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E215, E230, E243


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Ok I decided I am far too impatient and want to get my Foundation Degree as soon as possible. I'm starting E215 in October and the other two in Feb, so they will overlap from feb-May, but will be completely finished by October 2010.


I know I am am mad, but I do have the support of family, staff, committee who know that between Feb and May I will hardly be in work, but at home studying!


What I need to know is - what can I be doing to prepare for E215 (I will continue to collect evidence between now and then). What are RLO's? I have bought books to read over teh summer on sustained shared thinking, schemas and mosiac approach to try and help with future TMA's!! What else can I do - I don't wnat to be twiddling my thumbs all summer knowing how much work there will be come October !


Thank you!!

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I know I am am mad,

Don't they say madness is the other side of genius? :o My admiration for you knows no bounds. I don't do OU, as you know but we'll all be here to support you in those rare moments of spare time you'll have to log on here! xD



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I really, really don't want to be a partypooper here but have you really thought it through? I totally understand you wish to complete the degree as soon as possible but doing all three courses together is a HUGE committment (I have done them all).

In case you haven't seen it, this is the OU advice on the E215 course description page:


It is recommended that you have also completed the additional 60 points of Level 2 study in the foundation degree, from either ED209, U212, K204, or E230 and E243. If you have not already completed 60 points from these courses then you will be required to study the course(s) at the same time as E215, which will be a significant commitment to studying.


You are moving from level 1 to level 2 study and taking on 120 points worth of study :o which really is full time study.


Having said all that you will be underway with E215 before you start the other two. Perhaps you could try to get a little ahead with E215 in preparation for the arrival of E230/243 - these two courses are just superb but very very different in style from each other and E123/124/115.


With regard to what you can do in preparation for E215 you will be carrying out small scale research in your setting using the Mosaic approach - if you are not familiar with this approach perhaps you could read up on it - the OU course description site recommends one of Alison Clarke's books but I can't remember which one!

(Oops just re-read your message and seen you have got a book for this!)


The RLO's are Route Learning Outcomes, you choose which route you want to focus on and then have forms (similar format to EYCLO's) so it is dear old evidence again. In addition there is a compulsory part of the course involving online activities in your tutor group forum - in addition there is also compulsory RLO activities, you will find that your tutor forum has sub forums (one for each 'route').


I am really sorry I don't want to be negative and you can tell me to clear off! but I am sitting here open mouthed at what you are about to undertake. The other thing is that all these courses are graded and if you intend to carry on to BA(Hons) they will play a huge part in your degree classification.


If you want to know any nitty gritty details of any of the courses just shout and I really do wish you the very very best of luck with your studies xD

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Thank you Geraldine - and you're not being a party pooper! believe me I have thought long and hard about doing this and understand that it is full time study between Feb and May and I do expect to have a full blown nervous breakdown during it. I can get lots of time off during this time - I have a great deputy - and lots of the other staff are well on their way to being level 2's and 3's so that will help. And of course I will be in here non-stop asking for help! I will read up on mosiac approach as I know that comes up. Can you please tell me a bit more about RLO's - can I start thinking about the route beforehand, or are you told what route you have to do? i don't totally understand them.


Many thanks for your input so far - really appreciated.

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Can you please tell me a bit more about RLO's - can I start thinking about the route beforehand, or are you told what route you have to do? i don't totally understand them.


Many thanks for your input so far - really appreciated.


Phew! so glad you took my post with the sentiment that was intended :oxD


The RLO's are forms very similar to the EYCLO's and irrespective of which 'route' you choose there are 3 RLO's to complete.

There are three routes: Route A Working with children from birth to three years; Route B Working with children in the Foundation Stage (aged three to five); and Route C Teaching Assistants working in schools with children five to seven years (EYFS and KS1).


In light of the EYFS coming in last September I thought the OU may have changed these but apparently not. The above paragraph is copied and pasted from the OU course description.


I have routed out (oops no pun intended!) my RLO's - I did Route B. THe forms are called RLO B1,B2,B3 (or with whichever letter of the route you choose)


All three forms have the same three sections and each section has the A,B,C just like the EYCLO's so it's 3 pieces of evidence per section. The three sections are basically, plan, implement and monitor/assess.


RLO B1 is Support Foundation Stage children in communication, language, literacy and creative development.


Section 1

Plan the foundation stage curriculum for communication language literacy and creative development


Section 2

Implement a planned curriculum that will enhance each child's opportunity to achieve the early learning goals for communication, language, literacy and creativity,


Section 3

Monitor, assess and record children's progress in communication, language, literacy and creative development.


RLO B2 is the same format but covering Mathematical development and knowledge and understanding of the world


RLO B3 Same again but covering personal, social, emotional and physical development


Then it really is the same as EYCLO's list evidence descriptions on the front, date and cross reference (cross ref each RLO to other RLOs and/or to EYCLOs if appropriate) then it's the big box for explanation, sign/date you and confirmer.



