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Morleys Furniture

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just wondered if anyone had bought furniture from Morleys.


I'm looking for wooden furniture and I know lots of you have Community Playthings furniture, but that's a little too expensive for us.


There is so much in so many catalogues it's hard to know where to go, but I'm liking what I see in Morleys.


Many thanks,




we have just purchased a lot of Morleys home corner furniture and it is fab. the taps on the sink move up and down and the washer has suds on the window. the hob is red as if it is hot and it seems to be well made.




Are you talking about storage furniture for toys etc because if you are I would recommend using Mount Industries based in Eastleigh, Hampshire- All their funiture is made to order and is made by disabled people... we have had the whole school done this year and they were excellent.... they deliever all their own stuff too and are so helpful. They have a small selection available on their website http://www.mount.org.uk/ but will make anything that you cn draw- we used the Morleys catalogue as a starting point and they made it cheaper.


I couldn't recommend them hight enough.




we had units from moreleys, good quality and sturdy, we had to wait for delivery.. in our case I had to ring, turns out they sent it to a place in Wales instead of us!! oops...


but the furniture is good




Hi. We placed a £2,400 order with Morleys at the end of last year. They were very helpful and with

such a large order it did arrive in 4-5 deliveries over a period of about 6 weeks. However, everything arrived

and we were very pleased with the quality of all items. They did infact double ship a doll worth £36 and when I

advised them over the phone they said we could keep it for being honest!!! There new catalogue arrived in the

post today and it looks just as good this year!


dottyp :o


Thank you so much for your replies, they have been really useful.


There is just soooooooo much out there,



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