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Posted (edited)

Dear all,


Do the ELG relate to children aged 60+ or are they for children between 40 and 60 months old?


I ask this because you see that 40 - 60+ have the Development Matters descriptions in light black and the ELG correspond to bold black. Before these two were divided in green stepping stones and grey goals.


Can someone help me understand?


Best regards,


Edited by SmileyPR

I don't know the definitive answer but I would guess that as the ELG's always used to be the expected level by the time children are 5 years old I would assume that although they fall within the 40-60+months parts the majority of children would achieve them when they are 60+ months. Of course some will achieve them before that also. Don't know whether that's helpful or not. :o

Posted (edited)

I thought the ELGs are what the children are expected to achieve by the end of reception so therefore most of the children will be more than 60 months at this stage.



Edited by Guest

Yes, the heavy black are the actual Goals to be achieved by the end of the Foundation Stage/end of Reception year. As Suzie says, many children will be 60+ months by then, but still fall within the Foundation Stage as they are in Reception


They are indicative of the end of key stage expectations for the EYFS as a whole. A child may attain them before they complete reception but they would probably be working above national expectations if they were attained before F2. They form the basis of the EYFSP scale points in the 4 - 8 range for each scale.




Uff... then I am working well and my children are responding well :o .


I always thought it was like this, but somehow now I suddenly got all confused since I know that there are 5 year old children, there in the UK, who start Grade 1 in September (summer children who were 4 still in June). Our school year is from Sept - June.


We have one intake in our school, unless the child comes from another country or school. So our school takes children who are or will become 5 before the 1st of January. I did have 2 girls who became 5 in the first weeks of January and, because of special circumstances, they were allowed to come to my classroom (this arrangement was done when they were in the previous group here in our school). Right now they are all 5 and some will become 6 at the end of the 3rd term.


Thanks for your kind replies xD

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