area's (construction, small world etc) do we use bands?, do we use laminated pictures to each area that is hung outside the area to show full, do we give each child their own picture to take around with them, so that if there is space on a chart to stick it they can go in? issues have been raised concerning things like what if pupils go to bathroom with a band on - spreading germs, if carry own picture about will they just put it outside the first area then forget it - or put it down somewhere else ! Any suggestions or advice would be great, Thanks :o


We went through this change last summer - changing from2 separate classes to one reception unit with up to 60 pupils although it's 53 at the moment. Anyway, we have not encountered any problems with numbers of children in different areas. The band system goes against continuous provision really. We have found when something is new/novel then it attracts a lot of interest but once they realise they can always access it that fades away. On the rare occasions that there has been a problem we've suggested that some children choose something else to do usually rewarding those offering with stickers! However that has been rare. The only rule that we have instilled is that at each carpet/table area there is only one thing out at a time. if they want something else out they must tidy away the other box first assuming no-one wants it. We are really pleased with how well it's gone. The children are fab and have a great time!

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