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I am finding myself straightjacketed by the planning formats that I am expected to use in yr1.


Has anyone got anything they can share please that is quick and easy to use and allows for a creative curriculum approach?


We have one planning sheet for maths and then one for everything else so that if the English interlinks with other areas it's easy to see. Don't know if it helps for a creative curriculum but I know when I was in year 2 I preferred using it to the old literacy planning sheet we used to have. I can try and find a copy to upload at some point but with my current computer crisis I have none available at the moment.


Sue, I'm sosososososo sorry I haven't got back to you about this before!

Mine was similar to SP6's, but we also had a continuous/enhanced provision section, similar to EYFS to relate different workshop areas to our topica and also to maths and literacy LOs. Our afternoons were 'independent learning' sessions, where adult worked with a focus group on cross curricular, skills based work linked to the topic and where children had independent access to the different workshop areas, which were similar to those in reception. The choice was a more guided choice, though - the children were split into groups and the different areas of provision were split up for them to choose from on a rotational, almost carousel :o basis. They sometimes had specific jobs to do in the different areas, sometimes had specific skills to focus on, and a key learning objective was displayed in each area. So each group had 4 different jobs, say, to choose from each day and these would broadly balance the different curriculum areas / learning objectives we were especially focussing on that week. They didn't have to do all of their 4 jobs, they could spend whole afternoon in writing corner or doing maths in the water if they wanted. When we first introduced this, we needed to use our TA to monitor how the children were working, but it soon became something easy to maintain independently.

That's the very broad overview of it, if you have any other things you want to ask, I'll do my best to remember! And I'll see if I can find any planning but it was 2/3 years ago now and I had a different laptop and might find it tricky to find the CD with it all on amongst all the other stuff!


I'd really like to work in that emmajess, but we have ridiculously small classrooms and its difficult to set up but something more concrete with the year 1 curriculum would be great to look at if you can find it.

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