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I Can't Believe I Did This!

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I have just been sitting looking through two of last term's foundation degree assignments which were handed back yesterday after marking.


These assignments were 2000 words each on supporting children's self esteem. I was a bit disappointed with my grades and couldn't understand the feedback about what I had failed to include.


Then it all became clear! I had messed up the printing.

I have replaced pages 3 to 7 of essay two with pages 3 to 6 of essay one! The tutor has marked the same 3 pages twice without realising it. No wonder she though it was inconsistent!


I cannot believe that I have ruined a whole term's work by making such a stupid mistake.


My only glimmer of hope is that, because I had to hand the assignments in to a receptionist instead of the tutor, I emailed the correct versions to the tutor before the hand-in date. Is it worth me asking her to re-mark it?


I am feeling really low now. I spent so many hours doing the "%$*%& thing and now half of it is wasted.

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Oh i really feel for you! I can't belive your tutor never noticed!! I would ask for a reamrk on thegrounds that she/he didn't notice the mistake!

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If they have not gone to moderation yet they may remark it for you - hope they do as it was an honest mistake!

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Thanks for your support.


I've emailed the course tutor and left her a phone message.


I sooooo hope they will re-mark it but I am not holding my breath. I have no idea what the rules say on things like this.


I still can't believe I made such a basic mistake.......and they let me look after people's children too. Can't be right!

Edited by AlisonP
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It really depends on your tutor. the only assignment I failed during my whole Foundation Degree was the one due in a year after my Dad died. I was so emotional - and busy supporting my Mum that I sent the wrong RLO recording form in with my essay. She failed me on it and wouldn't listen even though I was crying on the phone. cow

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Oh Cait, that is so unfair!


The course tutor has asked me to email the module tutor who marked it asking her to remark it. I have done that this evening and await a reply. She would be within her rights to say no but she has been a very caring and considerate tutor so far so I might be in luck.


I'll keep you posted.


Thanks for everyone's good wishes.


Remind me again - why am I doing this?

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Sorry to hear about your trials and tribulations, Alison. Its easy to see how mistakes like this happen - you get so bogged down that sometimes you can't see the wood for the trees. I hope you can get it sorted but in the meantime try not to be too hard on yourself. You've been under enormous pressure and sometimes something has to give!


Chin up!



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It really depends on your tutor. the only assignment I failed during my whole Foundation Degree was the one due in a year after my Dad died. I was so emotional - and busy supporting my Mum that I sent the wrong RLO recording form in with my essay. She failed me on it and wouldn't listen even though I was crying on the phone. cow


That's just horrific Cait - did you contact your regional centre?? I would have definitately taken it further.


I had a TMA marked down a grade by a tutor and I was adamant she was wrong in her reasoning, she wouldn't agree so I got in touch with regional centre, they got in touch with the staff tutor and my tutor had to remark my TMA and put it back up to the grade she had said (in the feedback) I would have got if ..


In the great scheme of things it didn't actually matter, it wasn't a graded course but it was the principle!



Fingers crossed for you Alison that something can be sorted

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Poor you Alison. Don't be so hard on yourself, everyone makes mistakes. Good luck with getting it remarked!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I just thought I'd let you know how I got on.


I eventually managed to contact the tutor who agreed to remark the essays when she had time.


I had an email yesterday saying that she has remarked them and left them in college for me to collect next week and it is in time for the new marks to be official as they have not gone for moderation yet.


I just have to hope that the new marks are better now!


Thank you everybody for all of your good wishes.



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I have just been sitting looking through two of last term's foundation degree assignments which were handed back yesterday after marking.


These assignments were 2000 words each on supporting children's self esteem. I was a bit disappointed with my grades and couldn't understand the feedback about what I had failed to include.


Then it all became clear! I had messed up the printing.

I have replaced pages 3 to 7 of essay two with pages 3 to 6 of essay one! The tutor has marked the same 3 pages twice without realising it. No wonder she though it was inconsistent!


I cannot believe that I have ruined a whole term's work by making such a stupid mistake.


My only glimmer of hope is that, because I had to hand the assignments in to a receptionist instead of the tutor, I emailed the correct versions to the tutor before the hand-in date. Is it worth me asking her to re-mark it?


I am feeling really low now. I spent so many hours doing the "%$*%& thing and now half of it is wasted.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just wanted to say thank you for all of your good wishes and let you know that I got my re-marked assignment back this week. I got a better mark (minus changed to plus) and the new grade will be the one on my record so good news all round.


I have learned from this and will make sure I am child-free when I print the next lot out!


Cheers guys

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