I can't tell you anything about the other two routes or what information is required on their forms because I didn't even look at them - which route to choose was very straightforward for me as I work in a preschool, have nothing to do with babies and nothing to do with children over 5!!


I obviously can't access the current E215 conferences as I am not studying the course but I haven't heard anything to suggest that any changes have been made to the forms. Actually, thinking about it even if there are changes they won't be huge ones but I would have thought they would have taken out reference to 'curriculum guidance for the foundation stage' and be more reflect EYFS more.

Hope this helps and if you want to know any more just shout. One of the best things I have ever done was the small scale research in my setting it was just brilliant! You are actually looking at your practice through the eyes of child. Over the course you will carry out research using different 'mosaic tools' and evaluate your findings. At the end you kind of 'put it all together' to create the 'big picture' and have to give a presentation to colleagues and then get their feedback. Worth spending time on this as you send in an evaluation of feedback on your presentation - just can't remember now whether it is for a TMA or the ECA. I was apprehensive about doing a presentation especially as I had some people I didn't actually know that well but it was fine and I loved it - hope you enjoy it all as much as I did. I think there is more to get your teeeth into in E215 in comparison to E115

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That's fantastic, thank you. Looks like I will be route B too as I am manager of the pre-school. Scared a bit about the presentation - is it just the staff you do it to - in which case I'll be ok as I chair staff meetings all the time! In fact if I had to include parents I would invite the committee along, as I am fairly comfortable with them too!! (cna you tell, that's the bit I am going to most worry about!!).


Thanks again - I will shout if I think of anything else. xx

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That's fantastic, thank you. Looks like I will be route B too as I am manager of the pre-school. Scared a bit about the presentation - is it just the staff you do it to - in which case I'll be ok as I chair staff meetings all the time! In fact if I had to include parents I would invite the committee along, as I am fairly comfortable with them too!! (cna you tell, that's the bit I am going to most worry about!!).


Thanks again - I will shout if I think of anything else. xx


I didn't include parents in my presentation but can't remeber why or even if it was an option. However, I was keen to get objective feedback and therefore had a reception class teacher that I had never met (a friend of a colleague) I had my colleagues and my boss and can't remember who else! Some people did flashy powerpoint stuff but I didn't. I printed an agenda for the presentation and they all had one and I had lots of photographic evidence. I remember giving a kind of introduction saying what I had been trying to achieve and why, I explained the mosaic approach so that they all had some initial understanding of what it was all about. I remember explaining briefly about Bronfenbrenner and his ecological theory and explaining what the different layers of the environment were. Did you meet him in E115 I can't remember! I gave them 'any questions' at the end and also a questionnaire to complete with lots of spaces for 'any other comments'. I remember I actually cried when I got the feedback because it was objective but also very positive. The only criticism was that instead of having fairly small photographs that they passed round it would have been better to have big ones they could have all seen at the same time - that was very fair criticism and I wished I had thought of it beforehand! I chose to do the whole thing quite informally which suited me whereas others chose a more formal approach but it's really down to you what you do and how you do it and who you invite. I wouldn't worry about it just go with the flow and of course by the time you get to it you will be bursting with all you new found research data and itching to share the excitement of your findings :o

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Go for it! But make sure that you know what these courses are about. I started Oct 2008 and was so full of enthusiasm. I wanted to finish very quickly as well. So l pursuaded the ou to let me do E123,E124 and E230. I did very well in all three, having grades very good grades. l beleive that these courses really interest me. So, l decided to do the E115 and E243 this year. Started off with the E115. Find it a bit difficult in the beginning but really enjoyed it as the time went by and this was reflected in my grades. Unfortunately, l had no motivation at all to do the E243 and so decided to drop it and got myself registered to do the Level 4 Management with a training provider. This l am really enjoying as l am using evidences from my E115. I am now examining the posibility of doing maybe E215 and U212 next but at the moment havent got the motivation to complete my ECA which l was hoping to post on Monday. But there is tomorrow yet.

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Good luck i did this also as i wanted to complete my f/d and do my eyps long route as quickly as possible. As you will now it is hard work but it is manageable and i did not unduly suffer doing this option and just to put it in context i work full time managing between two settings. Good luck and if you need anything or can be of any help feel free to message me.

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It's great to hear from those who have been as mad as me to do this! Belle, reading your makes me think I can do it - as I too am a magager - did you find you took loads of time off work to do it? I can't study in the evening as kids are around needing help with homework etc, so will ahve to take time away and rely on staff to hold the fort for a while.


I'm so glad I posted this message - thank you all for your replies - I know just where to come when the going gets tough! lol

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